Having Problems, HELP!!!

I've been dieting for about 50 days now and ive lost 14 lbs so far, but ive not changed anything else, and im already hitting my plateau, how can i get over this?!?! I really need to loose more weight, help!!


  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    How long has this "plateau" been happening? A couple weeks without loss is not much to be concerned about.

    Please provide more information about what you're doing if you want input. Open your diary and tell us about your exercise.
  • kwaddell1987
    kwaddell1987 Posts: 70 Member
    Its been almost two weeks without any more loss, i maintain my calorie intake and decrease the amount each week by only 20, i eat healthier foods, i do work nightshifts but its at a hospital, so im all the time moving, and as far as exercising goes, i workout doing cardio workouts at the least 30 mins 3 days a week, sometimes more depending on whats going on
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Why are you decreasing your calorie goal? What was it originally and how did you get that number? Check your settings for your activity level and weight goal. As a nurse, your activity level should be set pretty high, giving you a high calorie goal.

    Additionally, you do not have much to lose, so it will come off slower, which is just fine. It's much healthier to lose slowly, there's less of a chance you are losing muscle instead of fat.

    It's hard to say without knowing details.
  • kwaddell1987
    kwaddell1987 Posts: 70 Member
    very true, i was told by decreasing my intake that it would help, i started out at 1508 and each week it goes down a little, like right now my intake is 1438, i try to keep in within the range. And i sometimes end up eating back some of what i work off during exercises. If it isn't something i should be cosernced with or nothing i should change then thats fine ill keep doing what im doing now
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member

    Well, that just quacks me up!
  • savlov30
    savlov30 Posts: 233 Member
    80% of losing weight has to do with nutrition. I would open your diary up but I would not continue to decrease your calorie intake. 1200 is the lowest you should go and if you are working out you will want to eat more. I was at a plateau for about three weeks. I worked out several times a day and I have been chaning my diet this week and I have been losing. I have started to eat more and healthier. I read that if you want to loose a lb a week that you have to have a extra 500 calories a day. That does not mean eat only 700. Hope this helps.
  • kwaddell1987
    kwaddell1987 Posts: 70 Member
    ill take that into consideration, thanks!!! :smile:
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Just keep going. Two weeks isn't a plateau, weight doesn't come off in a perfectly straight progression.
    Keep at it!
  • kwaddell1987
    kwaddell1987 Posts: 70 Member
    Just keep going. Two weeks isn't a plateau, weight doesn't come off in a perfectly straight progression.
    Keep at it!

    thanks, im going too!!!! :happy:
  • ShellyShuey
    ShellyShuey Posts: 162
    Don't go under your calories, including exercise calories, and try some weight training. They say cardio plateaus after awhile? Hang in there.
  • kwaddell1987
    kwaddell1987 Posts: 70 Member
    Haven't thought about weight training, will add that in, thanks!
  • Congrats on 14 pounds! That's such an accomplishment! Perhaps in addition to having a healthy eating lifestyle you should work out and strength train. Both are very important and good for you. Even with working out you can hit a wall. To prevent this you need to change things up. Your body gets used to the routine after two weeks and no longer responds to it so you have to keep it fresh and try new things. Maybe a Zumba, kick boxing, or boot camp class would interest you!
  • kwaddell1987
    kwaddell1987 Posts: 70 Member
    Congrats on 14 pounds! That's such an accomplishment! Perhaps in addition to having a healthy eating lifestyle you should work out and strength train. Both are very important and good for you. Even with working out you can hit a wall. To prevent this you need to change things up. Your body gets used to the routine after two weeks and no longer responds to it so you have to keep it fresh and try new things. Maybe a Zumba, kick boxing, or boot camp class would interest you!

    thank you!! Thats the most ive ever lost on my own :) I try doing different exercises but i will try to incorperate these other things, ur right i should mix it up, they say muscle confusion is key lol, thanks!!!!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Decreasing your calories isn't always the way to lose weight. If you are very active (and it sounds like you are with your job), it is possible you actually need to increase them in order to start losing weight again. I started off around 1700 calories and I lost a little weight at first (probably about 10lbs or so). Then I stopped completely. I was so frustrated. I couldn't figure out what was wrong. I stumbled onto an article that talked about how important your BMR and activity level are to weight loss. Started reading more articles and realized I likely wasn't eating enough. I upped my calories to 1800 - nothing. Went to 1900 and lost like .5lbs. Went to 2000 and in a little over a month, I dropped 17lbs. I realized that I NEED more calories in order for my body to feel comfortable losing weight. You can't starve your body and expect it to be comfortable losing weight. Heck, it is worried you're going to stop feeding it and is slowing your metabolism down and holding onto everything it is getting.

    My advice? Find out your BMR (basal metabolic rate - this is the bare minimum amount of calories your body will use in a day. You would need this many if you were bedridden in a coma). Then find out your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) this is what you're burning with your daily activities. You'll want to make sure you deduct your deficit off the TDEE number and NOT off your BMR.

    I have a sneaky feeling once you find out these numbers (which are guesses, of course.. but a good place to start) you'll be shocked to see how much you really need to eat in a day. Decreasing calories can cause too large of a deficit. Too large of a deficit = weight loss stalls or stops.
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    Why aren't you eating lunch? You can't just skip meals. It makes your blood sugar drop and will slow down your weight loss. Also, I saw several days where your calorie intake was way too low, especially on those days where you are burning over 1,000 calories in exercise. Eat more protein and less carbs too. That will help. I am seeing no lunch and lots of snacks.
  • TrueBlueBruin78
    TrueBlueBruin78 Posts: 311 Member
    First of all congrats on the 14 pound loss, great accomplishment. Secondly, you didnt become over weight over night, neither will weight loss. Be patient, but most of all be consistent. Consistency is the key factor in changing your life into a healthier one. Good luck.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I just looked at your diary... I suspect you aren't eating nearly enough. There are days when you have 300, 400 and up to 700 calories leftover! The goal is to get the bottom number as close to zero as possible (and I truly believe you'd probably benefit from upping your calories and eating most, if not all,of your exercise calories back).
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    Haven't thought about weight training, will add that in, thanks!

    strength training is important:bigsmile:

    oh and eat youwill need it to build your beautiful muscle

    try to get 30% protein in your diet:glasses:
  • kwaddell1987
    kwaddell1987 Posts: 70 Member
    Why aren't you eating lunch? You can't just skip meals. It makes your blood sugar drop and will slow down your weight loss. Also, I saw several days where your calorie intake was way too low, especially on those days where you are burning over 1,000 calories in exercise. Eat more protein and less carbs too. That will help. I am seeing no lunch and lots of snacks.

    the days when i dont eat lunches or breakfast is because where i work midnights, i will go home and sleep until anywhere from 2pm til 4 pm, and as far as snacking i do snack a lot yes but thats because im not that hungry, i can't hardly ever eat an actual meal thru out the daytime, even on my days off