crying out of frustration please HELP



  • Dulxecita
    Dulxecita Posts: 35
    I guess I refused to move on. I've always seen the same doctor and the reason why I chose him was because he used to listen way more. And really help me maybe he's gotten busier. Its a good idea ill go to a female this time.
  • How do they check insulin resistance. I don't want to be too open. But I'm getting facial hair as well and acne which I never had.

    They check insulin resistance with a fasting blood test. You may also want to be tested for PCOS and endometriosis. If your doctor isn't willing to help seek a second opinion.

    The best way to take in iron is actually be drinking nettle tea with a squeeze of lemon also through green smoothies full of spinach and kale. iron supplements are pretty much a waste of time. I have been anemic for many years and I am finally starting to feel better! Hope this helps :)
  • 2 things to keep in mind: First: Rome wasn't built in a day. Two: You didn't get this way over-night; therefor, you're not going to change everything overnight & be sucessful in keeping it off safely. Also, your doctor's a man, so really, what does HE know @ these things?! (With female problems.) Don't be so hard on yourself...tomorrow's another day. You can add me if you wish.
  • So sorry for your troubles, but I can relate. Go to a ob/gyn and demand that they test you for insulin resistance and/or Polycyctic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Once it is diagnosed, a nutritionist and the doctor can make better decisions and there are even medications that can help the insulin resistance.

    Best of wishes to you and I hope they get it figured out for you before the wedding!
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    Doctors are often proof that even very smart people can be stupid sometimes. I had a stomach condition that completely destroyed my life for four years (vomiting upwards of 15 times a day, at the end was going to the bathroom at the same rate, constant debilitating abdominal pain, dehydration that put me in the ER over and over again). I very nearly failed out of law school. My doctors told me over and over that I was basically fine. It's a stomach bug, you're eating the wrong foods, lose some weight. No one listened so I gave up. Finally, when it got to the point that I was essentially non-functional, my boyfriend begged me to try one more doctor, just one more time. So I went, expecting nothing, and guess what? This one LISTENED. She sent me to a gastroenterologist in her practice, and he said, "That's the problem with being young; no one believes anything could really be wrong with you. I will find out what it is, and I will help you however I can."

    I almost gave up after the first round of tests came up negative, including a colonoscopy. But he said he wanted to try an upper endoscopy just in case. And he found it. Apparently a medication had relaxed the sphincter below my stomach and acid had eroded my intestines almost completely through. And he could fix it: one pill a day for 3 months. I'm cured.

    My point is this: if one doctor isn't being helpful, see someone else. See as many as it takes until someone listens. I'm not saying a doctor has to fix your problem to be worth your time, but they should investigate and see where the problem is coming from. They're too expensive for you not to be getting anything out of it.

    A few tips: write down a timeline of your symptoms and take a copy to put in your chart. It seems important (to me anyway) that you had this sudden episode of anemia followed by such a rapid weight gain which doesn't seem to be coming off. Write down everything you can think of to the best of your ability. I find doctors don't always listen to what I say, but they always read what's on the paper. Be totally honest about everything and ask any question you think of (even if you think it's stupid).
  • Dulxecita
    Dulxecita Posts: 35
    Thanks every one for your advice. I really had no problem with him before. Ill just tell him one more time that I am really worried about these issues and take him my notebook were I write symptoms and what I eat and workout. And like some one said demand to investigate further than obvious things not all people are the same and they are thaught that the body communicates with symptoms and so there has to be something going on. I can see that he can attribute weight gain to over eating or lack of exercisebut that does not explain facial hair. Or menstrual cycles. If he won't do anything ill move on to someone else like they say. Its really expensive to have a time with them at least here its $100 the lowest.
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