Permission to be nosy!

So I've been on this website for 2 weeks now and this may be early, but I thought it might be long enough for y'all to get an idea of what my diet looks like and let me know if there's anything I'm missing, not considering, could be doing better on.. ect...

I try to eat SUPER healthy. Whole grain, whole wheat and fruit being the only places I take in carbs, so "good" carbs. Next to no processed food. Lean meats, salmon, salads ect...

My fat is higher because of things like nuts, avocado and olive oil so I'm not to stressed about that.

So, like I said I FEEL like I'm eating really well but I welcome any critique or insight anyone out there has.... brave of me, I know... ;-)

Thanks y'all


  • geralds2
    geralds2 Posts: 1
    Too much fat means more working out though I think. Not arguing it, I prefer mine through olives and cheese myself. but I think it has more calories per unit etc so you may have to fight it more. The carbs seem light to me, and I do the very complex stuff myself with the exception being that I will eat any kind of fruit or veggie in unlimited amounts because my favored form of diet and weight control is high fiber high protein. That way you feel full a lot and the veggies and fruits keep your sugars up.

    Also I have the damn cookie before you eat 500 calories of food you didn't even want to avoid 100 calories from a cookie that will be delicious....just only eat one!
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    your diary is only viewable by friends only...can't help.
  • cannonsky
    cannonsky Posts: 850 Member
    What do you have you goals set at that your calorie goal is at 1200 after 400 calories of exercise?
  • gaelyngaelyn
    gaelyngaelyn Posts: 86 Member
    I checked my settings to make sure my diary is public.. says it is :)
  • Faeriegirl74
    Faeriegirl74 Posts: 187 Member
    What do you have you goals set at that your calorie goal is at 1200 after 400 calories of exercise?

    It appears to be set at 800...I just checked. Which is way too low.
  • richx83
    richx83 Posts: 334 Member
    Who said whole grain and whole wheat are good carbs though :laugh:
    I try to eat SUPER healthy. Whole grain, whole wheat and fruit being the only places I take in carbs, so "good" carbs. Next to no processed food. Lean meats, salmon, salads ect...
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    I went back several days.....Friday, March 9th was perfect. Mostly, you're not getting enough protein. I don't know anything about you
    (weight, height, etc), but if you want to retain your lean body mass while at a deficit like you have, you need to ramp up the protein. At least 1g per pound of lean body mass.
  • LovesGG
    LovesGG Posts: 241 Member
    Yeah I also think 800 is too low. Mind if I ask how tall you are and what your activity lifestyle is like?
  • padraigin67
    padraigin67 Posts: 78 Member
    The only thing I see is maybe more water intake or log water intake as you were at zero. I know a lot will holler about your calories. Not knowing the reason your at that calorie goal, I really cannot comment about that. I have a 1000 cals because of health issues so I know sometimes your cals may have to be lower than others. :wink:
  • gaelyngaelyn
    gaelyngaelyn Posts: 86 Member
    I have my goals set to lose 2 lbs a week, giving me a caloric intake of 800. But i eat back the 400 or so cals I burn working out so I end up being able to EAT 1200 while still netting my goal of 800.
    It doesn't work out perfect everyday, sometimes I burn less so I try to eat less, meaning I don't get a full 1200... and somedays I double up on workouts so I earn a LOT more than usual (happens mostly when it's nice outside and I go on a long fast walk after work) but I am, for the most part pretty dead on as for where it ends up on average. And I will say the calculations of this website have been correct for my goals... I'm losing right at 2 a week. :smile:
  • girl_afraid82
    girl_afraid82 Posts: 178 Member
    Can you tell us a bit more? Eg: your height, goals etc.
    For most people (unless there is a genuine reason as to why) 800 calories is far, far too low. There's a reason why this site defaults to 1200 minimum, it's unhealthy to eat less than that for any extended period of time, especially when you are exercising. You need to fuel your body!
  • girl_afraid82
    girl_afraid82 Posts: 178 Member
    I have my goals set to lose 2 lbs a week, giving me a caloric intake of 800. But i eat back the 400 or so cals I burn working out so I end up being able to EAT 1200 while still netting my goal of 800.
    It doesn't work out perfect everyday, sometimes I burn less so I try to eat less, meaning I don't get a full 1200... and somedays I double up on workouts so I earn a LOT more than usual (happens mostly when it's nice outside and I go on a long fast walk after work) but I am, for the most part pretty dead on as for where it ends up on average. And I will say the calculations of this website have been correct for my goals... I'm losing right at 2 a week. :smile:

    I don't understand how MFP is giving you a goal of 800... you must be overriding the settings and customising them. It never recommends a net calorie intake of lower than 1200.
  • AlaskaLily
    I have the metabolism of...a nonexistent metabolism and I am focusing on being STRONG not itty bitty. So here are some suggestions from my 5'2'', 190, big boned, very active self...

    1) If you reallllly want to get lean and mean, look up the Paleo lifestyle. As the comment above says..."how do you know whole wheat/grains is a good source of carb?" I have been following this lifestyle for 3 weeks now and I feel incredible. There are no carbs from bread, pasta, whole grain...nothing! All carbs come from berries and veggies. A higher fat intake of avocado, olive oil, lean means, AND bacon = fuller longer, leaner, stronger! I kid you not...get that "fats are bad" out of your system and start eatin!

    2) 800...1200 cals might really not be enough. For some reallllllllly tiny people, perhaps, but I found that eating more like 1400 keeps my metabolism up (and I'm not stressed about...ooooh god I went over 1200 cals). Play with it and don't use this site as the end-all-be-all. Nutritionists are really helpful!
  • gaelyngaelyn
    gaelyngaelyn Posts: 86 Member
    Also, if it ever says no water it's just because I forgot to click the little thing... I get at least 84oz of water every day, usually in the form of green tea... I fill up a giant coffee pot thermos first thing in the morning with hot water and drink all day long...always finins out the pot, somedays I even refill it.

    I am 5''7 and at 149lbs... and yes I know 800 cals is low. But it (at least for now) IS working for me. I alternate cardio days with strength training as I don't just want to be skinny, I am toning as well.
    I liked someones suggestion of upping protein, I thought that myself... it also seems I fall under on my calcium intake a lot... maybe I'll get some of those calcium chews?? :)

    Thanks everyone.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I am 4'11" 120 pounds femal and I eat between 1500-1900 calories a day. You are eating way too low and will burn out. Unless you have more then 75 pounds to lose, 2 pounds a week is way too high. If you try to lose weight too fast, you will lose muscle mass and it is a bad idea. Please eat at least 1200 net.
  • gaelyngaelyn
    gaelyngaelyn Posts: 86 Member
    I definitely think carbs from fruits and veggies are optimal as far as carbs go. My comment about whole grain whole wheat was mainly calling them "good" in comparison to bleached white starches (white bread ect) that have less nutritional value and fiber. A whole grain whole wheat piece of toast with a tbsp of natural peanut butter and banana is a go to for me in the mornings when I want some carbs. So good. :)

    Oh! And as far as lifestyle- I am stuck at a desk ALLLLL DAYYYYY. 8 hours of my day. UG. I also have a 9 yr old little boy who keeps me busy when I get home. I would like to workout more but I'm doing well at sticking to at least a half hour daily for now. If I up that at some point, I'll also up what I eat. For now just sticking with it, as it is, is goal enough though. I know a lot of you are going to comment on the low calories but I'm ONLY getting in 30 mins of exercise right now... and I don't at all feel deprived.. I try very hard to use those calories WISELY to make sure I'm getting the nutrients I need. THAT is the main reason I asked for any advice, to see if I was missing anything as far as nutrients go.
  • harrietflorence
    harrietflorence Posts: 20 Member
    no one in their right mind should be eating under 1000 calories a day. & anyone that tries to justify eating 800 calories is not losing weight healthily. Diets like cambridge, slim fast etc they are all money making businesses that make you pay to lose weight.
    Has anyone just realised that EATING THE RIGHT FOOD & BURNING OFF FAT IN EXERCISE is the healthy and right way to do things.
    It won't happen overnight & It will be annoying if you compare weight loss to diet loss.
    800 calories when exercising is not okay and never will be okay. As promoting low intake of calories and "burning yourself out" is actually near enough starvation and your body will just grab what it can from your stored cells.
    Think about it.
    it isn't good and isn't clever to eat just 800 calories a day , no matter if you feel its working or not.
    Good luck, and please everyone, lose weight safely !
  • jjblogs
    jjblogs Posts: 327 Member
    Options much are you planning to lose? 5'7" at 149....not much to lose, imo. I'd also say you're way under eating. Up the protein and good luck with that low number of calories every day. But, you won't be able to keep up with that for long. You're not even hitting your bmr each day.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Too much fat means more working out though I think.

    Nope. Fat doesn't make you fat, an excess intake of calories will make you fat. I have lost 30 pounds and have maintained the loss by regularly going over my allotted fat intake (but not calories). I make sure they are healthy fats, from sources like almonds, olive oil, etc.
  • tubbstattsyrup
    tubbstattsyrup Posts: 89 Member
    no one in their right mind should be eating under 1000 calories a day. & anyone that tries to justify eating 800 calories is not losing weight healthily. Diets like cambridge, slim fast etc they are all money making businesses that make you pay to lose weight.
    Has anyone just realised that EATING THE RIGHT FOOD & BURNING OFF FAT IN EXERCISE is the healthy and right way to do things.
    It won't happen overnight & It will be annoying if you compare weight loss to diet loss.
    800 calories when exercising is not okay and never will be okay. As promoting low intake of calories and "burning yourself out" is actually near enough starvation and your body will just grab what it can from your stored cells.
    Think about it.
    it isn't good and isn't clever to eat just 800 calories a day , no matter if you feel its working or not.
    Good luck, and please everyone, lose weight safely !


    Who has set your goals to 800 cals?.