Multivitamins / Supplements - suggestions please..

Multivitamins / Supplements - suggestions please..
Am exercising 6 days a week and feel good
wanted some feedback from my friends if you are using any supplements, multivitamins.. i tried the protein powder in my smoothies but had the unfortunate side of being constipated big time :( (dont want to go there due to historical reasons)

I am currently at 253, down from 289 about 5 months and am eating on an average around 2000 calories

suggestions are much appreciated


  • SalishSea
    SalishSea Posts: 373 Member
    Please, please, please read up on Vitamin D. It is the best supplement I have ever taken. It has dramatically changed my life

    Talk to your doctor, get your level checked, if it is low the doctor SHOULD recommend taking 50,000IU per week. That is not a typo. The recommend level is 50. But many wise doctors and and nutritionist will tell yup a better level is 50-100. Many doctors are not yet aware of the need for higher dosing of Vitamin D but the really smart ones are. Vitamin D levels are also increased by sun exposure for 20 minutes a day. But many of us don't live in sunny climates year round.

    Do not let anybody tell you a level below 50 is ok. They are wrong. My level was 31 and I was lethargic, malaise, groggy, dumb, slow, no energy. Just generally awful I increased my levels and feel fabulous.

    Take Vit D with full fat milk, or some fat source since it is absorbed in fat. Take the pills that are oil.Not the tablet type.

    Give Vitamin D a try. I would be surprised if it did not help you.
  • You can not go wrong taking a multivitamin/multimineral supplement. I get the equate version at wal-mart which contains all of your iron, vitamin c, most of your vitamin a and calcium along with many other essential nutrients such as Vitamin D. It just gives you nutrients that may be lacking in your diet for overall health.
    I also drink the protein shakes, but that is a personal preference for trying to lower carb intake. Protein supplements do have a side effect of constipation. It should help if you eat plenty of fiber and fluids.
  • gerard54
    gerard54 Posts: 1,107 Member
    stay away from alot of the pre workout supplements, horrible side effects...
  • fdavisdarthard
    fdavisdarthard Posts: 13 Member
    Be careful when taking supplements. You should probably seek your doctor's advice before taking any supplements to make sure you do not have any adverse side effects or any type of allergic reaction. Some supplements make you jittery and some will give you a rush and then you slow down. As long as you're eating the right foods you don't need vitamins or supplements. Your nutrients will come from the foods you eat.
  • it is highly recommended to not take the following unless you are deficient: V-D, iron, V-b complex. Too much of these can be dangerous to you, your health and organs. If you are not deficient and diagnosed through bloodwork don't take it.

    I have been diagnosed with the following:

    a vitamin d def (on monthly prescription)..
    iron def. (on prescription iron 2x a day)
    also V-b12 (on montly b12 injections)

    This is something I have struggled with since 2007 on and off.

    Taking a multi-vitamin is great, what your body does not need you just urinate out.. Since I've been taking a mult-v daily, on top of what I take above... I feel a whole lot better since doing such. I would recommend taking the centrum daily one a day multi for men. It takes a couple weeks to a month for you to see the difference.

    If you are questioning and have some concerns about energy, etc... it wouldn't hurt to get routine bloodwork done to see where you sit with everything. I do hope this info helped.
  • melo2389
    melo2389 Posts: 2
    Does anyone know of a way that I can import my Vitamin supplements into the Daily Diary ? I take 3 teaspoons of Fish oil along with sone D & B spplements. Thanks John
  • lohitverma
    lohitverma Posts: 161 Member
    Thank you everyone, i guess i will take the safer route and talk to my doc before starting out on any of these
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    doc wont give u much info on actual supplements.. but they will on vitamins...

    take multis with minerals in them...
    get extra B12's

    as for other supplements like protein, creatine etc... its alot of explaining so its better to just google and do some reaserch n if you still have questions then post the question...