Hello All!

mommy1126 Posts: 146 Member
Hello Everyone! My name is Letrecia. I am a 35 year old Mom and Wife. I have an eleven month old son, and an eleven year old son. So, as you can see I spread the kids out a little : ).
I am obviously here like everyone else, to try and lose some weight! I gained part of my weight during my pregnancy, and part after. Honestly speaking, my last pregnancy was rough. I spent 2 months on complete bed rest, and then the first two months after my son was born he was in the NICU, so I spent my days & nights running back and forth to the hospital.
I am honestly just looking for some encouragement. I have never had an issue losing weight in the past, when I wanted to lose the weight it just happened. Not this time though. I am currently wearing a size 14 jeans, and feel horrible about it! I work full time and when I am not working try to spend time with my hubby and boys. Have been tracking my calories, and using the exercise tracker for a while, but still am not seeing results. Any suggestions, ideas or encouragement would be appreciated! Anyone that would like to add me as a friend, I would be glad to accept any requests!!!!! : ) Have a great day!!!!!


  • nettg40
    nettg40 Posts: 49 Member
    Welcome, you will find lots of support here. Feel free to friend me! Good luck on your journey!
  • fitnessgoalie
    fitnessgoalie Posts: 23 Member
    You can do it! Its a great network here...especially my group of friends..check them out!!! :) Have a great day...one step at a time. The little goals have been helping me and seeing the successes of my friends.
    Best wishes!
    DAMNCHARLIE Posts: 569
    We try to keep eachother motivated, and get it all back in return. Feel free to add me and hope I can be positive in some type of way.
  • angbunny22
    angbunny22 Posts: 54 Member
    Feel free to add me! This is the best way to support is gathering friends to support you!
  • kmshlmt
    kmshlmt Posts: 2
    Hi there! I have not gone through what you are yet because I havent really started a fitness goal and committed to it, yet know that muscle does weigh more than fat. You can be losing fat and building and toning your muscles- I have in my calves and shins as well as my abs due to Zumba classes. But I have not lost any either. Thats all I can think of... Good luck and need all the encouragement as well- so please feel free to friend me anytime! :flowerforyou:
  • mommy1126
    mommy1126 Posts: 146 Member
    I think my problem is falling in the commitment to my goal! I still have some "skinny" clothes in my closet, just kind of as a reminder of what I am working towards! However, I am finding my biggest challenge to be making myself take the time away from my husband and kids to actually focus on me! Anyone else have that issue?
  • doonesbury
    doonesbury Posts: 281 Member
    I love new friends! Add me! :)
    ValRAAAAY Posts: 270 Member
    I, too, had a rough, ROUGH last pregnancy. Went in for a routine checkup, discoverd HIGH levels of protein...sent straight to the hospital. Spent 9 days there on COMPLETE bedrest, kidneys failing...and delivered my daughter 8 weeks premature. Spent an additional 6 days after my C-Section (hellooooooo C-Section belly!), and traveled 2 months back and forth to the NICU.

    She's now 5 years old....wonderful, amazing, awesome...and I'm FINALLY below my pre-pregnancy weight, with exception of my curtain o' flab...it's all good.

    Anyways...(I tend to get off track!)

    I go to the gym after work, after dinner's cooked, homework's done, husband looked after...so I don't get there until 9:30 sometimes...but it seems to be working...

    Add me if you want! I love having new friends!
  • Hi I am new around here and stumbling my way around here
    not sure sometimes if my safari wants to cooperate with this or if I am working this right
    but I just do my best.
  • mommy1126
    mommy1126 Posts: 146 Member
    Val, I definitely understand the c-section! This one made my second c-section. Both times my boys were breech and refused to turn around : ). Go figure.