Any great iPhone app helps you motivated?

Hello I just started about three weeks ago, and have lost about 8 lbs so far!
I found that Nike+GPS helps me motivated to walk more during the day, plus I can see how much I burned with it.
I also had hypnosis podcast long time ago that helps you keep you motivated. I am thinking of start using this again.
Do you have any app you suggest along with using MFP?

Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools


  • leahhelene
    leahhelene Posts: 18 Member
    i love these:
    Target Weight by Tactio
    Walkmeter by Abvio (have also used for kyaking)
  • asakarc
    asakarc Posts: 9 Member
    HI leahhelene!
    They both look great! Especially Walkmeter is made just for walking not like running program Nike made! I think I am going to try this one too. Thanks for the great info!
  • leahhelene
    leahhelene Posts: 18 Member
    yes, it is awesome for walking. I am not a runner (knees), and I find that this program really motivates me to get out there and walk. I like being able to look at the calendar view and see how many times a week I've walked, etc. The one thing I have noticed is that the calories burned do not line up with what calculates on MFP exercise program. I use the Walkmeter calories burned and adjust the time in MFP to those calories. Not sure why this is, but I think walkmeter is more accurate since it take into account more criteria (weight, age, sex, distance, pace, etcc) than I think MFP does.

    I also love looking at my route in map form after I walk... that is just so cool.

    Hope you like it.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    my pedometer app. It's called footsteps, but there are a million free pedometers out there.