Is it healthy not to eat before exercise in the morning?

I have really busy weekdays (work 40h. per week plus college) which means that when i get home i'm completly exhausted and the last thought on my mind is getting some exercise done. To exercise i need to get up early and do it in the mornings. The problem is i dont really have time to have breakfast before hand. So i'm it harmfull to do intensive exercise before eating that day first meal?


  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Early in the morning your liver dumps glucose into your system to give you the extra boost of energy you need to start getting up and about. Some people can ride that sugar dump for quite a while and do a workout on it.

    I can't though, I get hypoglycemic if I don't eat at least 20g carbs an hour before a workout. The best thing I can suggest for those early morning ones is to just have a protein/carb bar at the side of your bed and eat it as soon as you alarm goes off. I like the Detour brand but there are plenty of others to choose from (Pure Protien, Cliff, Snickers protein, Zone Perfect etc.)

    If you eat it right away, by the time you're up and scrubbed and at the gym, the glucose will be in your system ready for quick conversion to the energy you need.

    After your workout don't forget to grab another crab snack with some protein mixed in - chocolate milk is good if you're in a hurry, if you have more time go for more natural sources, scrambled eggs on toast or a chicken sandwich for example.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    I workout about an hour every morning before eating breakfast. I do Jillian Michaels workouts, yoga, dance... I have never really had a problem with intense workouts in the morning. I have an hour before I can eat after taking thyroid meds, so I use that time for exercise every day. Just makes it pass faster!
  • July121980
    July121980 Posts: 37 Member
    I am not sure if it is healthy or not but I cannot eat and then work out. I get sick to my stomach. I drink some water, workout and then after about 20 minutes after the work out I eat a protein filled breakfast. I hope this helps you.
  • chipembele
    chipembele Posts: 54 Member
    I've read that its fine as long as you dont go for too long. 30 minutes on an empty stomach is all I do.
  • kgarman
    kgarman Posts: 61 Member
    So here's a really easy breakfast option that you can cook on the weekend. It takes one minute to heat up and eat. Literally.

    Get some sillicone muffin pans and spray with pam. Mix up eggs like you're going to scramble them. Add in meat (bacon, ham, etc). Top with cheese. Bake at 350. I can't remember the time.

    Then store in the fridge. Re-heat and there's your breakfast.
  • smplycomplicated
    smplycomplicated Posts: 484 Member
    I workout before i eat. If i don't workout first thing theres a chance i won't be able to squeeze it in after breakfast. after feeding my daughter then it's feeding the dogs, cats, dragons then it's on to homeschool and i'm on the go until late afternoon.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I've done both. I don't really love having a full belly of food when I workout anyway, so if I do eat, it's small, like half a bagel or a powerbar.
  • sthomse5
    sthomse5 Posts: 22 Member
    Great post! It actually can be healthy and more resourceful if you exercise without eating breakfast first! Instead of your body burning the calories you ate at breakfast, it will be burning the stored calories, which can be much more effective in losing body fat. Just make sure you fuel up after a workout!
  • seateame
    seateame Posts: 2
    I can't workout on a belly full, if I exercise first thing in the morning it's only for 30 mins on an empty tum.

    If i'm running for an hour or more I have to eat at least 1.5 hours before the run, otherwise I risk terrible stitch and the dreaded runners belly..!
    FORIANN Posts: 273 Member
    My understanding is that doing cardio on an empty stomach when you first get up means you have low blood sugar and your body will move to using stored energy (fat) faster and you'll end up burning twice as much. One day a week, as my schedule stands now, I do cardio a couple hours after working out and it's very very very different. I fee like I'm on steroids...much stronger.
  • mickyjd
    mickyjd Posts: 97
    Great post! It actually can be healthy and more resourceful if you exercise without eating breakfast first! Instead of your body burning the calories you ate at breakfast, it will be burning the stored calories, which can be much more effective in losing body fat. Just make sure you fuel up after a workout!

    I agree with this. I was just watching an episode of Australia's biggest loser and they said pretty much exactly this :)
  • CoachMelissaDi
    CoachMelissaDi Posts: 215 Member
    You dont want to do too much because you will start to burn muscle mass instead of fat and therefore lose muscle. You want to gain not lose. here is a good article.
  • WendySue75
    WendySue75 Posts: 98 Member
    I workout about an hour every morning before eating breakfast. I do Jillian Michaels workouts, yoga, dance... I have never really had a problem with intense workouts in the morning. I have an hour before I can eat after taking thyroid meds, so I use that time for exercise every day. Just makes it pass faster!
    OMG.... I am so glad you posted... I too cannot eat for at least an hour after taking my thyroid meds.... and so I do 30 day shred while my 2 daughters get ready for school, then i get ready & we're off!! I usually eat breakfast at work... so I am a good 2 hours before I eat anything, and I have not had any issues.
    Now for my fellow Thyroid"er" LOL... how are you doing with this?? I am struggling to see the weight coming off, am feeling change in size, but really hoped to see the scale go down some... I am thinking I am going through alot of changes in my body & am scheduled to see a specialist....
  • If you do find working out fasted makes you feel weak, have a protein shake with carbs in it. Pure Protein is my favorite brand, but they use sugar substitutes (effectively zero net carbs); try another brand like Myoplex.
  • persian_star
    persian_star Posts: 197 Member
    I think it's all about what you're used to. I do Intermittent Fasting and don't start eating til 12 noon, but I (try to) work out for half an hour when I wake up then have a hefty half hour walk to work. See for the science. I don't faint, get low blood sugar level or even feel overly hungry any more. And I'm changing my body composition, so it's working for me.

    Oh, and you won't burn (any more) muscle (over fat) just by holding off eating for a few hours - it's all about total calorie ingestion. This article speaks volumes:
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    I have really busy weekdays (work 40h. per week plus college) which means that when i get home i'm completly exhausted and the last thought on my mind is getting some exercise done. To exercise i need to get up early and do it in the mornings. The problem is i dont really have time to have breakfast before hand. So i'm it harmfull to do intensive exercise before eating that day first meal?

    I think the key word in this question is "intensive." If you're doing intensive workout at any time of day, you should definitely NOT being doing it on an empty stomach. Your body needs the fuel - if you've just woken up, that means you've just fasted for 8-ish hours and you've got nothing to go on. A light workout or getting ready in the morning without eating first - probably fine. But if you're going to go burn a ton of calories, you need food. Otherwise your body could start eating away at your lean muscle and put your fat on lock-down (making it harder to lose weight, if that's the goal).

    I would say at least have something simple - like a high protein shake (even slim fast or something similar) or a cup of greek yogurt with fruit, etc. You don't need to eat a whole meal - but you do need to get something in your system.
  • I think it's all about what you're used to. I do Intermittent Fasting and don't start eating til 12 noon, but I (try to) work out for half an hour when I wake up then have a hefty half hour walk to work. See for the science. I don't faint, get low blood sugar level or even feel overly hungry any more. And I'm changing my body composition, so it's working for me.

    Oh, and you won't burn (any more) muscle (over fat) just by holding off eating for a few hours - it's all about total calorie ingestion. This article speaks volumes:

    LOVE! :)
  • Bean615
    Bean615 Posts: 132 Member
    i have heard that it is better to workout in the morning on an empty stomach. i used to have a tabelspoon of natural peanut butter, but now i just have a strong black coffee before my workout and i feel better without anything in my stomach so early in the morning.
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    Great post! It actually can be healthy and more resourceful if you exercise without eating breakfast first! Instead of your body burning the calories you ate at breakfast, it will be burning the stored calories, which can be much more effective in losing body fat. Just make sure you fuel up after a workout!

    I agree with this. I was just watching an episode of Australia's biggest loser and they said pretty much exactly this :)

    ^^^^This is just incorrect. If you have no fuel whatsover, your body is not going to be thrilled by your blasting 500 calories - the last thing it's going to do is say, "Yay - we're hungry and using up a ton of energy with nothing on hand to fuel the fire, let's just shove out these stores of fat!" It's going to want to cling to that fat, because it's freaking out that you've got no food in your system and yet you're using up energy. Where will it start to find the energy? From your lean muscle.
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    i have heard that it is better to workout in the morning on an empty stomach.

    ^^^ It's not.