Struggling!!! :(

OK. So I think I am going through a mental block! I am doing really well on my calorie intake now. I am watching what I am eating. I am doing really well on my portion control (which is something that I have never done before). I have done excellent with my water intake.

Here's the problem! When I sit at my desk at work, my brain is telling me that I am hungry, even though I just finished eating lunch! I know I'm not hungry. It seems that the longer I sit at work the more "hungry" I feel. It seems that I could eat all the time while I'm at my desk. I have tried different things such as:
*chewing gum
*eating ice chips
*listening to music
*ignoring the "hungry" feeling

None of these things seem to work. I always end up eating something and feel like I waste my calories. When I am away from my desk I don't feel like I am hungry at all!

Any Suggestions?


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    don't take extra stuff to eat and don't bring extra money to buy stuff from the snack machine. that's what i ended up doing. i just bring enough to pay for lunch if i havent packed or packed everything including a few healthy snacks like roasted almonds, fruit, yogurt, carrot sticks and hummus.. that way i couldnt buy anything else.

    it's not like i was hard up enough to borrow a $1 from a coworker for a twix bar.

    also you're going to have to break the habit, so try ignoring for longer periods of time until it's no longer a habit.
  • witchie13
    witchie13 Posts: 30
    Thanks. I usually let my brain tell me that I actually am hungry and that if I don't eat I will get a headache. Usually what happens is that when I don't eat, I end up with a headache, shocker shocker! So I in turn need to bring a healthy snack or just start planning the healthy snack into my day!
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    The hardest trick to weight loss is to learn to listen to your body. A lot of your "hunger" is actually your brain looking for something more interesting. Learn to listen to the much more subtle cues from your body. Analyze every time you think you are hungry. Are you actually hungry or are you bored? Tired? Sad? Lonely? Learning to break the unhealthy connections to food is a very difficult thing to do. But to be able to lose weight and keep it off, you have to do it. I'm a huge emotional (especially boredom) eater. It has been very difficult. Food is best used as fuel, any other reason will leave you feeling guilty or less than adequate. Not a good thing!

    You can change your habits! Have a little faith in yourself and be patient. These changes don't happen over night. Some days you'll be great, others you'll eat a pint of ice cream! (I did that Tuesday, emotional breakdown!)
  • anaowens08
    I have started to pre-plan my meals before hand and have mini filling meals throughout the day. Also, what helps me is instant miso soup (if you like it). It's fiilling & tasty and only has 30 calories to get me through that hurdle of hunger pains before I eat a mini meal. Also, have a mini fruit bowl at your desk! If you're hungry you can eat an apple w/peanut butter or have an orange (a variety is best). I hope that helps and GOOD LUCK!
  • acschnabel
    Green tea seems to help me. When I'm in a lull at work, I'll go make a quick cup and that satisfies. Good luck.
  • FaithfulSmiles82
    I sit at a desk most of my day as well and I go through this. I've learned *chewing gum* only makes the hunger urge worse! Ice chips help, but they're not super effective. I drink A LOT of water and I taught myself to drink black coffee (zero calories). That helps my tummy feel a little fuller. I also bought some empty calorie snacks like rice cakes, a light popcorn is a good one that's not too bad in moderation. It's okay to snack a little at a time, just pick the right stuff :). Then the big hunger urges go away and a handful of something will suffice! Keep fighting girl...don't give up!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Thanks. I usually let my brain tell me that I actually am hungry and that if I don't eat I will get a headache. Usually what happens is that when I don't eat, I end up with a headache, shocker shocker! So I in turn need to bring a healthy snack or just start planning the healthy snack into my day!

    This is a habit, or a compulsive thought your brain is creating. You don't really need the food.

    Plan ahead. Know your calorie intake and stick to it. You just have to get past this habit you have created in your mind. Thoughts are very powerful. You need to change your thinking. Next time, reframe that thought by saying - out loud if necessary - "No. I don't need to eat. I will eat at lunch time. I am getting plenty of calories to support me."

    The rest is a mind game. You have to beat your self-sabatoging thoughts.

  • TinyTeapot
    TinyTeapot Posts: 1 Member
    I always keep tea bags in my desk for times like these! It gives my mind and mouth something to do, while also helping increase my water intake (something I struggle with a lot). It took some time for me to get used to reaching for tea and being happy about it, but now I really like having different flavors for different cravings - apple and spice for something sweet, or lemon and ginger for a different taste. My brain always wants to eat more even after I've had a decent size lunch (or dinner!), but having tea - something that takes awhile to drink - usually gets me through those moments. :happy:
  • witchie13
    witchie13 Posts: 30
    Thank you all for the wonderful suggestions. I know this is all mind over matter. I have accepted the fact that I did not get fat over night and I am not going to get skinny over night either. This is a big power struggle that I am going through that I just need really work on. I am only two weeks into this and know that each day will be different. I am working on planning this and each day gets better.

    I know by biggest problem. BOREDOM! My job isn't fast paced enough to keep my mind occupied and I get bored and therefore automatically want to eat!

    Again, I really appreciate all the support and am open to any of you adding me as a friend!!!