Jamie Eason's 12 Week Body Transformers!

(New thread for those who'd like to do this or who are.. with more conviction in the title! heh!) :)

Carried on from here --> http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/417824-starting-a-12-week-workout-plan-tomorrow-who-s-with-me?page=1#posts-5766773

Regarding the plan found here --> http://www.bodybuilding.com/guides/female-20to39-fat-loss/intro

I thought I'd start a new thread just to make it a bit more to the point and less wishy-washy in the title :) Those (that one person) doing it alongside, keep coming in, and those who want to join in - please do :D

I realised we haven't done starting measurements or anything (oops) so when you visit this thread for the first time, pop in your starting weight and any other measurements you desire.


  • Nikki582
    Nikki582 Posts: 561 Member
    So starting weight (Monday)
    82.6kg (182 lb)

    Today was lower body day. I started very light, trying to get a feel for form.
    This week I'm working on 10 reps at a lower weight, next week I'll do 11 at the same, and then 12 before I move up to 10 reps at a higher weight, rinse repeat. :)

    So lower body, I felt a bit clumsy on the 'clean' movement. I've never done anything of the sort before and was only using a 10kg barbell, so I know i didn't have the full action going on, I still did it with the straight back, pulling it up from a squat - as I gain more confidence I'll be able to go heavier and do a better lift.

    Leg extensions kill. hah.

    After asking over here --> http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/419477-people-who-lift-can-you-have-a-look-at-this I've decided to do the sets in "super sets" rather than a clumsy circuit. For the legs I did two super sets..
    Squat Jumps, Plie Squats, Clean, Split-squat
    Extensions, Curls, Press.

    I didn't do the calf raise as there was nothing at the gym for calves so I have to work out how/what to do with little to no equipment. :)
    --- A hah!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oj5e8i7iN-w
    How did you go?
  • Nikki582
    Nikki582 Posts: 561 Member
    Oh I do like talking to myself. :p

    Today was meant to be a rest day but 1. I'm not very good at rest days and 2. I'm going to an all-you-can-eat restaurant tonight! Yikes! So an hour and ten cardio session on various equipment at the gym :)

    My legs (quads especially) are killing from yesterday's leg-weights thing. Tomorrow is total body - should be interesting :D
  • Nikki582
    Nikki582 Posts: 561 Member
    Total body today, felt a bit self conscious, probably because I was staring at the mirror. Completed the workout as a circuit rather than straight or super sets.. discovered I'm too short for the Lat Pulldown *snort* But tippy-toes got me there..

    Feeling more confident about what I'm doing :) And my legs stopped hurting. :p
  • Nikki582
    Nikki582 Posts: 561 Member
    Hello (is there an echo)

    Again, anyone who wants to join in, please do.

    Weigh in this week - 82kg exactly. :D 600g from last week, which is about 1.3 pounds. WOO!! :D

    Today I did upper body again, or day one, or whatever. I felt more confident walking into the free weights, I even spoke to someone *gasp* "Can I use this bench?" I made friends with some of the "meat heads" as they were loitering outside the gym and had forgotten their cards - so hopefully it earns me some points and they can help me out - haha.

    Last week I did easy-ish weights at 10 reps, today I did slightly higher (5kg on curl, bench and kickback, then 3kg on lat raises and 25 on row) but 11 reps. Next week I'll do 12 and then I'll see about upping my weights and repeat the cycle.

    I need to work on my lateral raises.. I hate them. really really. But I looked at a few sites this morning and realised my form is out - I'm standing upright (and leaning back) rather than having a slight bend in my hips. Will have to work on that.

    Today's work out was a success. I burned 530 calories in total, around 250 of those were on weights alone. I was sweating and working hard.

    And perhaps my biggest accomplishment to date - I did all my push ups on my toes! ALL OF THEM! :D
  • aataunag
    aataunag Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I really want to try this, but I do not think I will be able to stick to the food plans. Has it been easy with meals?