Tell me how to learn how to love exercising



  • capabledesire
    I absolutely hate that I can't do most exercise, just because I... can't :D
    It starts with push ups, I can't even do one regular push up, not one ~

    So I try to jogg when feeling the need to move, and that works perfectly fine for me atm :)
    I guess u just have to search until u find something u like :)

    Keep it up! Try and do one each day until finally you do one...then do two...then do is such a great rush even though it may seem like it takes you forever to get to one.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,691 Member
    I hate it. I need tips.

    Help! :wink:
    That would be like trying to get me to like liver just cause you change the recipe. Straight up, you gotta hate being overweight more than you hate exercise.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Amberchalon
    Amberchalon Posts: 207 Member
    Find a FUN activity--fun for you. For me, it was water aerobics. It is SO much fun and does NOT feel like exercise at all. I could do it daily~
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    I cannot TELL You want to do, but I can tell you what happen to me. Lol! I"m a super lazy, fat Asian chick (ugly one too). Who hates running. I totally hate running... because it's boring to me. I tried running in the past and i gave up which makes me what i am today but... late last year, thanks to one of my best friends... she introduced me to a local fitness center which has TONS of cardio classes, dance classes and cardio dance classes... they are different. lol... and I totally enjoyed it so much that it got so bad. because i hurt my knees for "cardio"ing too much. :P

    I like to dance... so most of the time I tried the cardio dance class... i lost about 17 lbs for the past 5 months. Now, i'm in plateau. lol... it's my fault anyway. I tried Kickboxing class... and I can't do it. lol..

    moral of the story: never stop to find what you really like. so it's about discovering what type of activities you like, just try every single of them. and don't give up
  • whiterice83
    whiterice83 Posts: 63 Member
    It's got to be something that you find to really enjoy. I would like to go to the gym with friends and once there I would exercise my sweaty little heart out but when people became unreliable I would lose my interest in going alone. Found a Wii game I really liked and did the 60 day program. Didn't want to let the program or myself down so I've gotten in the habit of moving 4 days a week with it's help and now I get out and do something everyday because it makes me feel good.
  • Reckabek
    Reckabek Posts: 487 Member
    When i did 30ds and seen the results!
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    Finding exercises I enjoy (or at least don't hate) seems key to me. I failed a lot in the past by trying to make myself become a runner when that just wasn't for me (I'll admire all you awesome runners while I bike. You amaze me). Best wishes finding the fun in exercising. :)

    And we "runners" will admire you 'bikers" Ugh hate biking! Lol
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    I agree with finding things you like to do but also positive attitude is very important, I'm about the furthest thing from an optimist but I am positive about working out. The fake it til you make it, trick yourself into liking it kinda thing. If you just dread it and complain and act like its a bummer then it will be. Also try to get into the prep for it, having nice or cute or comfy workout clothes, making a great playlist, planning group activities and enjoying what you can about the workout and focusing on that.
  • PatasDeGallina
    PatasDeGallina Posts: 155 Member
    I didn't want to exercise when I started this new weightloss plan, not in a gym. I'd done it before and it was boring. Now that my son is older I want to spend more time with him and teach him to be active as well, so I started thinking of ways that I could burn calories with him and in fun ways.

    Remember when you were a kid and you used to play? Hula hooping, jump roping, jumping on a trampoline, playing in the pool, dancing, playing tag... these were all things I did as a child that kept me in shape when I didn't care about my shape. I do those things now. I've lost 42 lbs since I got here. I've lost 82 altogether. I don't "exercise". I move. :happy:

    Remember fun? Go find the fun that moves you.

    It can be anything. Belly dancing, surfing, spinning in circles, wrapping houses... :wink:
  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 436 Member
    Find something you can tolerate, and KEEP DOING IT even if you HATE it...

    Thats right, DO IT ANYWAY!! and at some point you will find yourself doing more and more and feel pride in your accomplishments and improvements... its then you'll start realizing, you enjoy it :D
  • lawmama_
    lawmama_ Posts: 103 Member
    i lost 20 lbs and i have to be honest. i STILL hate exercising. I'm content sitting on the couch all day doing nothing. but you have to FORCE yourself to get up. for example, today i didn't want to exercise at all. but then i saw my dogs laying there and i felt, well they need to get out and exercise, so then i also need to exercise too. i took them for a nice 45 min walk, and that jump started my exercise for the day. also try to vary what your exercise plans will be every day. one day, go for a long walk, the next day, maybe do an exercise video, the day after that, do something else that is different. if i vary what i do, it helps me keep interested. good luck!
  • countrygirl812
    You just have to suck it up and do it. For me, the thought of losing all the weight I need to lose totally overpowers any hate for exercise, but you have to be to that point before it will be enoyable. Nobody can make you want it. You have to want for yourself. Find something that is enjoyable to you. I love to dance and I love, love, love aerobics.
  • Kanlassak
    Kanlassak Posts: 101 Member
    I agree with finding something you enjoy, I've been doing a lot of DDR.

    But I'll also say that if you can find a friend or two who you can either compete with or who makes it more fun to go that can have a big effect. You don't have to be at the same level of fitness/skill, just able to push each other to go a little more often or try a little harder than you would alone.
  • valerieee
    valerieee Posts: 13 Member
    I don't think I will ever love exercise - I HATE it more than anyone else I have ever met. I started increasing my activity levels about 2 years ago and I still HATE every single exercise class I go to (and I have tried many!). I can honestly say I have not found anything I enjoy. I walk the dog (because I have to), I've tried running with friends but I feel like I can't breathe. I dread every single workout!
    Unfortunately it just has to be done. I find exercise classes the best thing to do, even though I'm wishing I wasn't there the whole time, how can you walk out from a room full of people?! Just keep pushing through, if I can do it ANYONE can!! Good luck! :)
  • judybrim
    judybrim Posts: 82 Member
    For me, the love came when I could actually FEEL the difference in my body! I knew the workouts were working! I'd be doing something like driving along and contract my stomach muscles and I could feel them holding me! It just made me feel good about me and how I was changing! That's what makes me love it! I feel in control of my body and I'm making it better! Just hang in there and you'll feel that change, too! Good luck! We're here for you! You can do it! :D Judy
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    ....start slow and steady. Don't do too much too soon. You'll get discouraged and lose interest when you can't do something that you think you should be able to do. Start with simple walks around the block, speed it up and include some running every few mins.

    Maybe pick exercises that intrigue you? Swimming, water aerobics, riding a bike, running, walking, weights, pilates, belly dancing, strip aerobics, yoga, zumba, dance lessons, roller blading, skating, etc. There are so many options out there. Do research and find something that suits YOU!

    Also, join some soccer or hockey, baseball, badminton, basketball, etc.

    Find a friend or family member to work out with...

    Make sure you have some good music when you are working out to stay pumped....

    Include your animals....I always use my dog as an excuse to go for walks and go throw a ball around the park. :)

    Remember to reward yourself when you have accomplished all your workout plans for the week....doesn't have ot be a reward with can be anything even buying yourself something new! Or for every mile you run you earn a dollar to spend on yourself!
  • susanstahl
    susanstahl Posts: 6 Member
    I have a friend that goes with me. We work out at the gym 4 days a week. We keep each other going.
  • k9runner1963
    k9runner1963 Posts: 108 Member
    Find something you like, start out slow. 10-15 minutes for the first few times. Each time add a few minutes. Before you know it you'll be doing the exercise for an hour and wonder where the time went. Stick with it, even when you don't feel like exercising, DO IT! Good Luck!
  • riannenrings
    riannenrings Posts: 142 Member
    just keep doing it. i hated it too at first, but with repetition i somewhere along the way have come to love it.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    What made me start "liking" it was seeing results, and how you feel after, my mood, my outlook on life, I just feel happier when I exercise even though there are days I dread doing it.........make it a habit like anything else you may do.

    This, and what it says in my avatar! One morning when I was about halfway through Ripped in 30, I realized that I was doing a workout I couldn't have seen myself doing, ever, a few years ago. Now I just get up, throw on my workout clothes, and whatever I have written down in my workout journal, that's the workout I do. I don't think about it, I just do it. I love being strong!