Toes Numb While Working Out



  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    I have the same problem especially on the ellitical and stationary bicycle. I also find when I was quite a bit that also happens. My doctor said it could be because my shoes are too tight, but I wear that exact same pair of runners at work all day and it doesn't happen then? It is quite frustrating becasue I feel like I can work out so much more, but have to stop for a few minutes becasue its quite painful.

    When using the elliptical, and likely the stationay bike, you are typically putting much more pressure on the ball and toes of your feet than when you're just walking around. That could be the reason why it doesn't bother you during the day. You might try a pair of shoes that have more cushion in the ball/toe area. Since I do a lot of higher impact workouts, I tried on about 30 pairs and jumped up and done on my toes in the store to check them out. (I got a few looks. :) I found that Trainers tend to have more ball/toe cushion that other types.
  • tmoyer1209
    tmoyer1209 Posts: 215 Member
    When I am doing heavy weight lifting my nose goes numb. Never had my toes go numb that I can recall. I personally put it down to blood flow going to more active areas. As for it being your toes, it sounds more important than my nose so I can't really help. I do know that wnen I walk a lot I do get kind of a numb/burning feeling (I know it sounds wierd) on the ball of my foot that goes away after I stop and relax for a while.
  • cdusanka
    cdusanka Posts: 33
    You're probably wearing the wrong size shoes! I had the same problem, and after tearing the arch in my right foot in yoga class, I decided to see a Podiatrist. In addition to treatment for my tear, I learned that I'm actually shoe size 7.5 wide. I had been wearing 8.5 normal width!!!! I guess I had been wearing the longer size to make up for the narrow width. With age and excess weight, it's normal for our shoe size to change.

    So I got a new pair of shoes that are the proper size, and the numbness in the ball and toes of both feet went away and has not returned! I'm not saying you should go to a Podiatrist, but you can go to a specialty shoe store and get properly fitted. But don't feel obligated to buy shoes there just because they fitted and sized your feet. You may be surprised to learn you've been wearing the wrong size too!

  • Loko_Ino
    Loko_Ino Posts: 544 Member
    It's shoes, like everyone is saying.
    The cushions in the soles of your shoes might be worn out or not enough. I bought some new Asics about 8 months ago and had no issues but a few months of squatting and deadlifting in them have worn out the cushioning in them, so now my fee go numb on the elliptical.
  • solarpower4
    solarpower4 Posts: 250 Member
    When I had this problem, it was because the toe box of my shoe was not wide enough. Exercising in the AM (before feet swell) may help a little bit. Try Saucony brand shoes- they have wide toe boxes - and be sure to wear the same socks during trying on.

    Hope you are able to resolve it soon!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    it could be your shoes; you could try changing into different ones and see if that's better.

    I had that happen to me about 10 years go when I used to use a Nordic Trak (remember those??) while my babies were sleeping. It started with the toes on one foot and eventually went all the way up my leg.

    I changed shoes, socks, etc., but it persisted. I was worried bc I had an aunt with MS so I went to a doctor.

    He told me that I had tarsal tunnel syndrome, which is similar to carpal tunnel but in the foot. The repetitive movement and static position of my foot on the Nordic Trak cost caused it. I stopped using the Nordic Trak and my problem went away.

    I have never experienced it again.

    You may want to consult with a chiropractor to see if an adjustment will help in the event the numbness persists outside of the activity.

    good luck.

  • Caffeine_Addict
    Caffeine_Addict Posts: 178 Member
    This was happening to me and my trainer (at the time) told me to get new shoes every 6 months. I didn't think it'd help cuz my shoes were only 1.5 yrs old (hehe) but it totally helped.
  • drmryder
    drmryder Posts: 181 Member
    My right leg sometimes gives out when walking up stairs. I also did try loosing my shoe strings. I'm going to see about investing in a good pair of gym shoes and if it continues, go to the doctor. Thanks everyone for your response.

    Go to a podiatrist. I went to a podiatrist because of numbness sometimes burning, sometimes tingling in the ball of my one foot. The other wasn't like that, but did ache. The doctor will help alot with telling you that either 1. you need a good fitting shoe, 2. have particular type of foot that is prone to x, y, and z or 3. will take an x-ray to make sure you do not have something goofy going on inside your feet like bunions.

    My doc took one look at my feet and said that you have slightly higher arches and you probably are experiencing several things. He also said I have very flexible feet (I didn't know that) and then he did an x-ray and I have the bunion in the foot with the most problems. I have inserts now to help with how unique my feet are and I am up and running again.
  • mdj1501
    mdj1501 Posts: 392 Member
    Also, if you are/were a smoker, and you are older than 35, PLEASE go get checked out by a doctor. Your femoral arteries could be partially blocked. My brother had to have a double femoral bypass at 37 - an extreme case because nicotine is particularly toxic to our genetics, but it happens.

    This is exactly right. Could be a cardio/circulation problem. If different shoes or looser laces don't fix the problem I would consult your doctor!
  • stabl77
    stabl77 Posts: 3 Member
    I have the exact same problem on the elliptical, so I stay away from it. It never mattered what shoes I wore. My toes always went numb after 10 minutes or so.
  • HealthyWarrior
    HealthyWarrior Posts: 394 Member
    oh my same thing happens to me with the stationary bike and elliptical as well.
  • Kebby83
    Kebby83 Posts: 232 Member
    This happens to me when I ride my stationary bike barefoot.