Fit and Fun Sized (those under 5'4") for March 2012



  • SlimmerJodi
    SlimmerJodi Posts: 12 Member
    I'm just under 5'4" and weigh 155.5. I joined MFP in January and have lost 7 pounds since starting. Last year I weighed 167.5 so I am down a total of 12 lbs. My initial goal is to weigh 138-140 but would love to weigh 125 ultimately. I quit smoking in Nov 2011 as well. It's great to have this support system. Feel free to friend me.
  • kimiec
    kimiec Posts: 62
    Hi 5'2 here I have been on MFP since sometime in Jan off and on and Feb was not such a good month but March came and I decided I have had enough and I am sticking to this. So far I am not really seeing much weight loss but I also changed my calorie intake on here at the end of last week so we will see I am kind of trying to figure out what is best for me. One thing I am finding is all so age really hinders weight loss. When I was in my 20-30 I lost weight at a steady pase but now I am lucky if I lose a pound everyother week. But being short is kind of nice once you lose weight you look so cute and samll and who deosn't notice cute and small.
  • Sjliddle
    Sjliddle Posts: 1 Member
    5 ft. on the dot (never mind what my ridiculously tall teenage kids say), and 193.2 lbs, This is just over my nine-months-pregnant weight from 14 years ago. I have spent more of my adult life being overweight than being thin. Turning 44 tomorrow. Now is the time to do this! I love this site. It seems like a really supportive set of tools and collection of people. I signed up last fall, but got serious yesterday. Just being careful for a month, eating what I know is right, was NOT working. So I've decided if I have to obsess to get this done, I will! :smile: With this and my written-down goals taped to the medicine cabinet, I'm confident that this is working.
  • 321blueeyes
    321blueeyes Posts: 279 Member
    Still trying to chug along this month... didn't weigh in this week but probably a good thing as all last week's tracking was significantly over my calories!

    I did a fair bit of shopping over the weekend & definitely struggling with poor body image after gaining a few lbs in Feb. I'm still down 10+ lbs from where I started over the summer, and my Jan body fat results were 22.5% - and yet I focus too much on the lumps of fat & not enough focus on the good things. Miraclesuit, why don't you come in a size 6 DD for us shorties that need slimming?

    Because I'm having such a hard time, I'm thinking of trying a 2-3 day cleanse. Not with the expectation of big/permanent weight loss, but simply a way to hit the "reset" button on my habits. I've never tried one before - anyone have particular positive/negative experience?
  • yogibella
    yogibella Posts: 321 Member
    Is there really a group out there for shorties like us? Would love to join...I'm always thinking things are a bit different for us 'petites'. :happy:

    I'm a fun-sized 5'2". Goal of 120lbs, but more importantly I want to be fit and reduce my body fat%. Ripped would even be better! Been here since end of December and have lost 6-7 lbs at a steady 1lbs/week-ish. (last couple of weeks were not good due to sickness).
  • vtgirl77
    vtgirl77 Posts: 69
    Tough Mudder is like a Warrior Dash or Spartan Race :)

    More like Warrior Dash or Spartan Race on steroids... LOL. Tough Mudder is on my fitness bucket list. I just have to figure out how to deal with the electrocution.. and the ice baths.

    I saw a video on youtube of a guy going through the electrified things crawling on his stomach. He kept getting zapped, his body would flip out and he kept doing spastic face plants in the was pretty funny, but that is probably going to be me! LOL..I'm doing it in May, so the water is going to be super cold! I can't wait though!
  • ChshireKat
    ChshireKat Posts: 117
    Hey all,
    Read in the news paper that 10,000 steps is the recomended amount of walking to lower blood pressure. On average I am getting about 1/5 of that. I don't think I am lazy, I just don't want to be wet.
    Anyhoo, yesterday I forgot to put on the pedometer in the morning so everything I caounted was from 12:30pm onward. I got 2722 yesterday and 2225 for Tuesday. I really don't want to walk in the rain, and I think I gym'ed myself out long ago. At least I have to go birthday present shopping after work today so I will be trolling the mall.
    Took me 45 minutes this morning to eat my breakfast, and I still haven't finished the Cocoa/coffee I made this morning.Hopefully it is atleast non-rainy this Sunday.
    Well, should probably go and do something about lunch. Have as good day (I wish this thing had spell chack.)
  • Tiffanie252
    Tiffanie252 Posts: 9 Member
    My brother who is a very good cook has talked me into to trying ground turkey and mixing it with meat. He says you can't taste it, but even just 1/2 and 1/2 makes it healthier.

    I just started doing this when I cook in the last week or so! You really can't taste a difference. My husband even prefers it and I was postiive he was going to hate it. Much healthier, and lower calorie. Give it a try!

    Had a total splurge night last night with the hubby. It was good, but back on the bandwagon today!
  • Clemsonlkg
    Clemsonlkg Posts: 66 Member
    I started MFP's Android app in late January and then found this wonderful site. I love it and I have lost 20.5 pounds so far! I am a 40 year old who has struggled with weight for the past ten years, and I am very excited to be moving in the right direction!

    I am here every day and I am determined to get down into the "not overweight" category! I have about 50 more pounds to go, but since this is a lifestyle change I know I will get there.

    Add me as a friend! :)
  • amzasmommy
    amzasmommy Posts: 26 Member
    Hi All!

    I just started MFP after a friend suggested if for a while. I'm 5'4 and somewhere between 133 & 137. I say somewhere between because every month when af comes I retain 4-8lbs of water that dissapears the day she shows. Anyone else have this issue?

    I'd like to get down to 120ish. Mostly I want to be a 2/4 rather than a 6. This is a more important number imo than the scale since muscle weighs more.

    My biggest problem is findind the time to exercise. Between work, 4 kids, normal household stuff, class.... it's hard to find time in the day. I already get up at 5am to get ready for work, so morning is not an option. Then by the time I'm done with mother/work duties its 8:30 or 9pm! I suppose then, my March goal was to fit in exercise more often. I've been trying to do more during my lunch hour and then do a longer/more intense work out on the weekends. My so has been awesome about giving me an hour each weekend day where he wrangles the kids so I can exercise.

    I ordered the Firm Express series this week as well as a hrm to track the calories and I can't wait to start it this weekend. Prior to my last baby I did the longer workouts and love them. I wish I had time to still do them.
  • Hi all. I'm back after a few months of being unmotivated and in denial about my weight problem. Had a good heart to heart with DH a few weeks ago and found the strength to try again.

    5'1" and 165 lbs.
    GW 115
    Goal 2: Eliminate Pre-Diabetes & get off Medication.

    I'm actually pretty good at losing weight, my problem is that I tend to yo-yo. I lose 10-15 pounds fast then get tired of it being so hard and quit. So this time I'm focusing on slow and steady changes. My big change for March is that I've given up my Starbucks habit. I've been drinking a mocha daily for YEARS and it's not serving me.

    I'm doing daily exercise of about 30 mins and sticking to the MFP recommendations of 1200-1300 cal per day. If I lose half a pound a week I'll be thrilled, seriously. My goal is to change the way I live, and let those changes gradually make me skinny. :)

    Feel free to Friend me for mutual cheering on!
  • m0nster2
    m0nster2 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm 5'3" and about 130 right now. I've lost @6 pounds since the beginning of January. I feel most comfortable (and my clothes fit best) in the low-mid 120s. So I realize that I've got a lot of things against me - short, not "overweight", little to lose, and in my mid-40s but I run about 4 miles a day, rarely eat more than 1300 calories, and I'm losing about 1 pound a month. Frustrating! Any one else in similar circumstances?
  • sian_1989
    sian_1989 Posts: 33 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Found this thread today and thought I'd join in! I'm just short of 5'4" and I currently weigh 162lb. My goal is 150lb. It seems that since xmas I've fluctuated up and down between 168lb (SW) and 161lb (for about a day).
    MFP had set my calorie intake at 1200 and I don't really seem to be getting anywhere (I had put my weight loss goal at 2lb per week though). Today I have changed it to 1lb per week and my calorie goal has increased to 1500 so I'll give that a go for a while. I'm also 30 Day Shredding every day/most days.
    I just feel like I'm not really getting anywhere at all, it's quite demotivating but reading how everyone else is getting on gives me a little boost.

    Any advice you can offer would be fantastic, also please feel free to add me as a friend =]

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I was looking at some public food diaries and did not find a lot of people that are down to 1200 calories a day. While I started at 1450 myself when I was 170 pounds, now I have to stick to the 1200 to loose any weight at all and it is so hard.

    I wonder how many of us are at either 1200 or 1300 a day. How are you doing it?

    Today I have enough calories left to have a Jr Frosty. It makes it worth hanging in there and not having any of the candy or cookies around the office.

  • BlueIdyll
    BlueIdyll Posts: 9 Member
    I'm about 5'2" and my starting weight was 153, when my size 8s were beginning to get tight. I decided it was time to make a change, because I simply couldn't deal with what I had done with myself. I'm currently down to 142 after starting on February 4th, and I'll admit I'm a little upset with just how little I've lost. My goal is to weigh 120, though I would be happy with being healthy and looking good naked, lol! Considering how I have 22 pounds left to lose, I thought I'd be able to drop the first half of it sort of quickly, but I've resigned myself to a <1 per week loss. I guess it's just frustrating because I want to look good now! I can almost fit comfortably in pants I haven't worn since early last year though, so I know I'm doing pretty good.

    @jam0525: I'm currently at 1200 after attempting to stick at 1000. I kept at it for a good month, but realized I was much happier at 1200. I don't find it to be that difficult, really. I rarely find myself hungry because I've been making sure to stay away from refined carbs. I mostly stick to fruits, eggs, turkey, chicken, and the occasional veggie (I really hate them). I don't know if this is plausible for you, but I find that at this limit, it's best to eat many small meals throughout the day. I typically average 5-6 meals. My breakfast and lunch usually consists of 200+ calories, while dinner can sometimes range between 300-400. Then I have my snacks, which I typically try and keep between 50-150 calories.

    Feel free to add me!
  • Tiffanie252
    Tiffanie252 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm at 1200 calories per day as well! Snacks have gone from sweets and carb loaded yumminess, to carrots, blueberries or apples. I also find I eat smaller meals with 2 - 3 snacks per day so it's eating 5-6 times per day. I also tend to "save up" my calories for dinner and then no snacking afterwards. My body responds best to this method and I tend to see more consistant weight loss by not snacking after dinner.
  • clbelles
    clbelles Posts: 7 Member
    I'm down another pound, WAHOO! This is working. A coworker asked me yesterday if I had started back to Weight Watchers, the weight loss is beginning to show already. I'm a life time member of Weight Watchers but the last two times I paid and went back I just didn't get motivated to lose. My fitness pal is so easy to follow and FREE! This week I am trying to cut back on sugar. My blood sugar was 112 at the doctor's last week and he wants me to "watch" my sugar. This week I tried sugar free coffee creamer, I like it. I have gone from my Edy's frozen fruit bars to "No Sugar Added" fudgsicles. Next week I will change from baby carrots to cucumber slices and from dried apricots and pineapple to strawberries. I am logging an average of 10,000 steps a day on my pedometer now. I know they are small changes but if I make them lifetime changes I'll live a healthier life.
  • Chrissy979
    Chrissy979 Posts: 51 Member
    I'm 5'4" and I'm hoping one day to be fit and fun sized again :). I joined MFP several years ago, but ended up getting pregnant and after having my daughter sorta gave up on myself. 11 days ago my girlfried and I decided we just had to stop talking about losing weight and just do it. We live about an hour apart from one another and try our best to talk everyday to keep one another motivated. I'm hoping to lose 50lbs, I want to feel better about myself and be able to be more active with my husband and two children (7 & 3). I sit at a desk all day, but I have been making a point to walk every day on my lunch hour, weather permitting. I have dropped 6.5 lbs since I started 11 days. Every excercise program I start I'm finding hard, and get discouraged when I can't do certain ones, whether it be because of my body,or the lack of room I have in my kitchen where I'm working out. Someone suggested Tiffany Rothe workouts and the FITin90 on youtube, I have been going back and forth between the two. I have seen so many post on here with respects to how many calories you should be eating, and I'm honestly getting confused. MFP says that I should get roughly 1200 calories, so I am trying to stay within that. I have seen on so many of the threads that I have read that everyone on here is genuinely supportive, and I'm hoping I can achieve my goals as a result of hard work, determination and support. Happy Friday everyone!
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!

    Good luck with weekend eating and exercise. It's harder for me on weekends due to not having the structure of getting up and going to work.

    Thanks for all the feedback on 1200 calories a day. You have all made me feel hopeful that I can do it too.
