1400 CALORIES and Losing SLOWLY… need help

So i’ve been tracking calories for a little over a month now I started on LOSE-IT(APP) and I was 217.6 and when I weighed in today I was 207.8. So here is my problem on occasions I have craving for bad foods(well healthier bad foods figs, 90 cal. brownies) thing like that. In addition to that i only prepare dinner 25% and the other 75% comes from my grandmother(lol). So I want to get some ideas of what people are eating for dinner and lunch that I can tailor a diet that is geared towards weightless.

1. I am a twice a week maybe 3x’s a week exerciser.

2. I also was wondering has anyone tried the 17 day diet


  • liog
    liog Posts: 347 Member
    Ten pounds in a little over a month is great. :)

    You can look at my food diary to see what I'm eating.
  • kbw414
    kbw414 Posts: 194
    Ten lbs a month is an awesome weight loss! Especially since you only exercise 2-3x a week and only cook 25% of your own meals. There are tons of great websites for recipes, but most of the time I don't really use recipes. I just make up my own healthy meals out of seasonal food I have around the house. It doesn't take that long and it really isn't difficult =) Sometimes I use food I see in restaurants or in grocery stores as inspiration. For example, I had some yummy black bean hummus from the grocery store but I thought I could recreate it even better at home, so I made some in my food processor using ingredients I already had. No recipe needed. Just threw together healthy food that tastes good!

    As far as exercise goes, you could consider adding some activity into every day, even if it is light exercise like walking.

    Good luck!
  • Zarebeth
    Zarebeth Posts: 136 Member
    Ten pounds in a month is DEFINITELY great. You don't want to go any faster than that - you will be losing lean tissue instead of fat. I agree with the exercise deal. Drinking two cups of green tea per day will make you feel good, and increase your metabolism (I can't stand the taste, after I make it I add a teabag of a favorite fruity herb tea to hide the taste). Lots and lots of water, reduce sodium as well as calories.

    You have a great start!!! Keep it going!
  • lpblah
    lpblah Posts: 28
    Ten pounds in a month is DEFINITELY great. You don't want to go any faster than that - you will be losing lean tissue instead of fat. I agree with the exercise deal. Drinking two cups of green tea per day will make you feel good, and increase your metabolism (I can't stand the taste, after I make it I add a teabag of a favorite fruity herb tea to hide the taste). Lots and lots of water, reduce sodium as well as calories.

    You have a great start!!! Keep it going!

    Do you really notice a difference in your weight loss when you drink green tea? I feel like there are so many things I've been doing different I can't really tell which things are directly helping with weight loss.

    Oh yeah...10lbs a month is what I'm shooting for (coming up a little short though). Congrats on your loss. Before you know it you'll be at 20!
  • Thank you all I'm definitely going to take the advice and use it especially the walking and lower sodium. I guess Im saying it was slow because in the fist two weeks Id loss 7lbs so I was aiming for 14. But slow is the pace I should be aiming for:) thanks for the support best of luck to all