Will I be able to do Jillian Michael's 30 day shred?

Hi all,
I keep reading about people doing the 'shred' & how fantastic it is for weight loss, fitness etc.
But as a former couch potato who's only just started dipping her toe into the exercise pit, will I be able to do this dvd?
I really do want to get fitter and slimmer & currently walk my dog (Charlie) for 30mins a day and do 15-20 mins on a cross trainer 3 times a week so I'm not sure if I'm fit enough yet to tackle this dvd?
Anyone who's done the dvd (any or all of the levels) and lived to tell the tale please advise me if it will kill me or trim me?
Thanks ;)


  • cjhart81
    cjhart81 Posts: 200 Member
    Yes you will! it may be hard at first but its only 20 mins.. :)

    Its basically squats, star jumps and sit ups at level 1.. and you dont have to move up a level till your ready.. (obviously it wont be 30 day that way)

    Go for it.. what have you got to loose!

  • fergie2812
    fergie2812 Posts: 155 Member
    I am over 230lbs have not done exercise in YEARS (apart from a little Wii fit while watching TV) and I managed
    OK I admit day1 I thought I was dying but I got up this morning at 6 to do day 2 and I had improved.
    You will HATE Jillian but take what she says on board and go for it I never thought I would e looking forward to doing it. Its only 20 mins thats all

  • phoenixoncemore
    phoenixoncemore Posts: 196 Member
    As a total exercise phobe myself, I know the fear well!

    The first 3 days hurt like crazy, and I've never wanted to punch the tv so much, but after 3 days the difference in my endurance was amazing. I guess being so unfit, the difference is pretty marked.

    Then I started level 2, couldn't ever imagine being able to do all of that level it's just so hard. Again after 4 days I'm noticing that I'm doing all the moves that I couldn't 4 days ago.

    There is Jillian, who instructs, then two other girls. Natalie does the advanced, by day 7 of level 1 I was with her (excluding the push ups). Anita does modified moves for beginners to ease you in. I'm following her on level 2 still at the moment. I haven't tried level 3 yet.

    Each level is only 20 minutes and that thought keeps me going throughout. As Jillian says "if you want to work out for 20 minutes instead of hours phoning it in at the gym, you have to push it" She is right, doesn't make me hate her any less though. :grumble:
  • sondra216379
    sondra216379 Posts: 174 Member
    I feel the same! I did it for 2 and a half days and quit. I need to try again. It is soooooo hard, but as I see other's pics and progress I know I need to do it! I think this time I will slow down a bit and just do it at my pace until I'm ready to move on even if it takes me 2 months to do all levels for over 10 days a piece!
  • Lose25now
    Lose25now Posts: 27 Member
    Just an FYI you should really do a 5 minute warm up and cool down from another dvd since she doesn't. I did her dvd shred and by day three I couldn't walk. But then I did 5 minute warm up and cool down from another dvd and this time I was sore but could walk and drive. The other thing is watch the dvd first to make sure you have room to move, the equipment you need and remember you don't have to to do twelve of every exercise. I started doing half of each exercise and then increasing it by one every week. I am starting the dvd agian this weekend becuase I saw a big difference in my pants. Good luck
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Yes, absolutely. It is designed for people who have done absolutely no exercise at all. I am fairly fit and find all but the weights bits of it totally pointless. The weights bits are as hard as you want them to be as you use weight that suits you.
  • Samie8183
    Samie8183 Posts: 5 Member
    I just bought this on eBay and it arrived today. I think I'm going to start it tomorrow and see how things go.
  • charmander89
    charmander89 Posts: 37 Member
    You can DEFINITELY do it! Its very short, but but efficient. Also, in each level there are easier versions of certain moves that you can follow depending on where you are. :)
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    You can do it, it will just be hell :)

    I was just like you and I forced myself to do it. Once I got past the first 4 or 5 days it got easier. It was NOT easy at first though! But the results were great!
  • I have been working out regularly since January and I am obese. I did 30 day shred the first time yesterday and I am kinda almost sore. Not sore but I can tell I did a different workout. If that makes any sense....

    Anyway. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. If you are fairly fit it'll be a breeze.
  • AngelaWeber
    AngelaWeber Posts: 95 Member
    You can totally do it as long as you don't have knee injuries or anything like that. Its pretty rough on the joints especially when you get up to level 3, which I just started today. Man oh man, is it hard but it will be worth it in the end. I notice by the end of each level (level 1 day 10) I'm sweating less and less than I did on level 1 day 1. I totally see a difference in all parts of my body, especially my tummy, my muffin top is melting away :-) and my shoulders and arms have acutal muscle lol. Its very encouraging to see the results. Go for it!!
  • It works, just be careful if you have bad knees, I blew mine out doing the jumping jacks and imaginary skip rope and have been off my leg going on 6 days because of it. Take it slow and invest in a heart rate monitor or something that will tell you acurate calories burned.
  • DorisR184
    DorisR184 Posts: 471 Member
    Yes! You CAN do it! :smile:
  • NikMosch
    NikMosch Posts: 40 Member
    You can do it! I am restarting the Shred after abandoning it to focus only on running. Add me as a friend if you'd like some extra motivation from someone Shredding right along with you!
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    You can do it. You just might be really sore for a few days after you start.
  • E1rlindsay
    E1rlindsay Posts: 32 Member
    I just finished day 5 (on level 1) and am shocked at how quickly my endurance is improving! day 1 and 2 i pretty much wanted to die, but now i actually look forward to it! Also, when i first started i was the world's worst jumping jack doer...i would end up in the closet or into a wall, i just couldn't stay in place...now i'm holding still and strong and doing them like a champ!
  • gspea
    gspea Posts: 412 Member
    Just completed day two of level one. I thought I was in better shape - found out that she will kick your butt! I am going to do it every other day to ease myself into it. I have bad knees and a bad back. But it is easily modified if you can't do it all. Just start. You can do it.
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    Yes, each exercise is at beginner level. If your knees/shins/ankles start hurting from the star jumps or lunges, don't do them and watch your form and landing more than trying to keep up at first - for every exercise! form is very important to avoid injury. If you need to take a breather, do so (push as hard as you can).

    It is going to hurt your muscles. It is supposed to be difficult. :)
  • TiltingAtWindmills
    TiltingAtWindmills Posts: 44 Member
    Yes, you will be able to do it. I won't lie and say it'll be easy. It's hard work, but just a little ways in I can see that it's effective. Just stick with level 1 as long as you need to, really. A lot of people say 10 days or so, but there's no rule there. Here's my experience so far if it'll help: Day 1-2... This was harder than I thought it would be and I was SO sore, but I promised myself to do it daily anyway just a little longer. Glad I did. By day 4 I realized I wasn't in crazy pain anymore and was doing much better. I was getting stronger! About 8 days in I moved to level 2. That might have been premature as I have to modify and rest a lot, but I'll get there. I'm sore again, but again am sticking with it. I could use a 30DS friend or two. If you decide to go for it, and I think you should, add me and I'll support you 100%.
  • robsgurl
    robsgurl Posts: 97 Member
    I like the 30 day shred..I am on day 10 and I started the level 2 three days ago and I was hurting for a few days but I kept pushing myself to do it and making myself do it everyday. I am down a 1/2 inch on my hips and stomach. I also use my treadmill and I do Taebo total fat blaster video ( I started 4 days ago. But I only do the Taebo every 2 days to 3 days and today was my second time doing that since I started the taebo. I really like level 2. I do the easier moves cause my knee isn't ok with the harder moves. I had knee surgery almost 1 year ago and it bothers my knee after a while. So I stick with the easier moves...=) I told my sister about the 30 day shred and I got them wanting to do that now.