Is it possible to lose to slowly?

I joined in jan, but had lost maybe,4 or 5 lbs before I joined, so my total lost is maybe 9 pounds. I have not gained, one week I didn't lose anything, but no big deal. Been pretty strict, make better choices, staying under goal. Strenght training total cganged my body shape too! Hey even lost a pound on vacation! happy with results so far. I went from size 12 to 10 so I do see results and really feel I can do this. However I am seeing most people lose 15 or more lbs in that same time frame. Should I be pushing myself more?


  • nickyrobinson
    nickyrobinson Posts: 161 Member
    Nope, you are doing great. The slower you lose it (more like when you put it on), the more likely you are to keep it off. But, we all want to see results, so some people push harder than others.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    The slower you can lose & be happy with your progress the better it is for you. (Unless morbidly obese or medical reasons for quick losses) It gives your body a better chance to adapt and means you are also more likely to avoid issues like excess skin.
    I have slowed/stalled my losses now as I am almost on my goal weight and as long as I don't creep up too much I don't mind if I am on the see-saw with my weight currently.
  • butterfly10398
    I agree with the previous posters... losing slow is healthy... you ARE more likely to keep it off, because you are making healthy lifestyle changes...your mind set is completely different... i'm taking it slow as well... Really learning more about nutrition and my body and exercising and making lifestyle changes that will promote weight loss in the long run.. Keep it up... Slow and steady is just fine. :-)
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    I think you are doing great! I have only lost 6 pounds total. In about a year! But I am lifting heavy weights, so I am definitely seeing results. Keep up the good work.
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Noway. Every Body is diffrent. Keep on doing what you doing and your chances of regaining it are slim.
  • monicalynne68
    monicalynne68 Posts: 87 Member
    not to mention the fact that the slower you lose it, the better your body can adjust to it. Your skin is very elastic and when you gain weight it stretches to accommodate. That's where stretch marks come from. When you lose weight too fast, your skin doesn't have time to regain it's original shape and you end up with that lose hanging skin. You see that a lot with people who have had gastric bypass surgeries. They lose lots of weight but their skin has a hard time bouncing back because they lose it too quickly. Just keep doing what you're doing. Your body will love you for it!
  • ArtGeek22
    ArtGeek22 Posts: 1,429 Member
    Nope not at all. You want to loose weight slowly to give time for your skin to catch up to your size. And also it is also more natural to your body.

    But remember inches are more important than the scale (although it can be a mental road block :grumble:)

    Keep up the good work! Cheers :drinker:

    Keep Calm and Carry On,
  • mdebbie1026
    mdebbie1026 Posts: 164 Member
    The closer you are to goal the slower it will come off too.
    Sad but true!!

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  • geckofli
    geckofli Posts: 155 Member
    im on the slow boat but im also up & down, im liking the slow boat because i have a fair bit to get rid off and doing it slowly gives your skin more time to adapt to the new shape and size, i like to think ill sag less this way,
    when i get on the scales my mind still say 107, but the scales are dancing between 95 and 97 so my mind is having an even harder time at catching up with the program then my skin at the moment, but we'll get there eventually (:
  • Kristin2984
    You said you are "staying under goal". Do you mean under your calorie goal for the day? Ive heard that can cause your weight loss to slow or stall so be careful with that and make sure you are in a healthy calorie range.

    If you are happy with the results you are seeing, then just keep at your current plan. obviously you are doing something right. Going down a pants size is awesome! If you feel like you can do more, try exercising a little bit more. Maybe add an addition 5 or 10 minutes to your current routine. I feel like if we make little changes like that, we wont really notice the extra work but our body will feel the effects.If you try to change too much, too soon, most people get burned out.

    You've lost 9 pounds and a pants size. That is something to be proud of, no matter the time it took you. Good luck!
  • david2joh
    david2joh Posts: 13 Member
    You are doing wonderfully. with Nine pounds and a pants size.

    Determination! And new clothes :happy:

    I'm on the slow boat as well. A year and half ago my goal was a
    life style change that coincidentally results in a half pound per week
    weight loss, knowing it was a four year commitment.
    Recently joined MFP on the suggestion of my MD as I was at
    a plateau and all the stories are a real motivator, whether fast or slow.

    Of course more cardio is always a good thing just for the emotional boost.
    Feel free to friend , or anyone else in the thread as well.
  • cookiesrgood15
    cookiesrgood15 Posts: 72 Member
    i agree i think youre right where you should be!! i lost about 28 lbs now in the past 16 months. it takes time. and in my opinion if you rush it you have a greater chance to rebound!!
    good lucK!
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    I feel like I'm losing at a slower weight too, for my weight and height (I'm technically morbidly obese and at 12 pounds lost in 9 weeks) but I'm starting to accept that they're not just going to fly off me quickly, and that works in my favour in the long run. This is soo very much a lesson in patience too, you'll get there :)