Weighing in?



  • judybrim
    judybrim Posts: 82 Member
    I've been weighing in and measuring once a month! It's just less stressful for me that way! :D
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    I weigh myself first day of my week (Sundays) after waking up. I try not to step on the scale any other days, but I do now and then just to see where I'm at.
  • PeaceCorpsKat
    PeaceCorpsKat Posts: 335 Member
    I do every day. It keeps me accountable.

    Everymorning, after using the toilet, before showering.
  • splackk
    splackk Posts: 163
    Last time I was watching what I ate, I was weighing in every day (and sometimes nights!) and pretty much just updating my weight whenever I wanted, not on any schedule. Now that I’m back I’ve resolved to update every Monday (hopefully will keep me accountable on weekends, my problem area!) but to check in every morning just because I like to see how things change depending on what I eat the day before. I’m up this morning after some salty popcorn for a snack last night, even though I did well on my calories. But thanks to that I know to drink extra water today to flush it out!
  • icnee
    icnee Posts: 7
    I get on the scale every morning after using the toilet. Cause I like to know what's going on. I often have swelling and when it says I'm up a few ounces I will drink extra water and eat celery because it is a natural diaretic ( I think I spelled that wrong) I find when doing that not only do the numbers go down but I find my pain Is decreased so it is working out well for me.
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    every day for me i want to see the progress or the damages
  • justaloozer
    justaloozer Posts: 122 Member
    I log it once a week, same scale, same time. But I weigh every day, just to see what's going on.

  • hubtech
    hubtech Posts: 43 Member
    I weigh-in and log it daily but only because I know that any daily fluctuations won't bug me. I like to stay on top of the situation and doing it daily means you don't have the chance to consider "being bad" one day and trying to make up for it the next.

    I suggest doing it as often as you can but it really should depend on how you handle the minor fluctuations. Once a week at least I should think.

    Make it a routine to get the most consistent results possible.
  • I log it once a week, same scale, same time. But I weigh every day, just to see what's going on.

    I'm the same way i know i should wait a wk but im curious and cant help myself sometimes im happy sometimes im frustated
  • Jostring73
    Jostring73 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks everyone that's a huge help.
    My only mistake was I weighed myself last thing on a Tuesday night! When I first weighed in on this app.
    I probably should weigh myself first thing in the morning before I eat anything.
    I might weigh myself this morning and start from there.
    Thanks chaps and chapettes!

    Loving my fitness pal! It's really motivating! :love: