Why Can't I Stick To This???



  • leaso75581
    leaso75581 Posts: 103
    OMG, did you take a page off of one of my "Pity Party" Blogs? I know EXACTLY how you feel....the best advice I can give you (not like you haven't gotten enough GREAT advice already) is never give up. Even when I slack off drastically for no reason, I ALWAYS get back on the horse....no matter what. The way I look at it, there's no going back.
  • josephine_x
    josephine_x Posts: 90 Member
    For motivation I'm always looking and comparing peoples bodies while out or watching telly and everytime I feel my motivation slipping I just ask myself whether I want to look like an overweight person or a fit healthy looking person.
  • omgcarol
    omgcarol Posts: 2
    Do a diet that works for you. I am on keto/low carb high fat and it has been REALLY easy for me and have been on it for 6.5 weeks now. Down 14 lbs. I started earlier last year with South Beach diet which made me hungry all the time since you are eliminating fat and anything that makes you feel full. I also did calorie control but was still quite hungry. Did portion control and still hungry. low carb high fat has finally worked and makes the most sense to me scientific wise. Our bodies are not made to eat tons of sugar and carbs like bread, pasta. Those are all man-made. Though dairy is kind of man made as well in some cases, but it still works.

    I just woke up and realized I HAVE TO LOSE WEIGHT. I NEEDED TO. I was sick of waking up every morning feeling I was going to get bigger. So I seriously just stopped what I was doing and changed. My willpower alone made me where I am today (mind over anything) and I can't see myself eating another big slice of pizza or cake again. You just have to stop and realize it isn't good for you and you should being taking care of yourself and valuing your life. The time it takes to diet/work out is only a tiny fraction of your life and your longevity will increase with every day you stick to your diet plan and change. It is a new lifestyle and you have to want to change in order for it to work. The pounds don't come off magically overnight, you have to work for it since it is a big deal. Good luck you!
  • Milliebear66
    Milliebear66 Posts: 23 Member
    Lots of reasons, for me I have good and bad weeks during my monthly cycle. Straight after I start my period and again straight after ovulation I have high motivation and commitment, the other two weeks I have to have a back up plan in place. i.e. give into chocolate cravings, but exercise more, cut down in other areas i.e. indulge for a day or two without going miles above the calorie intake.

    Also - there are other ebb and flow factors, motivation will come and go, question is can you be kind to yourself when it's ebbing?

    I am just approaching a stone lost - and it's taken nearly a year, I've had great losses and then months and months of stalling, and I'm still on the journey, the weight is still moving in the right direction and I lose weight when I'm ready.

    A friend recommended the Dukan diet, which I'm not doing, but reading the book was an eye opener in that he says that the body has to learn how to be at the new weight, and for every 1lb lost, it takes 5 days for the body to get used to it. So I've gone from nearly 16 stone, to now 15, my body has got used to being 15 rather than 15.12 and now it's ready to move on again. And just like that I'm motivated and losing weight.

    This is a patience game, and hope and acceptance.

    Big hugs to everyone out there on this journey.


    Nice one Jane .. agreed :) xx
  • rlysrh
    rlysrh Posts: 244
    Are you making it too difficult for yourself? I've failed at this 3 times before when I was trying to stick to 1200 calories a day. This time I've got further than ever before because I let myself eat 1400 a day plus a cheat day and I don't let it bother me too much if I don't stick to it perfectly.
    Sometimes you have to accept that its going to be long and slow.
  • mamoojack
    mamoojack Posts: 22 Member
    Hi !! I have been where you are so many times in my life I cannot count them. One thing that I have learned is, just because you have a piece of cake, doesn't mean you have failed. You know what it means?? It means you had a piece of cake. People eat cake!!!! This is not an all or nothing thing. It is not pass or fail. Find what matters to you, focus on that. Keeping my diary, making friends, logging my exercise have motivated me so much!!! When I have felt like quitting (and there have been a few day!!!) my fitness pal friends have talked me off the ledge and gotten me back on track. Don't be so hard on yourself.

    As far as exercise, walk. If you fell self conscious, walk at night!! Or even better, don't give a sh*# what people think. Plug in your IPOD and disappear into the memories that your music evokes!!! I usually end up walking laughing or crying (depending on the song!) My music is a time machine back to High School, or a ride to the beach with my cousins as a little girl. I even have a MP3 for the water for when I swim!!! Make your exercise something you enjoy!!

    there is plenty of encouragement here!! Please add me as a friend if you like!! Go gettum!!! Today is gonna be a good one!!!
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    Do you by any chance start all gung ho, healthy food, dramatic cut in calories and exercising like a demon?

    If so then thats your problem.

    Small steps. Start off logging your food, the good the bad and the downright ugly, get that habit licked then change a couple of things a week within that. Knock the calories down but don't drop from silly high to silly low. Get the calories under control for a while first then start working on quality of calories.

    Up your exercise but if none is your normal then build up gradually.

    Big strides tend to cause stumbles in many so aim for steady baby steps and you'll get there faster

    Amen to this! If you go too hard out to start with, it'll be nearly impossible to stick with. I'd say start by aiming to lose a pound a week and make sure you're eating food that you like well enough (not just things that are super-healthy but dry and boring). With exercise, start with small goals - i.e. three times a week or a 15 min most days or whatever... You can always build up, but it's got to be achievable as part of your everyday 'rest of your life' life - not as a bit short-term spurt.

    Good luck!
  • militarydreams
    militarydreams Posts: 198 Member
    I fall off the wagon every couple of weeks, the reason I've lost nearly 100lbs is because I just wake up the next day and get back on it. Nobody is perfect but some people never get back up.
  • Aine24
    Aine24 Posts: 1
    I know how you feel - but I find my fitness pal really good to keep track of what I eat, a lot of the time my eating is NOTHING to do with hunger, most of the food I put into my mouth I don't even notice it - so tracking is a brilliant way to realise HOW MUCH you eat! I also found Paul McKenna's site recently he says and I've said it myself thin people eat what they like, when they like and never seem to get fat but they don't obsess about food the way we do.. we should try looking at food the way thin people do it's just food to make our bodies work it's not supposed to be the enemy he recommends...four main rules - EAT WHEN YOU ARE HUNGRY (be conscious it's not because you are bored, fed up, emotional) only when hungry..EAT WHAT YOU WANT - don't make any food ie., chocolate the enemy because then you can't stop thinking of it and just give in and binge and give up...BE CONSCIOUS OF WHAT YOU ARE EATING..enjoy it, don't eat watching TV, reading etc., take it slowly enjoy every mouthful especially if it's something that in our minds is a "bad" food for us, and finally STOP EATING WHEN YOU ARE FULL...yes most of us eat so quickly that we don't give our stomachs time to let our brains know we are full... I don't think any fat person is fat because they are hungry I think a lot of it is emotional and we obsess and spend our time always thinking of it. Try his website you don't even have to pay or sign up everything is on it free although I have his book you don't need it but it is an eye opener...good luck :bigsmile:
  • StephySands
    I know that for me I had to change my mind. I can't look at this as a temporary change or as a DIET, or that when I reach my goal I can eat and do whatever I want. No, this is a new way a new LIFESTYLE. So, this new lifestyle has to work for ME and I had to decide what I was going to manage to live with and live without. I started slow with just logging my food and was really shocked at Calories in the foods I was eating. Also, I know that I'm not going to live without pizza or without chocolate so I have to fit that in but I do know that I don't have to have that everyday. I prefer to eat healthier now because it gives me more energy and makes me feel better but no food is off limits for me if I want it I can have it.

    I also exercise, at first it was only 15 or 20 minutes at a time. Now when I go to the gym I can do 45 or 55 minutes on the elliptical it's addicting and I love the way it makes me feel. I feel in control not out of control. I feel like I CAN do this. Which makes me want to go back for more.

    I have a lot of weight to lose but I don't focus on how much I have to lose I focus on mini goals. If you really want this, you will make it happen because you have all the power you ARE in control. If I can do this..........YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • santafeegret
    santafeegret Posts: 9 Member
    jump on board with my friend challenge :)

    I am challenging all of my friends to burn AT LEAST 200 calories EVERY DAY. That is a simple walk for most people.

    When 50% of my friends can burn 200 calories or more each 24 hour period, then I'll up the number of calories.

    We're currently at 35%. Feel free to join in on my friends list and participate - feeling like you are part of a team will keep you motivated to keep going ;)

  • dsagaties1963
    First off good for you for realizing your having a hard time sticking to your plan of losing weight, most people won't realize or admit this. We all have times where we feel this way I have done this several times myself why because I was losing weight people told me I looked good, so I said well I look good enough then first thing I know smack right back where I started if not further. I found what made me want to stay fat, and said as long as that has control of me I'll never be healthy. Now when people tell me I look good, I thank them, smile to myself and say wait till I lose 5 more pounds, try baby steps. We're human we make mistakes, get discouraged, but your reaching out for the help and motivation and that is the right steps too do! Feel free to add me as a friend together reach can reach the end of our journeys and look back, smile and say oh hell ya we did it!!
  • 1FitMomof4Girls
    1FitMomof4Girls Posts: 202 Member
    Same boat
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    Can I suggest that you start with smaller goals. Your ticker shows '145lbs to go', which will sometimes feel like an impossible number. Start with a goal of 10lbs or however you like to break it up. Then, when you've lost 5lbs, you'll be half way to that goal, it will look so much more achievable, than another 140. Get an item of clothing that is a size too small. Try it on every week and see how different it feels. Set yourself an exercise target, then aim to up it by a tiny bit each week. When I first started I had an exercise bike. The first time I used it, 10 minutes nearly killed me, but I did 10 minutes every day for a week, and the second week, I upped to 11 minutes, and so on and so on, until I could increase it by 2 minutes at a time, then 5.

    Constantly having small targets to work to means that you are constantly achieving, which makes it so much more inspiring to carry on.

    Give yourself days off when you need to. Not too often, but every now and then. If you are going to dinner, have a meal that you like, not just the lowest calorie option. Eventually making better choices becomes more of a habit, but there is really no point going out and eating a salad that you don't enjoy and all the while wishing you had something else, you might as well not go.

    When you do slip up, as 99% of us do, write it off and start again. These occurrences will become less frequent and less severe as you get used to the changes.

    I hope some of this has helped, and wish you all the best :flowerforyou:
  • needlework
    needlework Posts: 141 Member
    Thank you to everyone who responded. Lots of good information and tons of support. I hope everyone has a great St. Patrick's Day!!:drinker: