Who's got your back?

So who motivates, encourages and supports you?

I have a great group of church friends who got me started. Sharing our success (& occasional stumbles) has been great. But I really have to thank my husband. First of all he is the kind of person who will never struggle with weight (I would kill for his metabolism). But even at my heaviest he has never said anything negative about my looks. He has gently expressed concern about mt health. He has celebrated every pound lost and praised me for my efforts. But he has made it very clear that what he wants for me more than anything is for me to be healthy in body and soul.

Just wanted to open up a place for us all to say thanks :)


  • Jenny111372
    Jenny111372 Posts: 87 Member
    I'm lucky I have my hubby and my 2 kids along with my best friend all rooting for me. It helps my best friend is on this journey with me so we are each other's encouragement when one of us has a bad week. My hubby is the same...I'm not the 118 pound girl he fell in love with but he loves me regardless. Has made it clear he could care less what I weigh! My kids feel like Mom is perfect the way she is and they don't care what I weigh either..bless their hearts! :) BUT my daughter..14..has actually been my biggest cheerleader with every pound I lose or don't lose..when I lose it's "Great job Mom..I knew you could do it" and when I don't it's "Mom at least you didn't gain". I also have other friends who know I'm trying to lose some weight and cheer me on with my weekly Facebook weigh in posts. :) So I guess I'm pretty lucky to have quite a few people "have my back" during this and I think that makes it so much easier!