Calling all FT Mom's!

Not sure if this is in the right place but.....

Today is my last day as a part-time employee, I'm leaving my PT job to got to a full-time job. (Yay me!) I'm very scared that I'm not going to find the time to work-out. It's really freaking me out a bit. I'm not a morning person, so I've never worked out in the morning and I won't be getting home until around 6:30. With dinner, kids homework, lunches and everything else I have to do......How do you FT Mom's out ther do it?


  • I find it's best to go straight from work or else I will get bogged down with everything at home and I won't exercise then. It's all about getting a schedule and sticking to it. You may have to have a little later dinner but that's how I do it! I find that I may be tired before I go but after I'm done I'm more energized to get all my other after work chores done.
  • NotParis
    NotParis Posts: 26 Member
    You will just have to go after they are in bed or after you other duties are done. Do you have 24 hour access? A lot of people have to work out later in the day and you might meet people in the same role as you. Really concentrate on the weekend to get some really good workouts in, that is what I did when I worked 10 hours days. Kill it on the weekend then you can take time off during the week.
  • AlliecoreXX
    AlliecoreXX Posts: 78 Member
    I don't work *full* time (usually 25-30 hours a week); however, I am going to college in addition to working; and I'm also a single parent of 3 (ages 7, 6, & 3). So I totally understand. Honestly, I've found that getting up early is the best solution for me. Also, creating workouts that are super intense so I can burn more in less time. Basically I just have to schedule exercise just like I schedule everything else in my life. It's tough, but do-able. :) good luck!
  • BriskaPacojame
    BriskaPacojame Posts: 195 Member
    I just make sure my kids are taken care of (dad helps a lot!) and then I go straight to the gym after work. Or if I can't do that, the weather is getting nice out finally and I take walks with them. Anything that gets me off the couch, even if I don't break a sweat.

  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    I run/walk on M/W/F at lunch and I go home everday after work and do my workout video before picking up the kids. I wish I could workout before work, but I leave the house by 7 each day. Usually, we are all home for the evening by 6.
  • scoyne999
    scoyne999 Posts: 59 Member
    FT working mom here! There are a few options:

    1) Wake up early and go for a run/brisk walk before your kids wake up. You could also exercise to tapes or on the Wii Fit.
    2) Go to the gym after work and put your kids in the day care if they're young enough. My little one, Ella, is 2.5, and LOVES the day care at the gym. It's a win win for both of us.
    3) Use your lunch hour to walk/run or go to a nearby gym (not sure this would work for you, it doesn't work for me..)
    4) Up the ante on the weekends. Use Saturday and Sunday to push yourself and up your burn.

    Good luck and congrats on the FT position.
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    I'm not a morning person either, but if you are able to get to bed at a time where you can get your 7-8 hours of sleep, I say really try to get your workouts in in the morning. I used to do it and suprisely, I really learned to enjoy it. I have to be at work by 7:30, so I was up at 4:15 to workout.
  • bhersh24
    bhersh24 Posts: 49
    I'm a FT mom w/ 4 kids ranging from 3 to 17. There are weeks where my only hope for exercise is on the weekend and I accept that. Now that the weather is nice, I've been using my lunch hour at work to take a walk. At least I'm getting in something. There are some nights where I take 10 minutes and do jumping jacks, etc... too knowing that anything is better than nothing. I tried mornings and it just doesn't work for me. Set realistic goals. You'll figure it out! Just give yourself a little slack while you're adjusting and stay aware. You'll make it!
  • Schula03
    Schula03 Posts: 171 Member
    I have a 3 year old, So I found a gym that has kiddie care. I tried to do it at home but you will constantly be interrupted. I work till 4:30, pick up my son, go home, change, snacks, and to the gym by 5:30 pm.

    I usually plan our meals on the weekend and prepare as much as possible. We usually don't eat until 7:30 pm and than baths, down time, and bed!!!!
  • lovemykids58
    lovemykids58 Posts: 195 Member
    I go after the kids are in bed..I havea 24 hour gym (planet fitness) Makes for a SUPER long day ( up @5am for work.. bed 11pm on gym nights ) But you have to find time for YOU and to be healthy for them :)
  • I have to wait until everyone else is in bed because I am not a morning person either, and if I can sneak in a walk or something at work, even better. Sometimes I don't want to by the end of the day, but I always feel better after
  • mvolper
    mvolper Posts: 1
    What works for me: I go to a Curves fitness Center 4 blocks away from my job on my lunch hour. I try going 5 times a week, this way I could get in all my exercise before I go home and I have the weekends to do house chores and spend time with the kids.
    I tried numerous times to exercise after work and even on the weekends, its all soooooo hard. With the kids and the house chores it leaves hardly anytime. If there is no gym by your work try to power walk on your lunch hour. Maybe this can help during the week and try to sneak in vigiorous workouts on the weekends.
    KIWIFL Posts: 7 Member
    You will probably need time to get used to a new schedule first. Once you have gotten used to your new schedule, you will find that you have to make time for working out. I have a treadmill at home, so I usually get on after I put my son to bed. We usually eat dinner around 6:30 or 7 pm, and then we do homework. My son is only in VPK, so his homework is minimal, though. We usually do reading after homework. Then I let him watch a little tv, while I iron for the next day, pack lunch and spruce up. He gets into the bath around 8, so I usually get on the treadmill around 9pm when I am sure he is asleep--because the treadmill can be a little loud. Once you get used to doing it, it will become more natural and you will find that you rest easier after the workout.
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    Well I am a FT worker...PT step mom. But on the days we have Miss 5yo Princess in Training this is how I make it work. I pick her up from school, run any errands we have. Get home by 430-5ish. (yes it seems FT job is teaching so I start earlier and end earlier) She gets some relaxing time after school to watch TV...I go to another room and do about 30 minutes on one of my exercise DVDs. We then make/eat/clean up from dinner and start winding down for bed. Luckily at 5 we do not have homework yet...but when we do that TV time will likely be homework time.
    Since you will get home later...maybe try and start dinner and while it cooks squeeze in some workout time 15-20 minutes and then after dinner get the kids started on homeowrk and get in 15-20 more minutes. I have fallen in love with some DVDs (turbo jams and ripped in 30) that I can easily do at home on the fly.
  • I am a FT single mom...

    1. Do things that allow you to take the kids with you (ride bikes, hike, have a silly dance party, etc.)
    2. Walk the mall or your work parking lot on your lunch break
    3. Make time for a workout video or Wii Zumba at home after the kids are in bed (you will sleep better this way too)

    I love that all of this forces me to be an example to my 7-year-old daughter. She sees me making it a priority and has figured out on her own that it's pretty important. To me, this is the plus-side of being a working Mommy.
  • Lelez1cutie
    Lelez1cutie Posts: 16 Member
    I am a single mom of two. I work and go to school full time (online). My days are long but i feel very accomplished in the end. Im up by 430 to get a 30 min workout in and then kids get up at 5 and we all start to get ready for the day. by 7 eveyone is out the door to school and im off to work. At night i get home around 530 and i start dinner (which has already been planned out). we do homework after dinner and play and watch a movie. They are in bed by 830-900 and then it is my time until about 1030 -1100 when i go to bed. I usually get things together for the next day, another workout if im feeling frisky and then i do some reading to relax.
  • Lelez1cutie
    Lelez1cutie Posts: 16 Member
    on the weekends we are out at the park, going hiking and biking. anything to stay active with them :) hope this helps
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    I don't work *full* time (usually 25-30 hours a week); however, I am going to college in addition to working; and I'm also a single parent of 3 (ages 7, 6, & 3). So I totally understand. Honestly, I've found that getting up early is the best solution for me. Also, creating workouts that are super intense so I can burn more in less time. Basically I just have to schedule exercise just like I schedule everything else in my life. It's tough, but do-able. :) good luck!
    Exactly why I like Turbo Jams or Ripped in 30...a nice calorie burn in 30 minutes and I am moving on to the next thing!
  • jodibelle
    jodibelle Posts: 79 Member
    I am lucky in the fact that I have a rec center 3 blocks away so I walk down there on my lunch hour and work out.
  • teenytinii
    teenytinii Posts: 90 Member
    I work full time and have been a slacker about the gym bc my fiance is deployed so i have more on my plate than my normal schedule but normally it helps that my fiance and i both like to go to the gym together. we go when our daughter is at swim practice and if she doesnt have practice we go right after work and she goes to the child watch. my gym you need to make a "reservation" for child watch so basically if i plan to go i dont think of it as a choice later in the day bc i dont want to call and cancel!