Meh.. I dont wanna exercise



  • cookieluvsya
    cookieluvsya Posts: 136 Member
    You like lifting weights (not very common among the female population) that is awesome, you should incorporate what exercises you do so that it as an aerobic effect on your body. Then Circuit training is for you. for example: 2-3 rounds of this simple circuit all exercises to be performed on number of reps then move on to the next: 20 squats, 20 push ups, 20 dead lifts, 20 bent over rows, 20 shoulder press, 20 curls, and 20 dips. Take 2-3 min rest then repeat. done 3 times a week, you do not need cardio. Hopefully this helps.

    If I can do that and not do cardio I WOULD BE SOOOOO HAPPY!.. I thought you have to do cardio for weight loss.. MMmmmmmm I will have to try this... thanks for sharing =)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    I dont under stand this good for the heart business either. I mean im giving my heart quite a workout with my lifting. Your blood pressure goes way up under stress so your heart has to get stronger. If you have no endurance goals, cardio isnt neccessary for fat loss.
    Balance is everything. While anaerobic training does stress the heart, it still does it differently when compared to aerobic exercise. Even just 30 minutes 3 times a week is plenty for aerobic training if you're fairly fit.
    I despise cardio, but do it because I do want some endurance too. Playing "ultimate freesbie football" showed me that you need it if you intend to play.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • gingajenny
    I HATE cardio too! I've found that I LOVE riding my bike to and from work (about 10 miles each way with small hills). It works, and it's fun - I promise you! I think since you're multi-tasking, it makes cardo less cardioish.
  • la_traviesa36013
    Wow I did not expect that many responses But i read Every one of them lol. & It did help me a lot. I thought I HAD to do cardio If i wanted to lose fat.. But some of you were saying thats not entirely true and i could just cut down my calories and i wouldnt need to do cardio daily. :) Yayyyyyyyyyy! I eat 900-1000 cals a day and im breastfeeding so im happy to hear that i dont have to do cardio to burn fat. But i dont think ill cut down on my calories lol. Ill try that circuit training. That should work :) Cus being a SAHM makes it difficult to just head off to the mall/park to go for walks. :)
  • la_traviesa36013
    You like lifting weights (not very common among the female population) that is awesome, you should incorporate what exercises you do so that it as an aerobic effect on your body. Then Circuit training is for you. for example: 2-3 rounds of this simple circuit all exercises to be performed on number of reps then move on to the next: 20 squats, 20 push ups, 20 dead lifts, 20 bent over rows, 20 shoulder press, 20 curls, and 20 dips. Take 2-3 min rest then repeat. done 3 times a week, you do not need cardio. Hopefully this helps.

    Yes I loove Weight lifting. It always seems to have a immediate effect on whatever part im working out. &being able to say to my friends that I can lift 250 with my legs is always fun. lmao :)
  • Phrak
    Phrak Posts: 353 Member
    Wow I did not expect that many responses But i read Every one of them lol. & It did help me a lot. I thought I HAD to do cardio If i wanted to lose fat.. But some of you were saying thats not entirely true and i could just cut down my calories and i wouldnt need to do cardio daily. :) Yayyyyyyyyyy! I eat 900-1000 cals a day and im breastfeeding so im happy to hear that i dont have to do cardio to burn fat. But i dont think ill cut down on my calories lol. Ill try that circuit training. That should work :) Cus being a SAHM makes it difficult to just head off to the mall/park to go for walks. :)

    Most of us here just want to look better naked, not have the heart of an endurance runner. You can acheive these goals with weightliftng and calorie restriction. Added cardio can be used as a plateau buster when you dont want to drop calories any further.
  • happythermia
    You should try Zumba! It's actually very fun and burns a lot of calories. I just went to my first class last Wednesday and can't wait to go again. Definitely consider it if you love dancing (like me, he he).:bigsmile:

    Zumba killed me! but it was fun-ish.

    LOL I'm in the same boat as the original poster. I HATE to exercise. I HATE to sweat UGH.

    But I joined a fancy pants gym. So I think about how much I'm paying and it's a good motivator lol! Right now I'm doing yoga 2x a week and planning on doing Zumba 1x a week. On my off days, I walk my dog for at least 20 minutes.

    Also...I hula hoop. I'll turn on my trashy tv, and hoop to it. It's like exercise-but-not! That's why I love it.
  • la_traviesa36013
    Wow I did not expect that many responses But i read Every one of them lol. & It did help me a lot. I thought I HAD to do cardio If i wanted to lose fat.. But some of you were saying thats not entirely true and i could just cut down my calories and i wouldnt need to do cardio daily. :) Yayyyyyyyyyy! I eat 900-1000 cals a day and im breastfeeding so im happy to hear that i dont have to do cardio to burn fat. But i dont think ill cut down on my calories lol. Ill try that circuit training. That should work :) Cus being a SAHM makes it difficult to just head off to the mall/park to go for walks. :)

    Most of us here just want to look better naked, not have the heart of an endurance runner. You can acheive these goals with weightliftng and calorie restriction. Added cardio can be used as a plateau buster when you dont want to drop calories any further.

    I agree my good man. I just want to look better, naked or not lol. But Yea Im just going keep weightlifting. And mabye do some cardio 2-3 times a week. Lol but running around after a 1 year old all day should count as cardio. XD
  • BruteSquad
    BruteSquad Posts: 373 Member
    Yayyyyyyyyyy! I eat 900-1000 cals a day and im breastfeeding so im happy to hear that i dont have to do cardio to burn fat. But i dont think ill cut down on my calories lol.

    Are those NET calories? You should never go under 1200 calories without doctor supervision. If you are eating so little you may have trouble losing weight. You have to feed the engine. Look at other threads on women not losing weight, common thread is they reduce caloric intake too far. AND breast feeding, I seriously think you may want more calories.

    Second note, if you use the MFP default macros you probably want to bump up your % of protein.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I just go do it, or I find a way to make it more enjoyable. I enjoy cardio but I hate lifting weights. Sometimes I'll do pilates instead of weight lifting, since they do similar things, but I enjoy pilates way more. Are there other types of cardio, like maybe a zumba or aerobics class you might enjoy? Even roller skating or dancing?
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    nut up or shut up. if you're not willing to put in the work then you don't deserve the rewards.
  • Phrak
    Phrak Posts: 353 Member
    Wow I did not expect that many responses But i read Every one of them lol. & It did help me a lot. I thought I HAD to do cardio If i wanted to lose fat.. But some of you were saying thats not entirely true and i could just cut down my calories and i wouldnt need to do cardio daily. :) Yayyyyyyyyyy! I eat 900-1000 cals a day and im breastfeeding so im happy to hear that i dont have to do cardio to burn fat. But i dont think ill cut down on my calories lol. Ill try that circuit training. That should work :) Cus being a SAHM makes it difficult to just head off to the mall/park to go for walks. :)

    Most of us here just want to look better naked, not have the heart of an endurance runner. You can acheive these goals with weightliftng and calorie restriction. Added cardio can be used as a plateau buster when you dont want to drop calories any further.

    I agree my good man. I just want to look better, naked or not lol. But Yea Im just going keep weightlifting. And mabye do some cardio 2-3 times a week. Lol but running around after a 1 year old all day should count as cardio. XD

    You probably burn more calories running after that kid all day, then people burn doing their "cardio" and you probably enjoy it a lot more.
  • la_traviesa36013
    Yayyyyyyyyyy! I eat 900-1000 cals a day and im breastfeeding so im happy to hear that i dont have to do cardio to burn fat. But i dont think ill cut down on my calories lol.

    Are those NET calories? You should never go under 1200 calories without doctor supervision. If you are eating so little you may have trouble losing weight. You have to feed the engine. Look at other threads on women not losing weight, common thread is they reduce caloric intake too far. AND breast feeding, I seriously think you may want more calories.

    Second note, if you use the MFP default macros you probably want to bump up your % of protein.

    I dont eat more than 1000 calories a day. And I dont eat back my exercise calories. Im doing the 6weekbodymakeover thing. I did before and lost 55 lbs in 5 months. I still have 60 to lose so Im givingit a try again. It really helps with my cravings and helps me learn how to control myself when I have a certain thing to eat everyday.
  • jabba11
    jabba11 Posts: 44 Member
    Yoga? Also eating less than a 1000 cals a day does not provide you the energy your gonna need to do any cardio.
  • la_traviesa36013

    Lol too fat for Yoga. XD
  • milkll13
    milkll13 Posts: 27 Member
    I like the idea that if I do cardio, I might not die from things like heart disease.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    dear gawd..i havent had a real workout in months, but i would get back into it if my alternative was sliding down a banister of razor blades into a pool of lemon juice :laugh:
  • milkll13
    milkll13 Posts: 27 Member
    In addition, I get high on the fact that at 240lbs, I can run longer than most of my friends - even the skinny ones. Skinny does not = fit; but sitting all the time does = lazy.
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    Yayyyyyyyyyy! I eat 900-1000 cals a day and im breastfeeding so im happy to hear that i dont have to do cardio to burn fat. But i dont think ill cut down on my calories lol.

    Are those NET calories? You should never go under 1200 calories without doctor supervision. If you are eating so little you may have trouble losing weight. You have to feed the engine. Look at other threads on women not losing weight, common thread is they reduce caloric intake too far. AND breast feeding, I seriously think you may want more calories.

    Second note, if you use the MFP default macros you probably want to bump up your % of protein.

    I dont eat more than 1000 calories a day. And I dont eat back my exercise calories. Im doing the 6weekbodymakeover thing. I did before and lost 55 lbs in 5 months. I still have 60 to lose so Im givingit a try again. It really helps with my cravings and helps me learn how to control myself when I have a certain thing to eat everyday.

    if you still have to lose 60 pounds, why do you think trying 1000 calories a day is going to work this time. that's stupid and unhealthy. eat real food. get in a gym. lose weight and keep it off. it's not complicated. 1000 calories a day isn't going to do anything but screw up your metabolism and cause weight gain when you start eating like a real person again.
  • k0nfyo0zed
    k0nfyo0zed Posts: 313 Member
    there are times when i'm just like 'feh. gym. whatever. don't wanna...'

    but then i go. and always feel great afterwards. it helps that there's a big screen TV and nobody else there when i go with my husband.