Meh.. I dont wanna exercise



  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    I became an instructor. Twice a week I have to do full out over the top cardio. No excuses. The other days I lift heavy. And I try to walk with my daughter while she rides her bike.
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    I like the idea that if I do cardio, I might not die from things like heart disease.

    hundreds of people every year die from running.
  • abnerner
    abnerner Posts: 452 Member
    I am the total opposite, I love cardio and hate weights. My only advice, find something you like to do for cardio (dancing, roller blading, biking, etc). It may not seem as hard then.
  • y353
    y353 Posts: 50 Member
    Try dance classes. The name is ballroom in english, I believe.
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    If you like weightlifting, do supersets to raise your heart rate of do a circuit that you do not stop until you have finished all the exercises. For me I work the muscels in pairs chest/back then bicept /tricept so forth and I don't rest for the entire time I'm doing strength training. Also look at items that go along with Strength training, kickboxing for example. get a boxing bag and punch and kick the hell out of it. That will get the heart pumping.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Well, I just worked out for 50 minutes so I could drink an entire bottle of wine. I call that a good trade off.
  • Kgotell
    Kgotell Posts: 5 Member
    You can get an aerobic benefit from "weight training". Long steady pace cardio (think treadmill or elliptical for 60 min boooooooo) actually burns muscle not fat AND the caloric burn stops the second you stop. Weight training you continue to burn. I enjoy exercise of all sorts so lucky me. Anyone telling you not to exercise well, thats cool if you want to NOT be healthy and have injuries as you age. Its not all about weightloss is it?? I would try Tababta sprints, 8 minutes of cardio in tital equivelent to 45 min steady pace cardio. Its a ***** but its 8 min. What I do- Two times a week:2 rounds of tabata sprints 4 min long with a 2 min recovery between (so actuallly about 10 min total) . Boom, cardio done.
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    Well, I just worked out for 50 minutes so I could drink an entire bottle of wine. I call that a good trade off.

    ~1000 calories in 50 mins?

  • northfresh
    northfresh Posts: 111
    I don't like shaving my legs or flossing my teeth, either, but I like the results of when I do and hate the results when I don't.

    Same goes for exercise.

    I think you're my soulmate.
  • la_traviesa36013
    Yayyyyyyyyyy! I eat 900-1000 cals a day and im breastfeeding so im happy to hear that i dont have to do cardio to burn fat. But i dont think ill cut down on my calories lol.

    Are those NET calories? You should never go under 1200 calories without doctor supervision. If you are eating so little you may have trouble losing weight. You have to feed the engine. Look at other threads on women not losing weight, common thread is they reduce caloric intake too far. AND breast feeding, I seriously think you may want more calories.

    Second note, if you use the MFP default macros you probably want to bump up your % of protein.

    I dont eat more than 1000 calories a day. And I dont eat back my exercise calories. Im doing the 6weekbodymakeover thing. I did before and lost 55 lbs in 5 months. I still have 60 to lose so Im givingit a try again. It really helps with my cravings and helps me learn how to control myself when I have a certain thing to eat everyday.

    if you still have to lose 60 pounds, why do you think trying 1000 calories a day is going to work this time. that's stupid and unhealthy. eat real food. get in a gym. lose weight and keep it off. it's not complicated. 1000 calories a day isn't going to do anything but screw up your metabolism and cause weight gain when you start eating like a real person again.

    Theres honestly no need to be rude here. I was only saying that I did it 6 months ago and It worked for me. The last 6 months have been hard and I havent lost any weight Because I still have problems with self-control. Im not stupid or unhealthy. I may be overweight but im a lot better off than I was before at 302 lbs. And why I made the decision to start with the program again was a well thought out one. And I didnt say it was complicated. Im not new at this lol. Ive done plenty of research and ive been through this before. And it didnt cause weight gain for me when I stopped before. If you dont have any self-control when it comes to being rude to people you dont know, then I suggest you dont write back.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Well, I just worked out for 50 minutes so I could drink an entire bottle of wine. I call that a good trade off.

    ~1000 calories in 50 mins?


    750 ml bottle of wine = 560 calories
  • nickyrobinson
    nickyrobinson Posts: 161 Member
    Frankly, I walk. And am riding my bicycle a bit to go to the post office. Once this stupid wrist heals (yes, I fell OFF the darn bicycle ...) I would like to ride more.

    I find all forms of gym work to be unbearably boring, so I just don't do it.
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    Yayyyyyyyyyy! I eat 900-1000 cals a day and im breastfeeding so im happy to hear that i dont have to do cardio to burn fat. But i dont think ill cut down on my calories lol.

    Are those NET calories? You should never go under 1200 calories without doctor supervision. If you are eating so little you may have trouble losing weight. You have to feed the engine. Look at other threads on women not losing weight, common thread is they reduce caloric intake too far. AND breast feeding, I seriously think you may want more calories.

    Second note, if you use the MFP default macros you probably want to bump up your % of protein.

    I dont eat more than 1000 calories a day. And I dont eat back my exercise calories. Im doing the 6weekbodymakeover thing. I did before and lost 55 lbs in 5 months. I still have 60 to lose so Im givingit a try again. It really helps with my cravings and helps me learn how to control myself when I have a certain thing to eat everyday.

    if you still have to lose 60 pounds, why do you think trying 1000 calories a day is going to work this time. that's stupid and unhealthy. eat real food. get in a gym. lose weight and keep it off. it's not complicated. 1000 calories a day isn't going to do anything but screw up your metabolism and cause weight gain when you start eating like a real person again.

    Theres honestly no need to be rude here. I was only saying that I did it 6 months ago and It worked for me. The last 6 months have been hard and I havent lost any weight Because I still have problems with self-control. Im not stupid or unhealthy. I may be overweight but im a lot better off than I was before at 302 lbs. And why I made the decision to start with the program again was a well thought out one. And I didnt say it was complicated. Im not new at this lol. Ive done plenty of research and ive been through this before. And it didnt cause weight gain for me when I stopped before. If you dont have any self-control when it comes to being rude to people you dont know, then I suggest you dont write back.

    I'm not being rude. I never said anything derogatory or mean. I'm speaking from experience and education. I never called YOU stupid or unhealthy, I said that the diet plan you're choosing is stupid and unhealthy. 1000 calories a day on top of a workout deficit is extremely unhealthy. That's not new information. I'm just saying that you can't expect to see results that last when you A) don't eat and B) don't exercise. I'm just giving you an honest answer.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Lol too fat for Yoga. XD

    No one is too fat for yoga.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,718 Member
    Wow I did not expect that many responses But i read Every one of them lol. & It did help me a lot. I thought I HAD to do cardio If i wanted to lose fat.. But some of you were saying thats not entirely true and i could just cut down my calories and i wouldnt need to do cardio daily. :) Yayyyyyyyyyy! I eat 900-1000 cals a day and im breastfeeding so im happy to hear that i dont have to do cardio to burn fat. But i dont think ill cut down on my calories lol. Ill try that circuit training. That should work :) Cus being a SAHM makes it difficult to just head off to the mall/park to go for walks. :)
    I'm telling you from my professional experience (and the fact that my mom is an OBYN) that it's not ideal for a breastfeeding mother to be under 1,500 calories a day. You could jeopardize the milk production needed. This is also echoed by Children's Nutrition Research Center at Baylor College of Medicine.
    Don't make the mistake of doing it wrong and possibly affecting your child at the same time.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition