Looking for support

Hi, i am new to this website and i need friend for support please add me. If you live in Staffordshire that would be great :smile:


  • agallie89
    agallie89 Posts: 17
    I'm also quite new to MFP, I'm looking for friends that can help and support me through my weight lose journey.
    Although im not in the UK I live in Guernsey, Channel Islands so not that far away - across the waters

    Add me if you want!! :0)
  • I live up in Scotland but you can add me if you want :smile:
  • 43freckles
    43freckles Posts: 34 Member
    Hi, thanx for your invite, i would like to add you:smile:
  • hi everyone. i live in Arizona. i have beenon here for almost 2 weeks and would love to make friends.
  • acfkaren
    acfkaren Posts: 60 Member
    Hello! I live in South Wales so not close to you - but you are more than welcome to add me if you want to.