Women Outnumber Men 10/1

baribeau375 Posts: 13 Member
In kind of scanning posts, I see that the overwhelming number of forum posters are women. Just look at the volume by gender. I'm wondering if its because there are simply that many more female MFP users who are committed to losing weight; or, is it that women are eager to communicate for support?

Obviously, there are thousands of MFP users and only a fraction of them actually post. I find the power of the application is simplifying the tracking of food consumed. Watch what goes in, ACCURATELY, and you'll lose weight safely. It's incredibly easy to underestimate consumption if one doesn't meticulously log in everything - everyday. This feature is all I really need. The secondary power of support I don't require; but, I understand how it can be really helpful to many.

I started my regimen last August with a goal of 55 pounds to avoid health problems. At 67, I take no medications at all and wanted to stay this way. My BP and Cholesterol levels were borderline high and my PCP threatened to put me on medications for both. That was quite enough stimulation to change my ways. I've now exceeded my goal by 6 pounds and have reset to another 20 to get to my weight when I was 20. My BP now is 125/70 and total cholesterol is 170. No medications for me; and, I'm eager to see my PCP at the end of this month.:laugh: Last year, I was tossing size 38 slacks because I pretty much expected I would never again get into them. Now, when I get to my new goal, my new 38s are going to go 'cuz they'll be too big!:happy:


  • Lissakaye81
    Lissakaye81 Posts: 224 Member
    I think it is a combination of things. I think for one women have slower metabolisms and can be more difficult to loose weight, women like to socialize about this kind of stuff a lot more, and are more emotional about weight. I think also in society it is more acceptable to be an overweight male than female. A heavy guy is usually viewed as a teddy bear, big daddy, lovable guy, women that are overweight are usually just viewed as lazy. There are quiet a few guys on here that have lost long term weight and are seeking support and motivation, but the majority of guys I have met on here are in great shape and like to socialize with health minded people. I think it's a great site, I think a lot more guys read than post too.
  • jmuhnie
    jmuhnie Posts: 93 Member
    I do think guys are in the minority around here. I don't think it is a big deal though. My wife is on here and never posts...maybe it is because I am around to give feedback. The feedback given here is amazing for anyone needing support or ideas for continued weight loss...I've been lurking since early last year but didn't really get serious and actually post/participate until around the new year. It is also interesting that I didn't drop any weight until after my wife joined up as well, again I think support is crucial. Maybe guys aren't as willing to accept advice from other?

    Great job on the weight loss. I'm here for the same reason. I have about 40 lbs to a "normal" bmi but probably about 20 lbs to a normal blood pressure given history.
  • monkeyriley
    monkeyriley Posts: 51 Member
    Congrats on your success!

    I think guys generally don't communicate about their bodies due to general societal influences. As a dude, I don't talk about my body; specifically, I don't talk about how I don't like being overweight with a bunch of strangers, even if that is the case. I don't want to be a "Teddy Bear" or whatever I would be classified as. I want to be healthy.

    Personally, I want to do this, be successful, then post the pictures of before and after. I have had enough pressure and failures over the course of my life that I do want to share successes and not have to read about my failures in the public square.

    Finally, I am not trying to delude myself into thinking that this is easy. I know this journey is hard. If it was easy, losing weight and getting healthier wouldn't be the big deal that it is because everyone would do it and we wouldn't have 66% of the U.S. population qualifying as overweight or obese. I do like reading about other guys being successful; it helps motivate me. I also don't want to minimize my setbacks or overcompensate for my accomplishments. I have done that in the past and failed, never moving the ball forward. Actually, what I enjoy is seeing the people that I spend most of my days with hardly notice a difference combined with running into people I have not seen for a while notice a huge difference. That coupling is where I know I am being successful due to a gradual, steady, slow decline that signifies a potential lifestyle change.
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    Wow, you made some fantastic health improvements! Congratulations.
  • amisbest
    amisbest Posts: 38 Member
    I am almost in the same boat as you. I am also 67 yrs old and want to lose about 75 lbs. ( I have lost 28 since 1/1/2012). Congratulations on your success. In my opinion, nothing succeeds like success. Every pound lost gives me motivation to get to my goal. I think a lot of women enjoy the personal touch of communicating with others directly. I think guys feel they are able to do it all by themselves and think of needing direct support from other people as some kind of weakness. That may be an over generalization, however. I get support from reading success posts, tracking my progress, and watching inches fall away. It is a battle to do this everyday, but it gets easier. At any rate, way to go on your weight loss. Good luck getting to your goal. BTW what was your sw, cw and goal. How tall are you?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    Congrats on your improved numbers!

    Women just talk more.....maybe you hadn't noticed? :wink:
  • baribeau375
    baribeau375 Posts: 13 Member
    My Starting Weight: 300 Big Ones My Current Weight: 239 and my Goal: 220. I'm 6' 2". I have a large frame and large (not spindly) French-Canadian legs. No one would guess that I was lugging around the poundage I was.

    Incidentally, if ever you want to really get a psychological boost related to your progress, just visualize your weight loss, 32 pounds, as 32 (1) pound blocks of butter sitting on the counter. Because it is pure fat, it is exaclty representative of the volume of your weight loss. Visualized this way, it's impressive, huh? And just wait until you reach your 75 pound goal - imagine the butter block stack; and, better yet, imagine putting them in a duffle bag and walking around with it.

    You don't need good luck wishes - you'll get to goal.
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