
no, im really frustrated, i am more conscious of my food choices, i never go to far from my daily calorie needs, atleast i know i never go above 1600 6 days. i do taebo 4 times a week for 30 minutes, on the days that i dont do taebo i do some light cardio and crunches and push ups. but my weight never changes.


  • yluuuu
    yluuuu Posts: 21 Member
    Sometimes the best way to track your progress is not by weight but by the you've inches lost.
  • RedHeadChick
    RedHeadChick Posts: 39 Member
    Don't get frustrated! That will just side line you from keep up the momentum you are building. Stick with it and results will come. I would definitely stay away from the scale! The scale is really a huge enemy, as it doesn't show whether you are putting on muscle or not. I find it much better to use a tape measure and photos to see if I have made progress.

    You are doing great so far! So keep up the good work!
  • kmarti
    kmarti Posts: 5
    Don't get too down on yourself. I have been really frustrated lately as well, the number on the scale seems stuck. BUT today I bought a pair of pants 3 sizes smaller than I wore 6 months ago. I also started tracking my measurements. I don't see numbers falling off the scale but I do see them falling off when I measure myself. I'm not sure why but I can see a difference that way! Keep you chin up, keep at it and you WILL see results! At least that's what I keep telling myself!!!!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    It's possible you aren't tracking all your food eaten.

    Do you measure and weigh everything? It is really easy to make 1000-calorie-a-day mistakes if you are not doing so.

    You may also be over-estimating your exercise calories-burned.

    This site works well if you are honest and accurate. So it is something in your data calculation that is holding you back. It may even be the way you have set up your goals.
  • s347207
    s347207 Posts: 1
    You may need to look at the intensity of your workout. If your not getting your heart rate up to approx 150+ then you wont be burning fat even if the exercise equipment says otherwise.
  • JPod279
    JPod279 Posts: 722 Member
    You may need to look at the intensity of your workout. If your not getting your heart rate up to approx 150+ then you wont be burning fat even if the exercise equipment says otherwise.

    I am sorry, but I don not think that is true, one bit. I have a heart condition so I don't get my HR over 135 when I exercise and I have lost plenty of fat so far. Plus a girl at my work has lost 60+ lbs by only eating better and walking.
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    have you measured yourself? My scale hasn't budged for a couple weeks,but I've lost 1 inch on my waist and 2 1/2 inches on my pouch under my belly button...
  • ball858
    ball858 Posts: 395 Member
    Change up your exercises!

    your body knows what it has to do to get you through the taebo and if doing the same circuits every time, throw a run in there or just something else to shock the body
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    So many things can be playing into this. Yes one calories in vs calories out as well as you could be building muscle and still losing inches because while muscle weighs the same as fat (yes people who don't get it a pound is a pound.) you can be smaller but weigh the same. So before you discount all your hard work and effort ask yourself how are your clothes fitting? Do you feel better, stronger, HEALTHIER overall?

    And another thing that is common in weight loss is plateaus. (sp) have you tried eating a bit more a day a week or every other week to give your body that little spike? Some people need it some don't but if all else is failing then you may need one.

    And while I an not one to advocate for eating your excercise calories back it does not hurt to eat a small portion back if you need them. Because what you are saying is that you are working out alot and eating only 1600 cal so my question is wether or not that is net or if it is in conjunction with your calories burned. think in 1600- out 1100 from excercise and you have netted 500 cals.. that may not be enough for you and there are key things to look for that will tell you wether you are getting enough mainly your energy levels. Are you tired alot? hungrier or crankier than usual?

    Just some food for thought because no matter how much advice we offer you and your body is going to be what tells you whats really going on.
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    "This site works well if you are honest and accurate."

    Actually I think it's important to realise that no matter how honest and accurate you are when it comes to exercise the numbers are just an estimate. I find for me the site way over estimates compared to what I think I actually burn. Take for example swimming. It has no way of knowing if I'm a really efficient swimmer who just glides through the water or a complete thrasher who probably burns twice as many calories to go the same distance. So I've down graded all of the estimates given for my regular calories (this only matters of course if you are eating your exercise calories - I am because I'm hungry!)
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Logging every thing?
    Don't forget to lift heavy!
    Patience is the key.