My first post...please help!!

I previously posted this on another I am hoping to get a variety of feedback...
Okay...I've been so inspired by so many of the success stories. Calorie counting work!!! I've been on program now since 3/5/2012 refuse to weigh until 3/19 - bc the scale is not my friend (LOL!), besides I prefer to weigh every 2 weeks. However, I do see a definite change in my appetite and definitely feel changes in my body - I feel debloated. I have a waaaaays to go (Hope to lose 70lbs), however, my abs are definitely deflating. Okay - getting to the point of this reading all the successful you think it is realistic for me to zigzag 10,850 (week's worth of calories) - I plan to do the following ranges: 1675/1400/1650/1300/1475/1800/1550 = 10,850 - without tweaking carbs/protein and fat? Because if I had to micro-manage all that I will GO CRAZY..honestly...I want it to be calories in and calories out...I plan to have an average daily caloric burn of 500 (minimum)...and as my burn increases, I will increase calories slightly to compensate so I dont starve on average I plan to BURN 3500 by weekend..and with the deficit from my caloric intake of 3000 ... I can expect to lost on average 1.5-1.75 weekly. According to the calorie counter on another site it says I need to eat 1981 to maintain current weight of 225 (size 16/18)...I want to lose at a comfortable rate without starvation..and so far I feel great...NO DEPRIVATION whatsoever..I eat what I want..I just log in my MFP on my iphone APP...and loving me I make smart choices, however, once a week I will give in to say a egg cheese croissant..just count it and move on...I am dealing with reality...I dont want to forever give those things up..I want to have them once a month ..just not daily like I use to...SO WHAT DO YOU EXPERTS THINK..bc I value all the feedback bc you gals/guys "been there ...done that"...thanks bunches..


  • olyrose
    olyrose Posts: 569 Member
    I'm just about to start zig-zagging my calories too. I've made a "zig-zag" cardio entry so I can add it to my diary for the higher days, and one for my foods so I can add it for the lower days. This should adjust some of the carbs/fat/protein automatically. I honestly don't pay too much attention to those, though, because I naturally tend to go over on fiber and protein, and under on carbs and fats. It sounds like your plan is good, though I'm not an expert here :)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,082 Member
    Try it for a month and reevaluate if it isn't working. Zig-zagging is actually more complicated than just picking some random calories per day that all add up to a weekly total.

    I wouldn't go in every day and try to change the Food Diary tools here. 1.) it will make you frustrated. 2.) if you change your goal on a daily basis, it changes the entire history, not just that day.

    Just set your Goal as 1550 a day (10,850 per week divided by 7 days.) Then keep some external tracking method, Excel or something similar to zig-zag your daily numbers.....much easier.