Diet pills......

What's your take on diet pills?
Does anyone take diet pills with their fitness plan? Do you think they make a difference? If anyone is taking any and would like to share I'd love to know what they are and if they think they really help.


  • I started taking Phentermine extended release on March 3 and have lost 15 lbs so really keeps you from being hungry and thinking about food all the time. So far, I have felt better than ever with a lot more energy...not sure if its the medicine or giving up all the junk food and sugary drinks. I also take a multi vitamin. I know I couldn't do this entirely on my own and now with some weight loss, I will be more motivated to keep the healthy eating habits up.
  • I just started today. I got Hydroxycut Max for women. It says it has energizing effects. I really need the energy. Being a single mom and working full time I feel like I have none! lol but I know once I get into the habit of eating right and working out that will help give me energy!
  • jjennyb4
    jjennyb4 Posts: 1,581 Member
    I personally think they are a waste of money. I've tried a few different one's and never lost any weight while taking them.
  • i have tried almost all of them and they all have side effects way worse than being fat...i almost had aheart attack on hydroxy cut and alli and fastin completely shut down my digestive system and almost destroyed my liver
  • i have tried almost all of them and they all have side effects way worse than being fat...i almost had aheart attack on hydroxy cut and alli and fastin completely shut down my digestive system and almost destroyed my liver

    Did you have other health problems though? that would have contributed to that happening? (sorry horrible speller)
  • allnewskinnyme
    allnewskinnyme Posts: 64 Member
    I used to take pills that sped up your metabolism and it worked. I had more energy which was great! But take one within 5 hours of going to bed or don't do any exercise on the full dosage and you'll be up all night... far too much caffeine! AND when you stop taking them... it's like starting all over again :( My metabolism just shut down completely!

    Look at is as a lifestyle plan not a diet. Could you take diet pills everyday for the rest of your life?
  • I'm more or less wanting to try them just to see if they'll help give me some energy. Starting out I don't really have any and I was drinking 5-6+ cans of pop everyday. I'm down to 3 cans a day so far for the last two days. I don't plan on useing diet pills for the rest of my life, would just love some added energy right now.
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    If you want something that kicks up your metabolism, try 1-6 teaspoons of organic cayenne pepper powder every morning. It increases circulation and will keep you awake especially right after you take it. To cut the burning sensation, try having yogurt or milk after taking it. Besides increasing circulation, it helps digestion and prevents ulcers.
  • If you want something that kicks up your metabolism, try 1-6 teaspoons of organic cayenne pepper powder every morning. It increases circulation and will keep you awake especially right after you take it. To cut the burning sensation, try having yogurt or milk after taking it. Besides increasing circulation, it helps digestion and prevents ulcers.

    Thanks for the tip. Where did you learn that?
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    My two cents:

    I think taking them is playing with fire, why put your heart at risk?

    You can try to maximize your energy by:
    - changing your sleeping habits (as in getting more sleep),
    - eating when you first wake up to kick-start your metabolism,
    - Working out, I do cardio and strength training, not sure which is better for energy though.
    - cutting out caffeine (you'll go through a rough withdrawal period but I think it's worth it)
    - cutting out extra (non-fruit) sugar (no sugar highs mean no crashing lows) and sugary drinks like juice and pop.
    - eating healthier, whole food.

    I'm no expert, but I used to drink 2+ energy drinks a day, and started getting the shakes and heart palpitations, over 3 WEEKS. Now I rarely consume caffeine, and after making some of those changes I have more energy than I've had in a while
  • Taylerr88
    Taylerr88 Posts: 320 Member
    they are useless pretty much.. if i feel the need for a little boost.. ill use ephedrine and caffeine.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    ill use ephedrine.

    Also dangerous to take.
  • demorest
    demorest Posts: 109
    I take a vitimin for women that has energy, It works well for me.
  • Taylerr88
    Taylerr88 Posts: 320 Member
    ill use ephedrine.

    Also dangerous to take.

    correct.. but used responsibly i think its pretty safe.
  • JimandLin
    JimandLin Posts: 76 Member
    Think about long term. Once you stop taking them, you will gain the weight back. Do it the safe way. You can't stay on them forever.
  • I plan on eating healthy and working out, so if I take them for awhile and stop when I feel the need to it really shouldnt make me gain it all back it I keep up with the healthy foods and working out!
  • shanae727
    shanae727 Posts: 546 Member
    My friend just asked me this yesterday. I think diet pills are a cheap thrill. You lose a few pounds at first and then you gain them back. I took them before and I gained all of my weight back....bad times*. You have to work harder and eat better to lose after getting off of them because your body has gotten used to them. But they are so not worth it. Why not do it right the first go round? :)

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  • aquarianpixi
    aquarianpixi Posts: 131 Member
    ill use ephedrine.

    Also dangerous to take.

    correct.. but used responsibly i think its pretty safe.

    I agree. It IS dangerous to take high doses of it, but I use it to help me not have asthma attacks while I'm exercising.
  • PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE,STAY AWAY FROM DIET PILLS! I know someone who started taking them and ended up in kidney failure and had to have a transplant. She was in good health and in her twenties but wanted to lose a little weight. No one ever thinks that it could happen to them until it does. So-called herbal pills are not always good for you. Please just eat healthy and exercise!
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    If you want something that kicks up your metabolism, try 1-6 teaspoons of organic cayenne pepper powder every morning. It increases circulation and will keep you awake especially right after you take it. To cut the burning sensation, try having yogurt or milk after taking it. Besides increasing circulation, it helps digestion and prevents ulcers.

    Thanks for the tip. Where did you learn that?
    It was recommended a book called 10 essential herbs by lalitha thomas and several other books on healing foods and herbs. Cayenne pepper powder also is beneficial to the heart and has been used to help treat heart attacks.