Is it supposed to be this hard?

I've been sendentary all my life. And I began training monday. My trainer says I should do 30 mins of cardio twice a week, for now. That I should burn 300-400 cals in 30mins. But I can't make it! It's too hard for me, at this time. I only made it to 276 cals and I'm at work (gym at workplace) and I don't know if i'll have the energy to walk home and get milk and bread or just sleep here under my desk.

Is it normal that it's soooo hard and that I can't reach the target set by my trainer?


  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    Keep at it. Soon you will find burning that many calories in 30 minutes will be very easy. The first few weeks are hard for everybody.
  • htoliver
    htoliver Posts: 1 Member
    Wow that seems crazy. I do Zumba, kickboxing and a spin class for an hour each class and according to my heart monitor I only burn 450 calories in the hour of each class. That seems a bit extreme in my opinion.
  • mmstgr
    mmstgr Posts: 578 Member
    It's not going to be easy, that's for darn sure.
    You didn't get this way in a day, and you won't change it in a day.
    But one single day can start you on the right path.
    So what... you burned "ONLY 276 cals"? That's a hell of a lot more than zero, wouldn't you say?
    Keep it up. You're gonna get there! :D
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 833 Member
    Start out slow. Just do as much as you can and do it multiple times a day (Before work, after work and at lunch) and as you see an improvement in your fitness it will be easier just add 2 minutes to your time each time to work up to the 30 - 40 minutes at once.
  • Well my first day at the gym I couldn't do half what they told me. And they knew it.

    Just keep doing it, push it to your limit but do not cross the line. When you see it's way too much, stop it, because if you just keep doing it you'll get so beaten you won't go there for the next 7 days or so.

    So train hard, but know your limits. Eventually you will do much, much more than you think you could.
  • sarahbetherck
    sarahbetherck Posts: 270 Member
    Definitely keep going! It will get easier and soon you will be amazed that it ever felt this hard!
  • littleworm23
    littleworm23 Posts: 341 Member
    It can be really hard if you have never done it (or if it's just been a long time since you have). It does get easier. Keep at it and you will be glad that you did.
  • marylouise123
    marylouise123 Posts: 127 Member
    I started out doing just 20 minutes of workout a day & after 2 (almost 3) months I am up to anywhere from an hour to 2 a day.. You will get there.. Just be patient. Give it time.. It is not easy but it gets better...
  • staps065
    staps065 Posts: 837 Member
    It is tough at first but will get better as you develop the habit and start making some progress with your cardio and other fitness routines.... Keep it up!
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I've been sendentary all my life. And I began training monday. My trainer says I should do 30 mins of cardio twice a week, for now. That I should burn 300-400 cals in 30mins. But I can't make it! It's too hard for me, at this time. I only made it to 276 cals and I'm at work (gym at workplace) and I don't know if i'll have the energy to walk home and get milk and bread or just sleep here under my desk.

    Is it normal that it's soooo hard and that I can't reach the target set by my trainer?

    If you've been sendentary it'll take a little time to get your body in-shape but with patience and persistence you'll get there and it'll be sooner than you think.

    The trainer is putting too much pressure on you, the "calories burned" trackers are typically accurate anyway, so don't worry about it. Make your 30-min's, if you can't do 30-min's do as much as you can and then try to improve the next time you do it. Once you get to 30-mins, up the intensity a little. Good luck! :)
  • sassika
    sassika Posts: 95 Member
    I would say, you should only do as much as you feel confortable with and can manage, and build up on your training. You will be surprised how quickly you will manage the 30 mins.
    Maybe try getting some extra walks in. (to the shop, park, beach, or even walking around town, it all adds up)

    Oh, yes its hard in a beginning, but than everything is if you start something new. :)

    But if you keep struggling with the 30 min, have a word with your trainer, surely they are there to support you.
  • bdhoward87
    bdhoward87 Posts: 86 Member
    Start out slow. Just do as much as you can and do it multiple times a day (Before work, after work and at lunch) and as you see an improvement in your fitness it will be easier just add 2 minutes to your time each time to work up to the 30 - 40 minutes at once.

    ^ This or you could, if you have the time, break your workout into two 15 minute sessions. You might not get the full benefit of doing a 30 min session but you will build up your stamina needed to to eventually do 30 mins straight. When I started out 30 minutes was my limit but now I find myself constantly adding 5-10 minutes extra just cause.

    Hang in there and just don't get burnt out. You can do it!
  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    Wow. I almost never burn that many cals in a half hour. Just keep working at it girl!
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    It's hard but you have to listen to your body too. Especially if your knees or feet are hurting. If you are using a trainer try to communicate how you are feeling etc.

    Some people thrive in a gym setting and others don't, if you find yourself hating it try something new. Just don;t give up and do nothing at all:flowerforyou:
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    If you have lived a sedentary life it will be hard at first.
    Be honest with yourself, it is physically hard to do or do you feel unmotivated?
    Eitehr way, just keep going, it will get physically easier and the weight coming off besides the great support you can find here will help with the motivation..
    You have to want change more than you want to still live a sedentary life
  • Most of us have been right where you are today. Don't give up! I promise it will get easier. Just take it slow and build up tp 30 minutes. If you can only do 10 minutes to start, that great!! It's still a start! **hugs**
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Build up slowly.... you don't have to be able to do everything at once.
    And don't get too hung up on 24 calories - it's all an estimate anyway, it sounds like you're doing really well.
  • Every minute spent moving is a step in the right direction!! My friends & I all burn vastly different numbers for same activities. A heart rate monitor gives me a more accurate reading than the treadmill by over 100 cals!
  • akgrl1020
    akgrl1020 Posts: 179
    Are you using a HRM to count the calories burned, or the gym equipment? If you are using the gym equipment, are adding in your age and current weight? You will get there! You are taking the first steps, and should be so proud of yourself!
  • NoriDupuis
    NoriDupuis Posts: 26 Member
    the hader you push the easer it will get.
    I know that sounds weird but trust me.
    Dont half *kitten* it because you will not loss the weight as fast you will not get more energy as fast and you will get discouraged. but if you push harder just for a little longer will feel all the benifits and feel great.
    Dont worry we all feel this way at first