Diet pills......



  • JayBeeGo
    JayBeeGo Posts: 33 Member
    Everyone's circumstances are different, consequently advice or comments are generalisations and should offered with caution, but like many other aspects of life I think it's far better if possible, to take personal responsibility and not assume that life's ups and downs, problems or whatever else can be solved by popping another pill or equivalent rather than face up to reality.

    I wish you well but if your personal circumstances make it feasible I would respectfully recommend that you resist the temptation to start popping pills to solve life's perceived problems.
    I plan on eating healthy and working out, so if I take them for awhile and stop when I feel the need to it really shouldnt make me gain it all back it I keep up with the healthy foods and working out!
    Start or continue the healthy foods and working out now and there may well be no need to consider taking the latest concoction, 'flavour of the month', which could cause more harm than it solves, physiological and physical.
  • Dreamer1311
    Dreamer1311 Posts: 203 Member
    I would never ever touch any after having severe side affects myself!
  • marcenepea
    marcenepea Posts: 364 Member
    I took phentermine a couple of years ago. I lost weight and had alot of energy and I lost weight. However, I did not change what I ate I just ate less. So when I stopped taking the pill and I hadn't changed my eating habits I gained it all back plus some. They will work, but sometimes not worth the side effects. And you will need to eat different. I have decided to make other changes and do it without pills.

    Whatever you decide, be careful and eat healthy.
    Good Luck

  • Whatever you decide, be careful and eat healthy.
    Good Luck

    Thank you! :smile:
  • As far as I know, ephedrine is illegal? At least in the US...
    I am currently taking phentermine, definitely kills the appetite, and I actually feel really good on it. But, I did definitely change my eating habits, and that is something that has to continue once I stop taking it.
    Over the counter diet pills are mostly a sham, but if you find something that gives you extra energy, with caffeine or whatever, and you stop using it as soon as you have side effects, you should be ok.
  • eschwab855
    eschwab855 Posts: 258 Member
    I just started today. I got Hydroxycut Max for women. It says it has energizing effects. I really need the energy. Being a single mom and working full time I feel like I have none! lol but I know once I get into the habit of eating right and working out that will help give me energy!
    If I know MFP this thread will go down hill fast with peeps telling you how you wasted your money and you did sorry but your not alone my wife has bought them
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    What do you want the "diet pills" to do for you? If it is to suppress your appetite you won't really be learning healthy eating habits, if it is to speed up your metabolism, exercise and foods such as chilli peppers will do this, and if it is the fat blockers etc I wouldn't go there because of the nasty side effects mentioned on lots of the forum topics here. I don't know of any other types of slimming pills as I am not using any, and I have lost 3 stone in 16 weeks :flowerforyou:
  • JessieBelle79
    JessieBelle79 Posts: 1 Member
    I take L-carnitine L-tartrate tablets - they are not 'diet pills' per se, although they are marketed as a 'weight loss programme'. I did some research before taking them and found that they are beneficial to people with various health conditions as well as those wanting to lose weight (Loads of scientific studies been carried out). It is an amino acid which helps to turn fat into energy. I have found that it gives me more energy (I suffer with CFS/M.E., so in need of all I can get!) and I am losing weight at a healthy rate. Has anyone else tried them? I highly recommend these (but do some research first!).
  • NancyNiles
    NancyNiles Posts: 145 Member
    I take Xenical (prescription Alli). I asked my endocrinologist (thyroid issues) for Adipex because that's what a friend recommended, but he said no to that and gave me a script for Xenical. He said it not only removes some of the fat from the food you eat, but it also prevents the "re uptake" of fatty acids by your liver, which also contributes to your overall calories. It sounded okay to me, but I eat pretty low-fat already so I'm not sure if its helping or not.

    Only thing I can tell you is that I have not seen the horrible side effects other people report with this drug. I suppose if I used it to take the fat out of a McDonald's meal, it would be a disaster... but as an aid to a balanced diet, I think its okay.
  • I go through a clinic in my area and I take potassium, folic acid, B-6, and phentermine.
    Basically, it's just helping me not be so hungry because that is my biggest problem! I have an appetite like a grown man! lol

    I hate when people complain about others taking diet pills though. Just because I have something helping me doesn't mean that I don't still have to eat right, workout, and work hard for this! Trust me, I am working VERY hard right now!
  • mnbdance
    mnbdance Posts: 4 Member
    Talk to a medical professional. They are qualified to determine if it's safe for you.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    diet pills are for misguided beginners and fat serial dieters.
  • andrea198721
    andrea198721 Posts: 173 Member
    When I first started my journey I had phentermine 37.5 which I would break in half... Some days I would take the whole pill and some days I would only take half. They gave me crazy energy and really suppressed my appetite...but now that I really haven't been able to afford them I find that starting with those were probably a bad idea because I'm having a hard time right now staying under my goal. They work but be careful because you don't want to become dependent on diet pills. *Learning the hard way*
  • whitetiger011680
    whitetiger011680 Posts: 218 Member
    I have taken phentermine and adipex in the past and did not change my eating habbits so I gained it all back after stopping but just recently I decided to get back on phentermine to get me out of this plateau I'm on. I have changed my eating habbits this time so I'm not worried about the weight gain after I stop talking them. They work really well, give lots of energy and I do lose weight with them. They're prescription pills and not covered by insurance but only cost about $20.00 for a 30 day supply.

    If you're just looking for energy though, I would say take a B-6 & B-12 supplement everyday or try 5 hour energy. Both work well for me and if you take more B vitamins than your body needs they easliy pass in your urine without harming your kidneys or liver.

    Hope you find a healthy way to get what your looking for. :smile:
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,014 Member
    If you follow a well balanced diet, get enough rest and learn good time management, you naturally would have more energy..and it's free!!!!!!!
  • determinedhealthy
    determinedhealthy Posts: 199 Member
    What do you want the "diet pills" to do for you? If it is to suppress your appetite you won't really be learning healthy eating habits, if it is to speed up your metabolism, exercise and foods such as chilli peppers will do this, and if it is the fat blockers etc I wouldn't go there because of the nasty side effects mentioned on lots of the forum topics here. I don't know of any other types of slimming pills as I am not using any, and I have lost 3 stone in 16 weeks :flowerforyou:

    I agree. Diet pills are not good for you, just think about it logically. I have lost 74 lbs without a pill. CALORIES IN, CALORIES OUT. It really is that simple, but not easy.
  • mead
    mead Posts: 68 Member
    I'm more or less wanting to try them just to see if they'll help give me some energy. Starting out I don't really have any and I was drinking 5-6+ cans of pop everyday. I'm down to 3 cans a day so far for the last two days. I don't plan on useing diet pills for the rest of my life, would just love some added energy right now.

    i am the same way with my pop intake and i read that drinking orange juice in the afternoon instead of pop gives you more energy and i tryed it and i only drink 1 can a pop a day and i have lots of energy during the day:drinker:
  • sounds like your not ready to hear the truth on what everyone has to say so i dont even know why you wasted your time posting this on here because from the sounds of it, your going to take them regardless.
    1- They are so not good for you!
    2- they are nothing buta quick fix
    3- and after you take them for a while your body is going to go through so much not being on them
    4- once you lose the weight you want on them you THINK and you say that your going to keep eating healthy and working out but honestly doubt that you are especially since your matabalism will slow down dramastically so your body is going to be holding on to every bit of calorie it gets since you think you can live on less than 1200 calories or however much your going to eat and wont be able to function on such little calories without the pills. or vise versa if your still eating bad while on the pills.
    5- if you lose weight to quick your going to be skinny fat
    6- your going to rely on that energy once you take them

    just dont waste your time, your going to gain all the weight back PLUS SOME once you get off of them.
    isn't it just so much more rewarding when you can say that you lost weight by working out and just eating healthy anyways?

    i dont understand why your considering taking diet pills if your trying to change your lifestyle and habbits (and that is not a good habit to start for your new lifestyle)
    but then again, i do understand. your looking for a quick fix and a way around having to work hard and make smart choices. i know because i have taken diet pills before and they were nothing but a waste of money and time.

    just keep it SIMPLE and CLEAN. workout and eat right! its just that simple!
  • 7645489
    7645489 Posts: 1
    I have taken diet pills in the past. Phentermine was my go to diet pill. My hair fell out and it really screwed my metabolism up.
  • diet pills are for misguided beginners and fat serial dieters.

    Is there any need to put negative unneeded posts?!?! Were all adults here, lets act like it please!