Newbie trying to get her life back..needs support

Candi_land Posts: 1,311 Member
Hi all my name is Candice and I joined this site thanks to my best friend Jessica, whom is also a member. I have over 300lbs to lose, and at 5'2 I'm sure you all can imagine how difficult this much weight is on my body. I can't walk more than a few feet without extreme lower back pain, and my ankles and feet are usually tightly and painfully swollen. I started the herbal life diet about 3 months ago and have managed to lose 40.4lbs so far, however I can't imagine following this diet for the rest of my life to be honest. The 40lb weight loss so far has made walking/moving around a little easier, but I still don't think I am getting enough exercise. I would appreciate any ideas you have for exercises that someone of my size can do. Also, I've been thinking of eventually switching over from following herbal life to just cutting down on my eating and counting calories. Any suggestions on what works for you? I could use all the support I can get. I wasn't always this heavy, I've been overweight all my life but I was once confident, and felt attractive, mobile, working, and I "wore it well". I was in a relationship for 5 years with someone I loved and trusted dearly, he cheated on me with a mutual friend of ours and needless to say I was devastated and completely overwhelmed by the betrayal. I'm an emotional eater and turned to food for comfort..and completely sank into a downward spiral piling on over 100lbs in less than a year. I left everything behind, feeling as if the person I was died and moved in with family 1300 miles away because I could no longer work due to my weight and sudden onset of extreme social anxiety. I had no idea who I was anymore, and finding the will to live every morning took lots of effort. I still struggle, but I want my life back. I'm hoping to make new friends along this weight loss journey. Thanks for reading and good luck to you all! :tongue:


  • courtneycleveland85
    Hi Candice,

    I just want to say congratulations on the 40 lbs that is amazing! I have cut back on my eating and started counting my calories too, I have only just started so I really can't say if it is working yet. I would love to be some support for you as we both try to get our lives back. I have two beautiful daughters and my body just doesn't look the same as before and this is the first time at trying to lose the weight. Best of luck to you!
  • Candi_land
    Candi_land Posts: 1,311 Member
    Thank you! I really appreciate your response. :smile: Maybe we can encourage/support each other throughout our journey. I sent you a friend request. Hope to be in touch and best of luck to you as well!!
  • newmein2013
    newmein2013 Posts: 674 Member
    Hi Candice, I'm so sorry all this has happened to you but I'm so glad you decided to join us. You can do it. This is an awesome site for motivation.
  • Merlsification
    Woohoo Candice, great job in losing 40lbs. Consider yourself a legend, that's no little thing!!

    I'm from Australia so no idea what comparisons to use that you would understand, but I've previously used Lite n Easy, Weight Watchers and even successfully dropped 40kgs (88lbs) using Duromine (appetite suppressant that causes great anger and mood swings) and being totally addicted to the gym. But the problem with those fads is you put it alllllll straight back on (which I did). I'm finding that counting calories, well not just counting calories but understanding them, and exercising regularly help me more than those fads.

    On the exercise front, have you tried aquarobics (water based aerobics), great for taking the weight off joints and easier to move. That burns a lot of calories.

    I wish you all the best on your continued journey, don't ever give up!!
  • gordowens
    gordowens Posts: 55
    Hello Candice, congrats on the 40lbs loss thus far!

    I too use the herbalife products and running real close to 100lbs loss over the last year. Keep with it and it will happen. There are many here to support along the way. When I started at 350 + I wasn't able to do much at all, now do 2 full 1hour workouts per day which generally include a 3 mile run as well. Keep up the good work!

  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    We are here for support and learn from one another..feel free to add me as a friend.
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    Sweetheart, the wheels fell off my life once and I gained weight too... and you feel so stupid, don't you! LOL. I spent years wishing I'd never done it, having a terrible time trying to lose weight and failing...

    I was afraid to get thin because of all that spare flesh.

    And other bits of life got in the way.

    I think I would say from my own experience that I have had to grow and become calm before I could successfully lose weight - and I'm only having an easy time of it this time around (since last monday, oh I am so full of wisdom aren't I? :D) because I have come a long way inside myself.

    1. Brilliant, brilliant effort on the forty pounds. That is forty pounds that are not grinding your knee cartilege into dust.

    2. Swimming. :) Swimming is therapeutic in so many ways, and is a good way to have absolutely zero impact hard resistance training. You can take it as hard or as easy as you like and of all the wonderful things: once you're up to your neck in water you look like everybody else.

    I think exercise will make you lose weight faster and I think one of the keys to my recent ability now to lose weight is that I have a very active job. I work in a packhouse in an orchard, I am running around during the day... I spend almost all day on my feet!

    I thought to myself today 'gosh, I'm really walking fast now.' I walk and I just zoom. It has been about 3 months working here till I got this fit, and getting fit before trying to lose weight means I just don't feel tired the way I expected to.

    Exercise really is key, in just about every way I can think of. And swimming has got to be my favourite exercise. See if there are free passes you can get to your local pool, see if there are exercise classes or aquajogging - and if not, just swim. :)
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    ps: if you can get to the pool and get in, then swimming will help blood pump around your body and will ease a lot of your lower leg swelling. You have hairs or valves or something in your legs that pump blood upwards if you flex the legs - swimming will help flush toxins.

    PPS drink heaps of water.

    ppps you won't have to be on herbalife for life and you'll realise it when you lose enough weight to start running around, Suddenly the idea of joining a zumba class doesn't sound like hell, it sounds like a fun way to meet people. Honestly, as I get fitter my attitude is changing so much it's incredible. :)
  • belle_bopper
    Hiya I sent you a message and you've done a fantastic job so far :smile: you will do great
  • Cililoca
    Cililoca Posts: 6 Member
    It's amazing you lost 40lbs, keep up the hard work!! have you tried drinking lot's of green tea? I have started drinking it a lot and I have felt much better. It's diuretic and even though you are not losing fat, it helps to eliminate the water we retain in our bodies, especially when we eat salty food and the salt helps retain liquid... It is good for you, has no calories (yay!!) and there are many other health benefits as well!! For exercise swimming is the best I can think of and it's very fun too, you can join some water fitness classes or just start with light swim on your own, either way you are moving and that's what's important. I don't like exercising so I use the time I take my dog out to get moving. I was walking her 40minutes a day but now as spring is here I cranked it up to 1:30 and I feel good but I couldn't have done it a couple months ago!! It's all gradual and sooner than you think you will feel much better!!
  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 449 Member
    Hi Candice,

    Let me first say how much I appreciate your honesty. It's a beautiful thing.

    Welcome to the rest of your life and MFP. I think you'll like it here. Congratulations on deciding to take your life back. I don't know you but I am very proud of you. You've got this.

    I would recommend swimming as the best form of exercise for your joints.

    Feel free to add me if you are looking for support.
  • Suziq1023
    Suziq1023 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi Candice. I'm glad you found this site. I think the tools offered here are fantastic - the best food diary I've used. Depression is so hard to overcome and I do hope you get real help for that. For the weight loss I hope you plan to be realistic and you sound like you are. I do agree with others that swimming is the best exercise. I personally ruptured a disc in my back doing water aerobics so I encourage you to just get in the shallow end and swim. The more you move the easier it will get. My daughter told me that each pound of weight we carry puts seven pounds of stress on our spine and joints. I don't know if that Is a fact but I know there is some truth in it because we're carrying it around 24/7 if nothing else. You've already put down 40# and that's almost a huge sack of pet food! I am here to track my progress losing 100#. It took me ten years to put it all on - though it's less than a pound a month, over time it did add up to 100#. When you're in pain and there's not much you can do...well, I ate. And I'm still amazed that it was less than a pound a month - ounces a month - and it's staring back from the mirror at 100#. so, I totally understand your difficulties exercising, I too am new in my journey, and I hope you keep logging in and taking it a day at a time. Remember if you falter it means you're like the rest of us and tomorrow is a new day. Feel free to add me as a friend for support. I think we all need somebody else to get through this - for advice, a shoulder, a good laugh or just a rant. You don't have to do this alone.
  • chatipatti
    chatipatti Posts: 3 Member
    Wow! 40 pounds is great! If you work to find things you like to eat and stay within your limits, you'll be fine. Remember this is going to take a few years-so it's a long haul. Never lose the mental picture of what you looked like before the weight when you felt attractive. Be patient with yourself and know that you are worth all the sacrifices. Just focus on how GOOD you'll feel when this is over.

    Something that has helped me tremendously is working with my nutritionist. She is very, very supportive and knows her stuff. So far I've lost 20lbs (with 60 to go) and it hasn't been that bad. She helps me find foods I like and is always positive even when I stray. At the same time, she's committed towards my goals and is firm to keep me on pace. She works with remote clients and is reasonably priced.

    Her name is Kelly Currier MS, RD, LD/N and her website address is I strongly encourage you to check her out. She's da bomb!

    Finally, never, never, never, never, never, never, never give up!

    Good luck and God bless you!
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    Hi Candice! I don't know anything about the program you are on, but I do know from experience that it's very hard to do this day in and day out, month after month and not enjoy what you are eating while feeling satisfied. Have you talked to your doctor about what plan they suggest would be right for you? That's probably where I would start and if they have a few ideas, try them out until you find a way of eating that helps you lose while actually liking your plan. Experiment. There is no one right answer that fits everyone.

    40 pounds is great and such a positive start! It's 40 pounds closer to the life you want to live. Best of luck to you!
  • healthymel7704
    Congratulations on the 40 lb weight loss. That's a great start to your journey. I'm very sorry for what you've been through, but I know you can do this!

    Feel free to add me. :)
  • Remi79
    Remi79 Posts: 346 Member
    Congratulations on the 40 pounds! That's awesome. This tool is fantastic for weight loss and moral support from others.
    Friend request sent!
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 849 Member
    Hi Candice .... I just read your blog post, and I think you are one strong, amazing and beautiful lady - inside and out. Your grandmother is really blessed to have you in her life. Feel free to add me if you want another friend to support you in your journey. :smile:
  • kaylapicha
    kaylapicha Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Candice. Thank you for sharing your story. I'm pretty new here myself, and am still just getting started with this so I don't have much advice to give yet, but I'd be happy to try and lend you some support. And congratulations on the 40 pounds, it's a great start and is very inspiring. I'll send a friend request, so feel free to add me.
  • kp1439
    kp1439 Posts: 343 Member
    u in right place ... lets get the life back ... happy to help if needed .. good luck
  • charlastyle
    Your story is very moving I just joined mfp today well I guess considering the time (just looked at the clock lol) yesterday but would love to keep up with you and your journey and maybe we can help each other ! I lost 42pds years ago on weight watchers and have kept it off ,but in the last 11months I have lost both my grandparents and my dad my nerves are shot and at first i lost weight but in the last few weeks I've began to gain. I had a stroke 6 yr ago so I can't afford to have any extra added weight on me!