30 Day Shred

i just did my first work out level one of-course and it kicked my butt i was only able to do 12 minutes total was i insane to try this at 288lbs


  • QuixoticPanda
    QuixoticPanda Posts: 40 Member
    Go you! I'm 240 pounds and I only got through to 8 minutes! Ahh! My legs are killing me right now. I didn't expect it to be so hard! lol
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    You're both awesome! It's a tough workout - kicked my butt the first time I did it and I could barely move the next day. :tongue: Stick with it, you will be amazed at how quickly your endurance, strength and flexibility will improve.
  • angng
    angng Posts: 137 Member
    It really is! I considered myself to be in at least decent shape, but I'm really sore from this already.
  • Tbirdsmom
    Tbirdsmom Posts: 15 Member
    it's not easy at all. the next day after i started i seriously could barely move... i've stuck with it though and I'm almost 2 weeks in and boy what a difference... not so much in weight bit in endurance and energy .... Keep up the great work!!!! :)
  • lindsaypyke
    I was almost crying my first day of 30 day shred! It is definately a tough workout!

    I did level one for 2 weeks (5 days a week) and then moved on to level two which I am still on now.

    Stick to it! 12 minutes today could mean 13 minutes tomorrow and so on! Work your way in if you have to! You will definately see results in no time!

    I just got onto the workout recently, was doing other strength training and turbo jam before this...and this is by far the hardest but also showed the most results in the fastest time
  • therealkittymao
    therealkittymao Posts: 194 Member
    It is an AMAZING workout. I could barely make it through the first time (I was 174 the first time I did it), so KUDOS TO YOU, YOU DID GREAT!!! I would recommend stretching out A LOT more than what she has you do on the DVD at the end. I did the thing where you lay on the floor and cross one leg over the other and then gently lift the bottom leg toward you? You get a really good stretch in the inner thigh on the top leg and then hamstring muscle on the bottom leg. I feel like that stretch kinda saved my life the first week.

    Here it is on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veaKnbHT4Cs

    You will NOT be sorry you started this workout. It really delivers. I didn't lose a ton of pounds on the scale by the end and I was all "waaah" until I took my measurements and about fell over! Two inches lost off of almost everything in 30 days. I suspect my weight on the scale didn't move that much because I was building muscles. You are going to love your results. If you want more encouragement, just friend me!!! I am happy to sing its praises any day!!!
  • Labriska
    Labriska Posts: 34 Member
    i watched the full working thinking i got this doesn't look so difficult, i was panting like a dog gasping for air not to mention a very well deflated ego:laugh: i'll stick with it, gonna kick 30DS' butt and if i can't at least i'll get mine into better shape I've read so much about those great results that's what i want
  • Zsangel
    Zsangel Posts: 202
    Well done for sticking with it :flowerforyou:
    I've literally just finished Day 4 of Level 2 and I'm dying! I can't do it properly yet, but I still have 6 days left to get it -_- lol
    It's definitely killer though, I could barely move during the first few days of level 1!!
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    Stick with it ladies! I am doing a second round of it. I am on day 8 of level 1 and let me tell you, even after completing it once, I still sweat like a pig and am winded! It gets easier, but not easy!!! Push on and by day 5 or 6 it wont be as bad! You can totally do it!!!
  • lindsaypyke
    Started level three today and it did not go nicely. I was literally tearing up the whole time and it killed my self-esteem. I never wanted to quit so bad in my life.

    Then I took a break and my thirteen month old daughter took her first steps!

    Obviously this switched my mood around. And I got it, I am just beginning my healthy journey and sometimes we just need to take "baby steps."

    So I turned that **** back on and I struggled through the whole work out and I finished. Jilliam Micheals is a tough chick but so am I. I'm not giving in and I hope you guys don't either.