Starting at 200 lbs - how long to goal weight?



  • baribeau375
    baribeau375 Posts: 13 Member
    Actually, Graciecny, you've got my head hurting. If 1000 cal/day deficit would get to to 720 cal./day, Your maintenance intake would be 1720 cal/day. Unless you are 3 feet tall, you can't possibly be obese. 1720 calories per day will not sustain obesity in an average height individual, male or female. Of course if you are really, really short, 1720 could be your max allowable intake to maintain an appropriate weight.

    If you are really short, it comes down to how many calories it takes to maintain your obesity. The cal deficit you can tolerate is limited on the lower end by the 1200 you need to get adequate nutrition; and, on the upper end how big a deficit you can tolerate and feel sated during the day.

    I'd be interested in understanding how 1720 cal/day is what you figure your base current weight caloric requirement.
  • Graciecny
    Graciecny Posts: 303
    Actually, Graciecny, you've got my head hurting. If 1000 cal/day deficit would get to to 720 cal./day, Your maintenance intake would be 1720 cal/day. Unless you are 3 feet tall, you can't possibly be obese. 1720 calories per day will not sustain obesity in an average height individual, male or female. Of course if you are really, really short, 1720 could be your max allowable intake to maintain an appropriate weight.

    If you are really short, it comes down to how many calories it takes to maintain your obesity. The cal deficit you can tolerate is limited on the lower end by the 1200 you need to get adequate nutrition; and, on the upper end how big a deficit you can tolerate and feel sated during the day.

    I'd be interested in understanding how 1720 cal/day is what you figure your base current weight caloric requirement.
    Not to hijack, but I wanted to correct an error in my previous post: It was bad math on my part, a 1000 calorie deficit would put me at 810 per day (it just recalculated my calories today as I updated my weight). I was off by 100 calories when I did the math earlier, sorry! I am 5'3", ~184 pounds, sedentary lifestyle. My height and weight put me in the obese category for BMI. If I try to go to 2 pounds per week, I hit the 1200 calorie basement even though I am considered obese.
  • baribeau375
    baribeau375 Posts: 13 Member
    Yes, I see. As I said in earlier posts, the beauty of the MFP application is that it warns us to not go below 1200 calories beause inadequate nutriton is a real risk and far greater health threat than being overweight. Your 1810 calorie requirement is about right for your weight and you would be appropriately dubbed by the charts as obese (as would I when I started). But at the 1200 calorie level, as you correctly concluded, you would be in a 610 cal/day deficit which would produce about a 1 1/4 pound loss per week until you lose weight and recalculate. On your frame, that would be good and noticable. For better or worse, the more obese a person, the more deficit they can tolerate before going below the 1200 cal. limit. But, I think you'll agree that being able to impose a 1000 cal/day deficit is not an "advantage".

    Incidentally, and I suspect you may have already figured this out, the 100 calorie/day discrepancy is equivalent to 36,500 calories per year - more that a 10 pound per year change. This makes it clear to all of who have waged this battle how darn easy it is to gain 10 pounds a year. Just 1 light beer or soda pop a day over our allotment will do the damage.

    You're on top of the numbers - you already have the encouraging success you need to endure and get to your 55 pound goal.:wink:
  • jojo0909
    jojo0909 Posts: 115 Member
    My physician stated that losing weight slowly increases the likeliness of being able to maintain the loss. He actually recommended 1 pound per month. Depressing, I know. Apparently, studies show that there is less than a 5% maintenance success rate for those that loss weight regardless of program. I have always wanted the quick fix, and tried so many diets/programs that made that promises. I should have been at goal years ago, if all those crazy techniques would have worked. He coached me to make small changes that I can maintain, and then build on those. He stated that the goal is a healthy lifestyle and making healthy choices. If we rush it, we do not learn the lessons to healthy living along the way.
  • tmdougls
    tmdougls Posts: 3
    That's awesome!!!
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    I still have 23lbs to go to hit my ultimate goal weight (and that depends if I like that or not.) In 2010 I weighed in at 250lbs, I had JUST found out I was pregnant, I then found out I had Gestational Diabetes in the 1st trimester of my pregnancy, and I lost 70lbs, put me at 180 when I had her. The having a newborn and sleeping when I can and eating what I can when I get a chance, caught up to me and before I knew it I was 205.5. I had gained about 25.5 lbs back. I was not a happy camper. In September of 2011, I started to see my weight loss doctor. Since September of 2011, I've lost 62.5lbs.
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