looking for p90x friends.

I just started p90x last week and today would be the first day of my second week. Looking for people just starting out or been doing it for.a while. Got 63 lbs to lose!


  • alxdeanda
    alxdeanda Posts: 72
    I do p90x every once in a while, but not on a daily basis. haha I should, but by the time i get outta work and school, I'm beat. Haha. But MFP should really help me and motivate me to get at it!
  • I started it and did really good for the first 5 days but the weekend I really slacked off. I really need people to encourage me and keep me doing it! Lol
  • VAangels
    VAangels Posts: 1
    Today is my 2nd day of week 2...
  • osualex
    osualex Posts: 409 Member
    I'm on day 11, so far so good!
  • I am starting Week 5 Thursday! Shew! It's rough, but I am much stronger and healthier than I was when I started. I did not lose any weight, nor gain. Tonight we do 30 day measurements and pictures, I'm really interested to see what the differences are!

    Good luck and you all can add me if you need support! PS and WEAR A HEART MONITOR!! It will help you see what you burn each workout, MFP doesn't have anything.

  • I start on Monday, just waiting for mine to get here.

    How do you calculate how much you are burning with the heart rate monitor?
  • The heart rate monitor that I have also calculates calories. It great to know what you really burn vs a guess. I have a Polar FT40
  • Hey I am currently just starting my second week of p90x. I feel sore all the time yet I know that means it is working lol. My goal right now is to hopefully drop at least 10 more pounds by mid-May.
  • Hmm apparently my Polar HRM also does this, and I had no idea :) I just now looked it up. Yours seems much nicer (interface especially). Mine is like trigonometry with its terrible interface. Maybe it's time to upgrade.
  • naconn1
    naconn1 Posts: 3
    I've been using P90X for about 2 weeks now and I already look and feel better. Problem is, I stupidly worked out barefoot because I have terrible balance and being barefoot makes me feel more stable. Now I have a stress fracture in my left foot. I don't want to loose momentum :(
  • MicaelaFW
    MicaelaFW Posts: 63
    I am on week 5... I honestly don't look buff, but I feel better, stronger, and my endurance is peaking.!!!
  • Fitness4Paul
    Fitness4Paul Posts: 166 Member
    I've been doing the KenpoX and love it. I'm soaked in sweat and sore as hell after I do that workout :)
  • radradradradrad
    radradradradrad Posts: 101 Member
    today is week 5, day 5 for me! i'm loving the way i look and feel lately! and people have totally been noticing :D you just gotta keep pushing play! it's super hard when you skip a few and have to make it up. luckily, i am working towards the goal of being super hot by my friend's wedding may 19th, which i'm in. i cannot live with embarrassing pics for the rest of my life. gotta do something about it! your goal could be the first day of summer! also, i heard a great tip for rewarding yourself. put $1 in a jar every time you work out (p90x) and when you're finished, you'll have money to splurge on something nice for your new hot self!
    best of luck!
    feel free to add me for support!
  • HAHAHAA! You might want to upgrade then :)
  • today is week 5, day 5 for me! i'm loving the way i look and feel lately! and people have totally been noticing :D you just gotta keep pushing play! it's super hard when you skip a few and have to make it up. luckily, i am working towards the goal of being super hot by my friend's wedding may 19th, which i'm in. i cannot live with embarrassing pics for the rest of my life. gotta do something about it! your goal could be the first day of summer! also, i heard a great tip for rewarding yourself. put $1 in a jar every time you work out (p90x) and when you're finished, you'll have money to splurge on something nice for your new hot self!
    best of luck!
    feel free to add me for support!

    What an awesome idea! I will make my husband put a $1 is too then I will take ALL the money for new clothes :) HAHAAA Just kidding! Soemthing like couples massage would be nice!

    "Do your best, and forget the rest!"
  • hilarysgiants
    hilarysgiants Posts: 132 Member
    I just started the Lean program on Monday, so this will be day 3 for me!! I am very sore and feel every muscle in my abs! They are tough workouts, but don't give up!!
  • BryGuy2
    BryGuy2 Posts: 244
    Today is day 3 for me on a p90x/Insanity hybrid. I am new to Insanity but not to p90x. it has just been about a year since I last worked out haha! It's nice to be healthy again!
  • annarfay
    annarfay Posts: 2
    Hello friend. I am actually going to start tonight. I am one that I will start out faithful as a dog. Every night I will do the exercise I am supposed to and then... I get lazy or make excuses. Not this time! I love encouragements and I will try and post on my blog here about what is up! Good luck!
  • Sorry I haven't replied back much, haven't been on but for short ike periods. But thank you all I added y'all. Seeing how far y'all have got really makes me want to keep going!!