"If every day were like today..."

MFP is lying to me. lol. I know not everything I log is 100% perfectly accurate, but it's very close... and no, I do not weigh anywhere near what it tells me I will if I keep it up. I do exercise (at least 5 days a week for 25-30 min or more) and I'm eating at a deficit more days than not. Now, granted I have some water weight on me right now, but I'm kind of (ok, VERY) frustrated at not feeling as though I'm losing much. I've read the posts on eating more, but some days I can't get over my recommended limit if I exercise... I'm taking fiber and a multivitamin and not feeling all too hungry on top of what I already eat.

Today MFP told me that "If every day were like today" I'd weigh 142.5lbs in 5 weeks. I call BS. I'm doing a month-long challenge for March and have weighed in twice, plan to again on Monday... and in these 16 days I've lost all of 2lbs (last weigh-in was 153.6 before water gain, so I'm wondering if it's even less than that). And since I've started here, while I feel infinitely better and more energized, I haven't seen an ounce of physical, noticeable change - all my clothes still fit, even if I seem to look ok in straight-cut jeans these days... Anyway, losing 11 in 5 weeks doesn't seem plausible, and today was a semi-normal day.



  • MegMalin
    MegMalin Posts: 29 Member
    MFP is lying to me. lol. I know not everything I log is 100% perfectly accurate, but it's very close... and no, I do not weigh anywhere near what it tells me I will if I keep it up. I do exercise (at least 5 days a week for 25-30 min or more) and I'm eating at a deficit more days than not. Now, granted I have some water weight on me right now, but I'm kind of (ok, VERY) frustrated at not feeling as though I'm losing much. I've read the posts on eating more, but some days I can't get over my recommended limit if I exercise... I'm taking fiber and a multivitamin and not feeling all too hungry on top of what I already eat.

    Today MFP told me that "If every day were like today" I'd weigh 142.5lbs in 5 weeks. I call BS. I'm doing a month-long challenge for March and have weighed in twice, plan to again on Monday... and in these 16 days I've lost all of 2lbs (last weigh-in was 153.6 before water gain, so I'm wondering if it's even less than that). And since I've started here, while I feel infinitely better and more energized, I haven't seen an ounce of physical, noticeable change - all my clothes still fit, even if I seem to look ok in straight-cut jeans these days... Anyway, losing 11 in 5 weeks doesn't seem plausible, and today was a semi-normal day.


    Fabulous! I hope it lies......Because If every day were like today.... I would be gaining weigh and weigh two more pounds in five weeks!
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    It's based on what you net. Mine says I'll weigh 109 in 5 weeks because I net under 1000 cals a day usually. I'd like for that to happen, but I'm not stupid enough to accept it as true. It's just something there to keep you entertained I suppose.
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    It's based on your net calories and only accurate in large amounts for those who are OBESE.

    If you are only 15lb overweight and you eat 1,200 calories in a day, and burn another 1,300 - it may tell you you'll lose 12lb in 5 weeks but you most likely won't, in fact if you kept it up you may even go into starvation mode.

    However, if you're 60lb overweight and eat 1,200 calories in a day and burn another 1,300, those predictions are far more accurate.
  • lpblah
    lpblah Posts: 28
    It seems like MFP uses a calculation to come up with the "If every day..." numbers. One thing (of many I'm sure) it doesn't seem to take into account is metabolism. I wish it was as simple as cals in less cals out, but I'm finding that's not really the case. I'm still trying to figure out my own body and understand how my body reacts to what/how much I eat and what I do excercise-wise.
  • ok, um first of all ... your not seeing any changes in your clothing bc you have only lost 5 pounds. I have lost 11 pounds and am just now starting to be able to wear one size smaller in pants. You wont notice changes in clothing until you lose at least 10 pounds or tons of inches. Second, i lost 11 pounds in 5 weeks so it can be done! just give it time geeze! i swear people lose 2 pounds and expects to be 2 sizes smaller or something!
  • Graciecny
    Graciecny Posts: 302 Member
    Just a quick question OP - how are you figuring your exercise calories? And are you are eating those back? I found the first couple weeks before I got a HRM I was seriously overestimating my calories "earned" by working out. I didn't lose much those first weeks, probably for that reason. The machines and the MFP estimates were often over by 30+%, so when I was eating back those calories I was totally undoing all my hard work!

    My deficit was entirely too tiny once you figured I was set for 1 pound per week, so 500 calorie deficit per day, and then my calories burned were overestimated to the tune of 200-300 calories per day, every day! I was only at an actual deficit of 200-300, meaning I'd be lucky to lose a pound every two weeks. Yikes! No, thank you. I don't need instant gratification, but that is too small for someone starting with as much to lose as I had/have.

    I don't know if your situation is similar, but I thought I'd share. Take it FWIW. :flowerforyou:
  • jedibunny
    jedibunny Posts: 321
    It's based on your net calories and only accurate in large amounts for those who are OBESE.

    If you are only 15lb overweight and you eat 1,200 calories in a day, and burn another 1,300 - it may tell you you'll lose 12lb in 5 weeks but you most likely won't, in fact if you kept it up you may even go into starvation mode.

    However, if you're 60lb overweight and eat 1,200 calories in a day and burn another 1,300, those predictions are far more accurate.

    That's a great explanation!! Thanks - I feel a little better knowing that. lol.

    And MrsSherrill... yeah, I understand, I guess I was just exceedingly hopeful since I made such major changes. /slaps own wrist for impatience. :)
  • techigirl78
    techigirl78 Posts: 128 Member
    I would agree on it being better the more you needs to lose. MFP doesn't have the ability to include muscle gains either. I spent a month within a few pounds, but dropped a pants size. I have weeks where I lose more weight then suggested and others where I lose less. I think it is just a guideline. Is it up or down. That is what matters.

    It also assumes your BMR based on your weight, which may or may not be correct.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    This feature is actually one of the things that draws me in. I never track it to see if it is accurate, but it gets the point across.
  • jedibunny
    jedibunny Posts: 321
    Just a quick question OP - how are you figuring your exercise calories? And are you are eating those back? I found the first couple weeks before I got a HRM I was seriously overestimating my calories "earned" by working out. I didn't lose much those first weeks, probably for that reason. The machines and the MFP estimates were often over by 30+%, so when I was eating back those calories I was totally undoing all my hard work!

    My deficit was entirely too tiny once you figured I was set for 1 pound per week, so 500 calorie deficit per day, and then my calories burned were overestimated to the tune of 200-300 calories per day, every day! I was only at an actual deficit of 200-300, meaning I'd be lucky to lose a pound every two weeks. Yikes! No, thank you. I don't need instant gratification, but that is too small for someone starting with as much to lose as I had/have.

    I don't know if your situation is similar, but I thought I'd share. Take it FWIW. :flowerforyou:

    Thank you for this as well. I noticed the machines told a very different tale than the MFP numbers do, so I started tweaking them down accordingly... but I didn't at first. What I'd really like to do is get a HRM or something that does accurately account for cals.

    It's an interesting journey, isn't it?
  • privatetime
    privatetime Posts: 118
    That's funny because I asked a few questions about why the 5-week projection was always so low. LOL!

    I'm set to lose 2lbs/week, and have been achieving that (for months, prior to joining MFP). Yet every time I clicked that "complete" button, it would say I was only going to lose 1-4lbs in 5 weeks, "if every day were like today...."

    In fact, wthin my first few days of joining MFP, I noticed I lost more weight in one day, than MFP told me I'd lose in 5 weeks. What I mean is, it said I'd be (this) weight in 5 weeks, and my weight the next morning was less than that 5-week projected weight.

    I eventually set the program not to show the "complete" button, and I have no desire to use it. It was not only preposterously implausible (given my success at losing weight so far), but very demotivating (since my projections were always so low).

    The one and only time it said I was on track to lose 2lbs/week was a day where I clicked "complete" early in the day, with still hundreds of calories left.
  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
    Mine told me I'd weigh 189.0 in 5 weeks I am 213 right now. So, 24lbs in 5 weeks! I'll take it!

    Its taken me almost 4 weeks to lose this 12!
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    Weight loss isn't linear. You will lose more some weeks, less other weeks. It may end up matching MFP's predictions or be more or less. What difference does it make? As long as you are getting closer to your goal, isn't that the main thing.

    Also, MFP can't be totally accurate based on the fact that some of us burn hotter than others (metabolism fluctuations) and it can't account for water loss/gains which can be due to salt intake or various hormonal issues. Plus, when you exercise intensely enough to stress your muscles, they will hold onto water during the healing process.

    And it's just some math based on you doing the exact calorie burn and eating the exact number of calories you ate that day, every day for those 5 weeks. Really, does anybody do that? There are many other variables, too. I just look at that prediction as a fun little toy.

    I also think you need to learn some patience. The best weight loss as it's more enduring and more healthy is at a slower pace anyway. Don't sweat it and just learn to enjoy the process. Getting healthier and more fit and, hopefully, slimmer too, can be a lot of fun.

    And, like someone said above, you can lose inches without losing weight. From the end of the holidays to early February I only lost 1# but I dropped a pant size. The scale is really the worst way to gauge your progress.
  • lsapphire
    lsapphire Posts: 297 Member
    Any progress is good, some times it will fall off faster than others. Just don't give up.