you're bored so take my FOOD SURVEY



  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    List your favorites or how you'd have it/customize it:

    1. oatmeal: cinnamon with apple slivers and brown sugar if im feeling adventurous
    2. toast: with vinegar (gross but i dont care hahah)
    3. ice cream sundae: wouldnt touch it even if i had the calories
    4. frozen yogurt: mango flavor!
    5. popcorn (flavor): made in a wok with olive oil and sprinkled with some cinnamon
    6. chocolate candy: dont indulge in chocolate often at all...but i like resees
    7. fruity candy: peach rings
    8. muffin: dont like em!
    9. ice cream (flavor): lactose intolerant!
    10. breakfast "bread" i.e. pancakes, waffles, crepes, french toast (flavor and toppings)
    11. eggs: hard boiled with salsa, only the whites
    12. baked potato (toppings): CHIVES AND...HOT SAUCE
    13. trail mix (what's in it): cashews, almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, craisins, banana chips, coconut shavings, raisins, dates, omfg i love trail mix, dried pineapple, dried mango, popcorn, granola clusters, pistachio nuts
    14. cold breakfast cereal?: rice chex or cracklin oat bran
    15. chips: NEVER
    16. dip/spread: hummus i suppose
    17. vegetable: vine-ripe tomatoes
    18. fruit: in love with apples and grapefruits
    19. fatty savory food?* a mexican burrito with all the trimmings from chipotle
    20. fatty sweet food?* baklava with nuts
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    1. oatmeal - Changes all the time. Though I suppose any oatmeal eaten as breakfast while camping (usually instant) is automatically the best. I do like it with peanut butter and maple syrup, though.
    2. toast - Just butter, or, if I'm going to do a sandwich, the bread should be toasted, OR, a toast sandwich (you laugh, but it's a real thing! Cheapest meal in Britain, invented during the industrial revolution by a woman who apparently wrote a whole cookbook. I have tried it, following her directions, and it is so, so tasty. Toast one piece of bread, put butter on the two other pieces, sprinkle salt and pepper on each of them, and put them butter side in around the piece of toast. It's so awesome how people were innovative and made such good tasting things with so little at their disposal. Obviously it isn't healthy, but I dare you to try one and not enjoy it!).
    3. ice cream sundae - Vanilla ice cream, pineapple, whipped cream and nuts, please! Some days I could definitely go with chocolate ice cream and cherries, though.
    4. frozen yogurt - Wow, it's been a while since I had that. I used to get the sundettes from TCBY, but then my TCBY closed. All those memories, sadddd day! :cry:
    5. popcorn (flavor) - ANY! Don't really care for movie popcorn, though, or popcorn in movies (once, I was watching a movie and a guy ate half a cockroach, then threw up the other half and died, and I could not help but think how many small crunchy things I was eating in a room too dark to inspect them.) But yeah, butter, caramel, all of them.
    6. chocolate candy - Favorite is hard! Kind of depends on my mood. Cinnamon M&Ms, though, are my current thing.
    7. fruity candy -
    8. muffin - I'm not picky. If they were all sitting in front of me, though, I think I'd probably go for banana nut.
    9. ice cream (flavor). - Peach!
    10. breakfast "bread" i.e. pancakes, waffles, crepes, french toast (flavor and toppings) - Hard one. I think I'd have to go with waffles. I'm not a pancake fan, but I do enjoy a good waffle. Wait, biscuits count as this, don't they? It didn't even occur to me! Then that! Absolutely! Also, a croissant is one of the best breakfasts ever, but not exactly low calorie...
    11. eggs - Egg salad is my favorite.
    12. baked potato (toppings) - Just some butter and perhaps sour cream will suffice.
    13. trail mix (what's in it) - Peanuts, walnuts, almonds and dried cranberries. Maybe some dried goji berries too.
    14. cold breakfast cereal? Grape nuts. With Peaches. Muslix in second.
    15. chips - Salt and vinegar (whichever type of chips we're talking about here).
    16. dip/spread - Anything chipotle.
    17. vegetable - Eggplant, nope, that's a berry, sweet potato. ;)
    18. fruit - Peaches.
    19. fatty savory food?* - Mexican. Particularly enchiladas. Burritos can be made healthy but enchiladas are hardly candidates for that. Biscuits and gravy in close second.
    20. fatty sweet food?* - Key Lime Pie!
  • DAM_Fine
    DAM_Fine Posts: 1,227 Member
    List your favorites or how you'd have it/customize it:

    1. oatmeal - Boring Porridge - just as it comes
    2. toast - 12 grain with peanut butter or nutella
    3. ice cream sundae - hot fudge with peanuts :blushing:
    4. frozen yogurt - Lemon
    5. popcorn (flavor) - White Cheddar
    6. chocolate candy - currently Purdy's 70% Dark Cholcolate with blueberries and almonds; used to be Cadbury's Burnt Almond
    7. fruity candy - Jelly Bellies - love to mix and match!
    8. muffin - Morning Glory
    9. ice cream (flavor) - Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey or Cherry Garcia (haven't had either in ages!)
    10. breakfast "bread" i.e. pancakes, waffles, crepes, french toast (flavor and toppings) - homemade biscuits with homemade rhubarb & strawberry jam
    11. eggs - Scrambled
    12. baked potato (toppings) - never eat them, but probably butter, sour cream and chives
    13. trail mix (what's in it) - Don't really eat it, just a hanful of almonds if I need a snack
    14. cold breakfast cereal? - used to be Nature's Path Optimum Slim; don't eat any now
    15. chips - Sun Chips
    16. dips/spreads - Reduced fat hummus from Save-on
    17. vegetable - Red bell peppers, raw - mmmm like candy!
    18. fruit - Fresh strawberries - local ones, not the plastic ones in the grocery stores, so only get them once a year
    19. fatty savory food?* - Honey garlic ribs
    20. fatty sweet food?* - Crullers
  • Darkskinned88
    Darkskinned88 Posts: 1,177 Member
    1. Brown sugar and a pinch of syrup-oatmeal
    2. White toasted with grape jelly-toast
    3. Chocolate syrup and nuts-ice cream sundae
    4. Plain Vanilla-frozen yogurt
    5. Movie butter or white cheddar- popcorn (flavor)
    6. Twix- chocolate candy
    7. Starburst orignal package-fruity candy
    8. Blueberry but has to be warm-muffin
    9. Cookies & Cream-ice cream (flavor)
    10.Waffles with fruit topping- breakfast "bread" i.e. pancakes, waffles, crepes, french toast (flavor and toppings)
    11. Egg white omelette with cheddar-eggs
    12. Cheese and bacon bits only-baked potato (toppings)
    13. Nuts, raisins and white chocolate chips-trail mix (what's in it)
    14. Raisin Bran crunch-cold breakfast cereal?
    15. Cheddar & Sour Cream-chips
    16. Cheese-dip/spread
    17. Sweet corn-vegetable
    18. Grapes-fruit
    19. Mozzerella Sticks-fatty savory food?*
    20. Ice cream-fatty sweet food?*
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    1. oatmeal - Add honey & blueberries
    2. toast - N/A
    3. ice cream sundae - McDonald's caramel w/ nuts
    4. frozen yogurt - NONE
    5. popcorn (flavor) - Butter/Orville Redenbocker
    6. chocolate candy - Lindt white chocolate w/ coconut
    7. fruity candy - Peach chews (haven't had them in years)
    8. muffin - blueberry and banana nut
    9. ice cream (flavor) - butter pecan and strawberry cheesecake
    10. breakfast "bread" i.e. pancakes, waffles, crepes, french toast (flavor and toppings) pancakes w/ warm peaches or strawberries
    11. eggs - fried hard or hard bolied
    12. baked potato (toppings) - Wendy's chili
    13. trail mix (what's in it) - N/A
    14. cold breakfast cereal? - Cheerio's
    15. chips - Sun Chips or Salt n Vinegar
    16. dip/spread - Peanut butter
    17. vegetable - Broccoli
    18. fruit - mango
    19. fatty savory food?* - bacon cheeseburger
    20. fatty sweet food?* - cheesecake
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    You are indeed correct, I am bored. Here are my answers!

    1. oatmeal: in cookies! seriously, i can't stomach oatmeal unless it is steel cut oats in the crockpot... and even then i don't love them.
    2. toast: sourdough with butter
    3. ice cream sundae: any kind of ice cream, straight. no toppings.
    4. frozen yogurt: from yogurtland!!! i do love toppings on my frozen yogurt.
    5. popcorn (flavor): air popped with pizza seasoning
    6. chocolate candy: cadbury eggs. mmmm.
    7. fruity candy: banana laffy taffy
    8. muffin: fiber one blueberry muffins
    9. ice cream (flavor): ben and jerry's, any of theirs with peanut butter in them
    10. breakfast "bread" i.e. pancakes, waffles, crepes, french toast (flavor and toppings): pancakes with peanut butter and syrup
    11. eggs: scrambled - i have this most nights for dinner. i like them in a tortilla with some cheese and salsa... breakfast taco!
    12. baked potato (toppings): sour cream and chili (thanks, wendy's!!!)
    13. trail mix (what's in it): cheerios, nuts, chocolate, dried pineapple
    14. cold breakfast cereal?: gotta be frosted mini wheats
    15. chips: buffalo bleu chips with sour cream. will binge every time, so i'm not allowed to buy them right now.
    16. dip/spread: sour cream. ooooh, or hummus.
    17. vegetable: peas! carrots! potatoes! spinach! i like most vegetables. but not mushrooms... gag.
    18. fruit: PEARS!!!! i freaking love pears. pears pears pears. and tomatoes.
    19. fatty savory food?: homemade macaroni and cheese, preferably with stewed tomatoes in it.
    20. fatty sweet food?: ben and jerry's, see #9.

    *"Fatty" means unhealthy/inconsistent with what one might deem virtuous in the "dieting" world.
  • denise032
    denise032 Posts: 108 Member
    1. oatmeal - plain, with brown sugar, or with nuts
    2. toast - lightly buttered
    3. ice cream sundae - pb sauce, hot fudge, whipped cream, sprinkles and a cherry
    4. frozen yogurt - sprinkles and a cherry
    5. popcorn (flavor) - butter, no salt or very lightly salted
    6. chocolate candy - andes candies or chocolate covered pretzels
    7. fruity candy - starburst, sweedish fish
    8. muffin - chocolate chip
    9. ice cream (flavor) - cookies n cream, cookie dough, hunka chunka pb fudge
    10. breakfast "bread" i.e. pancakes, waffles, crepes, french toast (flavor and toppings) - french toast w/ maple syrup and powdered sugar
    11. eggs - scrambled with cheese
    12. baked potato (toppings) - sour cream or butter or cinnamon butter if it's a sweet potato
    13. trail mix (what's in it) - dark chocolate, almonds
    14. cold breakfast cereal? - cheerios w/ skim
    15. chips - cheese itz (colby, cheddar jack...oh hell, damn near any flavor! lol)
    16. dip/spread - spin dip
    17. vegetable - spinach (raw, steamed, chopped, sauteed), broccoli (steamed)
    18. fruit - most raw fruit: pineapple, mango, apples, grapes, plums, oranges, apricots, strawberries...
    19. fatty savory food?* pizza!!
    20. fatty sweet food?* at the moment: chocolate covered pretzels
  • lisa35120
    lisa35120 Posts: 230 Member
    1. oatmeal - brown sugar & bananas or berries.
    2. toast - peanut butter & jelly
    3. ice cream sundae - whipped cream, banana, strawberries, chocolate syrup
    4. frozen yogurt - chocolate
    5. popcorn (flavor) - butter
    6. chocolate candy - Just plain chocolate
    7. fruity candy - Skittles
    8. muffin -Chocolate
    9. ice cream (flavor) - chocolate
    10. breakfast "bread" i.e. pancakes, waffles, crepes, french toast (flavor and toppings) Strawberry, banana, and/or chocolate chip pancakes with peanut butter & syrup.
    11. eggs - scrambled
    12. baked potato (toppings) - chives, ranch, cheese
    13. trail mix (what's in it) m&ms, nuts, raisins, craisins
    14. cold breakfast cereal? - life w/ bananas
    15. chips - I don't really like them much. Occaisionally salt & vinegar chips.
    16. dip/spread - ranch, or with some things guacamole.
    17. vegetable - spinach, lettuce, cucumbers, peppers
    18. fruit - bananas, strawberries, kiwi
    19. fatty savory food?* Pizza
    20. fatty sweet food?* Anything with chocolate
  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    1. oatmeal..... I use regular and mix in a bit of milk and brown sugar
    2. toast... smoked salmon cream cheese and a little margarine
    3. ice cream sundae.. I've had ice cream sundaes maybe like three times in my life, not a big fan haha
    4. frozen yogurt... lowfat vanilla yogurt, raspberries and mango :D!
    5. popcorn (flavor)... the colourful kind... I'm a kid at heart
    6. chocolate candy... normal dairymilk milk chocolate
    7. fruity candy... starburst
    8. muffin... those big generic blueberry muffins or homemade brand cranberry muffins
    9. ice cream (flavor)... pistachio almond :)
    10. breakfast "bread" i.e. pancakes, waffles, crepes, french toast (flavor and toppings)... plane janes buttermilk pancakes with loooooads of butter and syrup
    11. eggs... processed cheese and a little soya sauce and green bell pepper
    12. baked potato (toppings).. sour cream, shredded cheese, butter and REAL bacon bits
    13. trail mix (what's in it)... almonds, cranberries, unsalted sunflower seeds, chocolate chips
    14. cold breakfast cereal?... cornflakes, 1% milk and sugar
    15. chips... ruffles sour cream and bacon... tried plantains though and like those wayyyyy better
    16. dip/spread... HUMMUS
    17. vegetable... zucchini
    18. fruit... strawberries, pineapple, raspberries
    19. fatty savory food?*... lobster bisque/ new england clam chowder
    20. fatty sweet food?*... CHEESECAKE, DONT CARE WHAT KIND, BUT IMMA EAT IT ALL
  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    List your favorites or how you'd have it/customize it:

    1. oatmeal -peanut butter, banana, and flax meal
    2. toast -peanut butter
    3. ice cream sundae- nope, I don't like ice cream
    4. frozen yogurt- see above:)
    5. popcorn (flavor) -smartfood
    6. chocolate candy - Lindt White Chocolate Truffles
    7. fruity candy- skittles
    8. muffin- whole wheat blueberry
    9. ice cream (flavor)- none
    10. breakfast "bread" i.e. pancakes, waffles, crepes, french toast (flavor and toppings)- french toast, real maple syrup
    11. eggs- egg whites, spinach, tomato, and feta
    12. baked potato (toppings) - sour cream and sea salt, sometimes salsa
    13. trail mix (what's in it)- almonds, craisins, butterscotch chips, ect
    14. cold breakfast cereal? Special K
    15. chips- Cracker chips
    16. dip/spread- feta ball from Pinterest (check it out!!)
    17. vegetable- baby carrots, celety with peanut butter
    18. fruit- mango, any all
    19. fatty savory food?* Pizza
    20. fatty sweet food?* Tiramisu

    *"Fatty" means unhealthy/inconsistent with what one might deem virtuous in the "dieting" world.
  • shaelataylor
    shaelataylor Posts: 224 Member
    List your favorites or how you'd have it/customize it:

    1. oatmeal - in someone else's bowl, far far from me
    2. toast - wheat with a little grape jelly
    3. ice cream sundae - hot fudge and whipped cream
    4. frozen yogurt -
    5. popcorn (flavor) - air popped with butter salt and pepper
    6. chocolate candy - resse's cup
    7. fruity candy - jolly ranchers
    8. muffin - chocolate chip
    9. ice cream (flavor) - cookies n creme
    10. breakfast "bread" - bagel with cream cheese
    11. eggs - scrambled
    12. baked potato (toppings) - sour cream and pepper
    13. trail mix (what's in it) - not a fan so hopefully far away with the oatmeal...
    14. cold breakfast cereal? - honey nut cheerios
    15. chips - baked bbq lays
    16. dip/spread - ranch dip with carrots
    17. vegetable - carrots
    18. fruit - apple
    19. fatty savory food? pizza
    20. fatty sweet food? monster cookies
  • batalina
    batalina Posts: 209 Member
    1. oatmeal - i like the "better oats" maple/brown sugar variety with the flax and the cranberries. i mix a serving of unsweetened applesauce into it to cool it down and bulk it up.
    2. toast - i usually eat whole wheat toast with low-sugar preserves or marmalade on it (the kind that's just not as sweet, not the kind with splenda)
    3. ice cream sundae - i don't usually let myself do icecream because it's kind of a red-light food for me!
    4. frozen yogurt - i don't really eat that.
    5. popcorn (flavor) - i just like plain with cinnamon sugar sprinkled on, or sometimes chili powder.
    6. chocolate candy - trader joe's dark chocolate bars, also dark chocolate goldenberg peanut chews.
    7. fruity candy - twizzlers!
    8. muffin - trader joe's bran blueberry muffins
    9. ice cream (flavor) - when i get it, i love trader joe's soy creamy cherry chocolate chip!
    10. breakfast "bread" i.e. pancakes, waffles, crepes, french toast (flavor and toppings) - i don't really eat these
    11. eggs - i don't eat eggs
    12. baked potato (toppings) - smart balance light with a little salt; i keep it basic
    13. trail mix (what's in it) - i have a huge weakness for traditional chex mix
    14. cold breakfast cereal? - usually fiber one, apple jacks, or cap'n crunch
    15. chips - utz original!
    16. dip/spread - mild chunky salsa, or red pepper hummus
    17. vegetable - "tomatoes" immediately came to mind, even though they're really a fruit. elsewise... corn?
    18. fruit - bananas!
    19. fatty savory food?* - french fries!
    20. fatty sweet food?* - cake. oh god, cake.
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    CannibalisticVegetarian Posts: 1,255 Member
    1. oatmeal- sliced bananas or strawberries
    2. toast- butter and grape jelly
    3. ice cream sundae- *shrugs*
    4. frozen yogurt- *Shrugs*
    5. popcorn (flavor)- White cheddar
    6. chocolate candy- Original Take 5
    7. fruity candy- Brach's tiny gummybears. *drool*
    8. muffin- banana nut
    9. ice cream (flavor) -Chocolate chip cookie dough!
    10. breakfast "bread" i.e. pancakes, waffles, crepes, french toast (flavor and toppings)
    11. eggs- Scrambled with cheese!
    12. baked potato (toppings)- (if it's a mean by itself: shredded cheese, light sour cream, chili and lettuce) ; (if as a side items... light butter and pepper)
    13. trail mix (what's in it) - almonds and maybe craisins!
    14. cold breakfast cereal? -Honeybunches of oats with Almonds (and almond milk!)
    15. chips - Doritos cool ranch!
    16. dip/spread - What am i dipping? 90% of the time it's either hummus or honeymustard
    17. vegetable- Red bellpeppers
    18. fruit- Strawberries!
    19. fatty savory food?*- Sesame chicken!
    20. fatty sweet food?* - Cream puffs!
  • hem8787
    hem8787 Posts: 50 Member
    1. oatmeal- date and walnut with fig butter mixed in
    2. toast- nutella
    3. ice cream sundae- vanilla with chocolate sauce and nuts
    4. frozen yogurt - tcby peanut butter delight
    5. popcorn (flavor) - pop secret homestyle
    6. chocolate candy - pretzel m and m's
    7. fruity candy - orange wedges
    8. muffin - pumpkin
    9. ice cream (flavor) - vanilla or mint chip
    10. breakfast "bread" i.e. pancakes, waffles, crepes, french toast (flavor and toppings) - waffles with fresh fruit
    11. eggs - poached
    12. baked potato (toppings) - cheese, sour cream, salsa
    13. trail mix (what's in it) - don't like it
    14. cold breakfast cereal? - don't like it
    15. chips - sea salt and vinegar
    16. dip/spread - hummus or tzatziki
    17. vegetable - asparagus and brussel spouts roasted with lemon juice and salt and pepper
    18. fruit - strawberries
    19. fatty savory food?* - eggplant parmesan
    20. fatty sweet food?* - baklava, cupcakes, bostom creme pie
  • 1. oatmeal- banana, cinnamon, sugar
    2. toast- cream cheese and strawberry jelly
    3. ice cream sundae- chocolate syrup, sprinkles
    4. frozen yogurt-fruity pebbles, kiwi
    5. popcorn (flavor)- kettle corn!
    6. chocolate candy- take 5
    7. fruity candy- gummy bears
    8. muffin- lemon poppy seed
    9. ice cream (flavor)- coffee
    10. breakfast "bread" i.e. pancakes, waffles, crepes, french toast (flavor and toppings)- french toast! strawberry sauce
    11. eggs- over medium w/ salt and pepper
    12. baked potato (toppings)- butter, cheese, sour cream, chives, bacon
    13. trail mix (what's in it)-m&ms, cranberries, dried soybeans, almonds, pumpkin seeds
    14. cold breakfast cereal?- frosted flakes
    15. chips- pirate booty
    16. dip/spread- hummus
    17. vegetable- sweet potato
    18. fruit- strawberry
    19. fatty savory food?* pasta carbonara
    20. fatty sweet food?* ICE CREAAMMMMM
  • d5d14m66
    d5d14m66 Posts: 150 Member
    1. oatmeal -- Better Oats Peaches and Cream (instant)
    2. toast -- sourdough toast with unsalted butter on one piece, apricot preserves on the other, and crispy bacon on the side
    3. ice cream sundae -- with hot fudge (but no nuts)
    4. frozen yogurt -- chocolate
    5. popcorn (flavor) -- plain with bacon salt and black pepper
    6. chocolate candy -- the darker, the better
    7. fruity candy -- dark chocolate-covered cherries (liquid centers -- not creme)
    8. muffin -- chocolate chip
    9. ice cream (flavor) -- Amy's: half dark chocolate and half Grand Marnier
    10. breakfast "bread" i.e. pancakes, waffles, crepes, french toast (flavor and toppings) -- IHOP Belgian waffle with crumbled bacon in the batter, first half topped with butter, second half topped with syrup (butter and syrup can't touch)
    11. eggs -- scrambled with a little cheese and half-n-half, left in the pan until they start to get brown around the edges
    12. baked potato (toppings) -- fat free sour cream and fat free shredded cheddar
    13. trail mix (what's in it) -- honey-roasted peanuts and dark M&Ms, maybe raisins if I'm feeling healthy
    14. cold breakfast cereal? -- Count Chocula
    15. chips -- no-salt tortilla chips
    16. dip/spread -- homemade Velveeta and Ro-tel
    17. vegetable -- at the moment, I am loving grilled asparagus
    18. fruit -- fresh Texas peaches, in season
    19. fatty savory food?* my mom's rolled steak (stuffed with bacon and onions), with gravy and mashed potatoes
    20. fatty sweet food?* my mom's peach cobbler with butter melted on top

    Yeah, I like chocolate. And bacon. And chocolate-and-bacon. ;)
  • BCKS
    BCKS Posts: 287 Member
    List your favorites or how you'd have it/customize it:

    1. oatmeal - Steel cut oats with chopped apple, raisins, walnuts, honey
    2. toast - butter or grape jelly
    3. ice cream sundae - hot fudge
    4. frozen yogurt - chocolate and must have a topping; sprinkles, nuts, etc.
    5. popcorn (flavor) - plain
    6. chocolate candy - any dark chocolate (prefer Godiva, Lindt)
    7. fruity candy - Gummi Savers
    8. muffin - Chocolate chip
    9. ice cream (flavor) - Cookies & Cream
    10. breakfast "bread" i.e. pancakes, waffles, crepes, french toast (flavor and toppings) - Waffles with pecans
    11. eggs - poached soft on toast
    12. baked potato (toppings) - butter, cheese & chives
    13. trail mix (what's in it) - raisins, mixed nuts, chocolate chips
    14. cold breakfast cereal? - Special K
    15. chips - Baked Lay's or mini flavored rice cakes (Cheese, BBQ, Ranch or Sour Cream & Chive)
    16. dip/spread - none
    17. vegetable - corn
    18. fruit - berries
    19. fatty savory food?* - Italian
    20. fatty sweet food?* - Cake with buttercream frosting

    *"Fatty" means unhealthy/inconsistent with what one might deem virtuous in the "dieting" world.
  • mariacamera
    mariacamera Posts: 14 Member
    1. oatmeal--with a pat of butter and banana slices
    2. toast--with peanut butter
    3. ice cream sundae--hot fudge
    4. frozen yogurt--mixed with hot fudge sauce, like a shake
    5. popcorn (flavor)--plain with salt and butter
    6. chocolate candy--Lindt 70% dark Chocolate
    7. fruity candy--gummy bears
    8. muffin--lemon
    9. ice cream (flavor)--coffee
    10. breakfast "bread" i.e. pancakes, waffles, crepes, french toast (flavor and toppings) Pancakes with maple syrup
    11. eggs--soft boiled
    12. baked potato (toppings)--butter, sour cream, parmesan cheese, chives and bacon. :)
    13. trail mix (what's in it)--anything that has chocolate chips
    14. cold breakfast cereal?--cheerios with sugar and whole milk
    15. chips--corn chips with hummus or guacamole
    16. dip/spread--hummus
    17. vegetable--broccoli, cooked really mushy with garlic and then fried in garlic and olive oil
    18. fruit--honeydew melon with lemon squeezed on it
    19. fatty savory food?*--pizza
    20. fatty sweet food?*--lemon pound cake, chocolate cake, ANY cake.
  • Lyndi4
    Lyndi4 Posts: 442 Member
    List your favorites or how you'd have it/customize it:

    1. oatmeal: with almonds, blueberries, and a teeny sprinkle of sugar
    2. toast: golden brown with butter & cinnamon sugar, or just butter, depends on my mood
    3. ice cream sundae: with bananas, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries... & a little whipped cream.
    4. frozen yogurt: strawberry & banana
    5. popcorn (flavor): air popped
    6. chocolate candy: Dove Dark Chocolate
    7. fruity candy: like Skittles? I guess skittles or gummy bears
    8. muffin: Banana Nut, or my mother-in-law's homemade bran muffins (really yummy).
    9. ice cream (flavor): Pistachio Almond
    10. breakfast "bread" i.e. pancakes, waffles, crepes, french toast (flavor and toppings): Waffles with strawberries & whipped cream
    11. eggs: sunny-side up with toast, or soft-boiled with toast (I love the little egg cups that you can put them in.
    12. baked potato (toppings): Butter, sour cream, salt & pepper
    13. trail mix (what's in it): Peanuts, almonds, raisins, m&m's... can't think of anything else
    14. cold breakfast cereal? Bran flakes or Honey O's (so yummy)
    15. chips: Market Pantry Salt & Vinegar
    16. dip/spread: Spinach Artichoke Dip
    17. vegetable: Artichokes
    18. fruit: strawberries or bananas
    19. fatty savory food?*: medium well steak with sauteed mushrooms
    20. fatty sweet food?*: hmmmm... I know I like lots of these, but I'm blanking. Strawberry Shortcake is coming to mind.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    List your favorites or how you'd have it/customize it:

    1. oatmeal - steel cut, craisins, honey
    2. toast - gluten free and butter
    3. ice cream sundae - reese's pieces, whipped cream, chocolate, peanut butter
    4. frozen yogurt - huh?
    5. popcorn (flavor) - kettle corn
    6. chocolate candy - dark with almonds and salt or caramel
    7. fruity candy - sour patch kids
    8. muffin - blueberry
    9. ice cream (flavor) - turkey hill peanut butter swirl
    10. breakfast "bread" i.e. pancakes, waffles, crepes, french toast (flavor and toppings) - any, I never eat these
    11. eggs - over easy or poached light
    12. baked potato (toppings) - jason's deli mexican
    13. trail mix (what's in it) - pumpkin spice, pumpkin seeds, yogurt covered raisins
    14. cold breakfast cereal? - chex with berries
    15. chips - middlesworth bbq
    16. dip/spread - crab dip
    17. vegetable - anything out of my garden
    18. fruit - yes
    19. fatty savory food?* - tatter tots
    20. fatty sweet food?* - cake

    *"Fatty" means unhealthy/inconsistent with what one might deem virtuous in the "dieting" world.