baby food diet



  • angelasmith230
    angelasmith230 Posts: 70 Member
    Has anyone heard of the baby food diet before?? I was online and came across an article about it. Apparently this is a big thing right now... there were several articles online about it.

    I myself would never try it.. I think it's the strangest diet I have heard of yet.

    let me ask you this, how many diets have you been on, and how many times have "diets" be successful for you?

    I have been on a few diets in the last few years.. that's why I was so surprised to find this crazy diet that I have never heard of before.. it is definitely not something I would ever try.. I would be very very very unsatisfied without solid food

    but I'm out of my "dieting" phase.. right now I'm focusing on eating the right foods and daily exercise :smile:
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Wait.. what?
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    remind me
    there were people who wired their mouths so they could not chew, no solid food.
  • Werglum
    Werglum Posts: 378 Member
    It would be fine in my house! My baby is just finishing off a big pile of steamed carrots and broccoli and has heaps of steak and kidney stew in the freezer - she is also fond of a nice chickpea curry! :bigsmile:
  • scarlet_goddess13
    tried it before...loved it! not really sure why I stopped. I think it was because I was self conscious about letting people see me as an adult eating baby food. Kept me really lean when I played sports in high school. the bananas and the turkey and mashed potatoes were my favorite!
  • Robbie32
    Robbie32 Posts: 65 Member
    tried it before...loved it! not really sure why I stopped. I think it was because I was self conscious about letting people see me as an adult eating baby food. Kept me really lean when I played sports in high school. the bananas and the turkey and mashed potatoes were my favorite!

    Well, I hope that at least everyone on the team did it
    That yall were state champs that season
    and that we'll see your counter part on Oxygen on the premier of the melo drama of the season "Cream of the Crop." :huh:
  • lulu9663
    lulu9663 Posts: 57 Member
    At least it's not as bad a the Tapeworm Diet. Now that is disgusting, at least baby food is a crazy trend you wouldn't die from. They even have tapeworn clinics set up in Mexico.
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    Even babies don't want to be on the baby food diet.

  • jilltaylor86
    jilltaylor86 Posts: 87 Member
    I ate baby food a few years ago when I had my tonsils was horrible. I decided I'd rather be hungry than choke down any more of that stuff.
  • kryptonitekelly
    kryptonitekelly Posts: 335 Member
    I would! But not the shop bought kind.
    Home made stuff. My aunty makes awesome baby food...that even she eats her self, obviously in bigger portions :D mmm
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    CannibalisticVegetarian Posts: 1,255 Member
    I eat baby food occasionally, but it's more for taste rather than calories. I just can't say 'no' to the sweet potatoes. :blushing:

    Buuuuut to make that almost an everyday meal for the sake of weight loss and perhaps ignoring the solid stuff? Pffft get outta here!
  • cazwillis99
    cazwillis99 Posts: 238 Member
    Its a celebrity fad diet, like maple syrup water and cayenne pepper. Some silly airhead celebrity does it to lose weight quickly and then it becomes a fad - frankly I would rather starve than eat baby food as my meals. I didn't even feed it to my son when he was a baby it was that gross. Much nicer to eat properly prepared food that tastes good and is nutricious.

    I think they featured in on supersize superskinny one series when the lady was doing all the silly fad diets that people follow in the belief that they will lose loads of weight in a day and she lasted one day before giving up because it was basically just green gloop. Over the course of the experiment she lost about a pound it total because all the diets were totally unsustainable long term.