What do you count as exercise?



  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Intentional exercise or any really physical activity which is outside of my normal routine, i.e. if I were to deep clean my flat then I would count that as I am not big on housework so rarely do more than the bare minimum. If I did gardening I would count that as well as that can be really hard work.
  • pigwidgeon82
    pigwidgeon82 Posts: 79 Member
  • zafferFL
    zafferFL Posts: 402
    I count, shopping and cleaning, and I count sexual activity as well. I don't count the sitting I do at work/home. I once counted a 3 hour mid-day nap, cause you do actually burn calories while sleep. When I log shopping, I just mark it as walking, cause I'm walking around the store.

    A nap? I hope this is sarcasm, lol.
  • htmlgirl
    htmlgirl Posts: 314 Member
    I only put things that aren't ordinary, not just intentional exercise. For example, instead of driving somewhere, if I walk instead, I'll count that even though the purpose isn't just exercise, it's just an added benefit. I wouldn't log something like cleaning or doing dishes.
  • akiramezu
    akiramezu Posts: 278
    Anything that jacks my heart rate above 150 and leaves me sore the next day. Cause you know, i love pain
  • janmar57
    janmar57 Posts: 13
    i have only logged intentional exercise so far such as going on the treadmill i have just got a rowing machine but it doesnt seem to burn many calories but then it is low impact.i would include using the wii sounds dated now its all connect now.i think housework and gardening are considered exercise but as i dont do much of this no good for me.got a new bike just before xmas and need to get out on it but it has loads of gears and my old one only had 3 so am a bit nervous.:smile:
  • lindrusso
    lindrusso Posts: 15 Member
    I generally only count intentional exercise but will count some outdoor chores. For example......

    *Mowing our lawn - before we got a rider mower - used to take about 3 hours and involved hills. I definitely counted that!

    *Some gardening - I will count heavy gardening - if I'm moving dirt, raking, lifting heavy bags of soil, etc. I do not count light gardening - pruning, planting, watering.

    *Shoveling - We now have a snow blower (which I don't generally count, but will count it if it takes me a long time - it does involve walking and is not part of my normal routine), but if I would definitely count shoveling - it's hard work and also not a normal routine.

    I do not count cleaning, shopping, etc.
  • jaymek92
    jaymek92 Posts: 309 Member
    it depends on how you set up your account in the beginning. if you set it up as sedentary, then yes, log housecleaning etc. because mfp is assuming that all you do every day is sit on your butt. i have my account marked as active, so i only count intentional exercise. and sexytime.
  • StephanieDJL
    StephanieDJL Posts: 130 Member
    I count intentional exercise as the gym, swimming, exercise videos, fitness classes etc. I only log walking if I've gone on a walk or if I've chosen to walk over getting the bus.
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    It depends what you want to track.

    If you want to track calories burnt it is probably better to set your daily activity low and track everything from the lighter activities through to heavy workouts.

    If you want to track exercise to see how you are doing in terms of cardio then set your daily activity level to a suitable range and only track what gets your heart pumping harder.

    I think that it only really matters on the accuracy of tracking if you are eating back your calories and losing slowly or you are trying to bulk up
  • yag1630
    yag1630 Posts: 92
    Intentional exercises only and activities that makes you sweat a lot.
  • karenmiller81
    karenmiller81 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm the same way. I play outside with my kids pretty much every single day, sometimes for hours and I used to log it as walking or something, but it was too difficult to really calculate because sometimes I really chase them around and sometimes I kind of stand around and watch them play. I sort of felt like it was holding me back somewhat in my weight loss goals by trying to convince myself I was burning a lot of calories, when maybe I really wasn't. Now I only log true, intentional exercise and I feel like it's making a difference.

  • TinnedTuna
    TinnedTuna Posts: 208 Member
    Basically people that log, Cleaning, grocery shopping, walking to the bathroom as exercise are KIDDING themselves.

    Exercise is above and beyond what normal daily life requires.

    or we wouldn't be where we are now on MFP wanting to lose weight.

    They may be some exceptions but i'm been very general here,
  • bcr1559
    bcr1559 Posts: 62 Member
    I log cleaning and gardening as long as my heart rate goes up. Yesterday I hauled brush to the fire pit for about 45 mins and then raked out flower beds for another 45, I actually decided to do that instead of going to the gym. Cleaning I only count when it is the out of the ordinary stuff like moving furniture and washing all the windows. Everyday things like, working, grocery shopping, and laundry will never make it onto my exercise list.
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    Only intentional exercise at the gym and on my mountain bike.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I said earlier, I count cleaning, I don't count mundane things like dishes, or washing laundry. I count it if it tires me out, and I feel all sweaty and just pooped out afterwards. Like, last week, the daycare I work at had to close due to sickness. We all had to come in a scrub the joint from top to bottom, I counted that as 4 hours of "light, cleaning" cause It was a lot of work, it was actually 6.5 hours, but since, towards, the end I did a lot of sitting, I was realistic and skimmed some time off.

    To each their own, I count this stuff because, before this year, I'd maybe get up and clean twice a year, I never folded up laundry, it sat next to my bed separate from the dirty laundry, I'd let trash pile up and then when the odor got too much, I'd take out sometimes 10-20 full bags at a time. I know it sounds gross. I'm getting better, last time I cleaned I only had to take out 4 bags of trash, It only takes about an hour to fold and hang up laundry, whereas before I would take 3-6 hours, cause I'm washing more often. I will admit, I'm a lazy slob! I'm changing that, so judge me all you want.
  • KnitChick89
    KnitChick89 Posts: 56 Member
    I only count cleaning when I'm doing MAJOR cleaning. I don't count dishes, laundry, dusting etc. since I do those things every single day anyway. ;)
  • KnitChick89
    KnitChick89 Posts: 56 Member
    I mean, I burned 296 calories just cleaning yesterday, and that was more than a lot of people did when they counted their actual "exercise," so you see why I counted that. Because it's a LOT and I worked HARD.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    why would anyone log shopping as exercise? i guess if you are shopping for a complete set of dumbbells i'd understand. :D
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    I mean, I burned 296 calories just cleaning yesterday, and that was more than a lot of people did when they counted their actual "exercise," so you see why I counted that. Because it's a LOT and I worked HARD.

    how was that calculated? if it was by heart rate monitor thats one thing but id be skeptical if it was MFPs numbers. they are off.,