Am I doing enough?

Hey everyone! This is my first time actually being serious about getting into shape. I've started using MFP for 1 week and have bumped up my exercise. I'm logging everything I eat as accurate as I can and trying to make better decisions with food (but I still have a sweet tooth that I satisfy here and there). Like I said I've only been doing it a week (other than Zumba which ive been doing since Jan). I'm just wondering if I am doing enough or doing the right stuff to lose weight (I'd like to lose around lower belly and love handles). I just like to get assurance before getting too far in and get discouraged. Common problem for me- I usually give up after 3 weeks.
Here is my schedule.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday- Couch to 5k (completed week one this week)
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday- 1 Hr Zumba class
Sunday- Rest

*attempt to do series of sit ups whenever I can. I don't have a designated time for those.

Thanks for your opinions!


  • dg09
    dg09 Posts: 754
    You're doing plenty, you should lose as long as you eat right.

    Good luck.
  • lddavis06
    lddavis06 Posts: 13 Member
    You're getting lots of cardio in, which is great, but a big enough percent is usually food intake. Everyone holds different "foods" in their system longer than others... Examples bread(whether it is whole wheat or not), others is dairy, etc. Watch your sugar intake and that may help you a lot!!
  • mumof5
    mumof5 Posts: 328 Member
    yr off to a great start, keep going, healthy weight lose takes time. unfortunately you can't spot reduce! if only we could chose where we lost the weight....
    cardio is the best thing to loose weight, that and a clean diet. don't push yourself too hard at the start or you will burn out and give up. expect to get a bit tired for the first mth but then things will turn around. it's also good to do some weight training, you don't have to lift heavy, just a little and thus will increase yr metabolism.
    another thing you should be aware if us that mfp estimates way high on most cardio workouts, a good HRM is very useful.
    good luck :)
  • lornathewizzard
    lornathewizzard Posts: 172 Member
    I would say thats more than enough, like others have said, nail the food and you're most of the way there, but exercise is key for fitness, health and toning. Plus, especially with the likes of zumba, its fun! :)
  • lilbitsc89
    lilbitsc89 Posts: 77 Member
    Thanks everyone for the opinions..keep them coming! lol It seems the majority believes I should keep up with the cardio and watch my diet. Most of my meals and been fish or chicken with veggies and for lunch im taking salad, sandwich, chicken, fish. I haven't had much time to look up recipes and go shopping. But these things are definately a change. I would get fast food a lot or subs and never realized how many calories were in what I was eating. And I've done good and stayed under my calorie goal every day.

    If anyone wants to look over my diet tracker, please friend me and let me know if there is anything I should alter. I am aware I am only in week one of this and since I have less than 10 lbs to lose I am aware it is going to take some time probably. Just gotta be patient (thats my problem lol ).

    And I agree with the post about MFP counting high on calories burned so I use calculators from other websites and a fitness program on my phone and then just enter it in.

    Thanks everyone!