A whole chocolate bar

redreamingme Posts: 62
edited September 19 in Food and Nutrition
So yeh today I ate a whole rasberry filled dark chocolate bar, it was amazingly good but had 510 calories. I feel horrible for eating it, but I was wondering if I stayed in my calories including that chocolate bar is it alright that I ate it?


  • Of course :) No harm - no foul!! :happy:
  • Of course :) No harm no foul!!:happy:

    Oh good that makes me feel better thank you :]
  • omid990
    omid990 Posts: 785 Member
    if by alright, you mean that you're weight loss won't come to a screeching halt, then yes, its all right. This is nothing to feel bad about because its a mistake and mistakes happen. just try to do better next time.

    now as why this isn't something that should become habit (aside from the fact that chocolate clearly isn't "diet food")

    510 calories is going to be a huge chunk of your daily calorie allotment. A trouble with being on a caloric deficit is that it makes it more difficult to get the proper nutrients needed while staying within your calories. now lets say for the sake of argument that you're given 1500 calories a day. Now 500 calories are gone. you only have 1000 calories left to get three servings of fruit, 3-5 servings of vegetables, 3 servings of dairy, etc.

    A second point: how well does a chocolate bar fill you up? you could have had over 12 oz of chicken breast for the same amount of calories. The sugar in the chocolate is going to be burned very fast, leaving you hungry again very soon. because you don't that many calories to work with, one should be smart as to how they use them.

    i don't want to sound all preachy but i find that it helps when people understand why something is a less desirable choice instead of telling them "that's bad. don't do it."

    If you're staying within your calories, the harm will be minimal to none so i wouldn't worry about it.

    hope i helped at least some.
  • if by alright, you mean that you're weight loss won't come to a screeching halt, then yes, its all right. This is nothing to feel bad about because its a mistake and mistakes happen. just try to do better next time.

    now as why this isn't something that should become habit (aside from the fact that chocolate clearly isn't "diet food")

    510 calories is going to be a huge chunk of your daily calorie allotment. A trouble with being on a caloric deficit is that it makes it more difficult to get the proper nutrients needed while staying within your calories. now lets say for the sake of argument that you're given 1500 calories a day. Now 500 calories are gone. you only have 1000 calories left to get three servings of fruit, 3-5 servings of vegetables, 3 servings of dairy, etc.

    A second point: how well does a chocolate bar fill you up? you could have had over 12 oz of chicken breast for the same amount of calories. The sugar in the chocolate is going to be burned very fast, leaving you hungry again very soon. because you don't that many calories to work with, one should be smart as to how they use them.

    i don't want to sound all preachy but i find that it helps when people understand why something is a less desirable choice instead of telling them "that's bad. don't do it."

    If you're staying within your calories, the harm will be minimal to none so i wouldn't worry about it.

    hope i helped at least some.

    Yes you did help, I definitely don't plan on doing it again. I had a weak moment :/
  • sharrisn
    sharrisn Posts: 2
    I need the person above me to be in my right corner. I be messing up big time.
  • melssyl
    melssyl Posts: 66
    it happens to us all at some point.. maybe next time it will only be 1/2 a chocolate bar.. :) hang in there and strive to eat healty and keep moving!! You can do it...
  • RecliningFigure
    RecliningFigure Posts: 214 Member
    I wouldn't make a habit of it, but I also believe that chocolate is necessary in our lives sometimes. It's eaten, and you enjoyed it. Feel good about it. It feeds the soul. I think the guilt can hurt more than simply accepting that you did it, and that you will not do that again for a while. But don't let bad feelings drag you down. I believe that stress is also a contributor to difficulties in weight loss. Accept the guilty PLEASURE, and then positively assert to yourself that you're going to redouble your efforts. After all, moderation is the key. Maybe you can set aside enough calories (or add enough exercise) to let yourself have a chocolate bar once a month, once every two months, etc.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I just want to make a point, that we all mess up. Even though your still under yoru calories for the day, as omid mentioned about getting the other nutrients in for the day.

    Next time you have a weak moment, and have to indulte.

    Split up the chocolate bar, and give yourself 2 smaller treats for 2 days instead of one bigger one on one day.

    510 calories is some dam chocolate bar.
    I've seen many in the 200-250 calorie range.
    JMAMA Posts: 298 Member
    If we have chocolate bars in our house they go in the freezer. I don't like frozen chocolate, and if i really want some I wait till it defrosts to eat it-that gives me plenty of time to see if i really want it and keeps my portions in check. I have an Easter bunny in the freezer still! Hope that tip helps!
  • ilmommkc
    ilmommkc Posts: 73
    If we have chocolate bars in our house they go in the freezer. I don't like frozen chocolate, and if i really want some I wait till it defrosts to eat it-that gives me plenty of time to see if i really want it and keeps my portions in check. I have an Easter bunny in the freezer still! Hope that tip helps!

    What helps me most is not making the purchase to begin with. I love frozen chocolate, melted chocolate, fridge cold chocolate..etc. LOL. If I must buy it for something, then I try to buy something that I do not like. I hate fruity chocolate and white chocolate and do not milk 3 musketeers. So..those could be purchased without me staring at them all day and pouncing on them when I cannot hold back the urge any longer. LMAO.

    It's hard and yes, we all screw up sometimes. Tomorrow's a new day! Good luck!
  • Don't worry about it at all, really. You've received some supportive, but also negative comments here about it being a largely caloric bar or whatever. Seriously, it doesn't matter. We all have or days, we all have our vices. I've lost 40 pounds, but I just have these days where I need my candy. It's okay. Sometimes, we just need things. Balance it out, do more exercise the next day and don't have it be all the time, and it's fine. Additionally, stress packs on more weight, so, if you do have a slip up, certainly don't overburden yourself with worry and guilt. But, one day of chocolate? Chocolate isn't even the worst snack you can have. Yes, it's high fat, but it's a good fat and lower in carbs than most sweets. So, there are lots of tricks that I'm sure you already know to stave off such days, but, yes, every once in a while a chocolate bar day is going to come along, and you shouldn't have to apologize to yourself for it! :) Just enjoy it, then go on about your day! You can't stick to a healthy diet unless you treat yourself once in a while, so, don't worry about it. I hope this helped! :)
  • I just want to make a point, that we all mess up. Even though your still under yoru calories for the day, as omid mentioned about getting the other nutrients in for the day.

    Next time you have a weak moment, and have to indulte.

    Split up the chocolate bar, and give yourself 2 smaller treats for 2 days instead of one bigger one on one day.

    510 calories is some dam chocolate bar.
    I've seen many in the 200-250 calorie range.

    That's a good idea thank you :]
    Yes, that chocolate bar was the best one I've ever had.
  • If we have chocolate bars in our house they go in the freezer. I don't like frozen chocolate, and if i really want some I wait till it defrosts to eat it-that gives me plenty of time to see if i really want it and keeps my portions in check. I have an Easter bunny in the freezer still! Hope that tip helps!

    Unfortunately it being frozen wouldn't stop me I like any chocolate.
  • Don't worry about it at all, really. You've received some supportive, but also negative comments here about it being a largely caloric bar or whatever. Seriously, it doesn't matter. We all have or days, we all have our vices. I've lost 40 pounds, but I just have these days where I need my candy. It's okay. Sometimes, we just need things. Balance it out, do more exercise the next day and don't have it be all the time, and it's fine. Additionally, stress packs on more weight, so, if you do have a slip up, certainly don't overburden yourself with worry and guilt. But, one day of chocolate? Chocolate isn't even the worst snack you can have. Yes, it's high fat, but it's a good fat and lower in carbs than most sweets. So, there are lots of tricks that I'm sure you already know to stave off such days, but, yes, every once in a while a chocolate bar day is going to come along, and you shouldn't have to apologize to yourself for it! :) Just enjoy it, then go on about your day! You can't stick to a healthy diet unless you treat yourself once in a while, so, don't worry about it. I hope this helped! :)

    Thank you very much, I do need to learn to not stress over stuff I eat. As soon as I eat anything, even carrots, I feel bad about it. Thanks for your feed back I'll keep it in mind :]
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