AAAHHHH! Sooooo frustrated... and sad... help... :(



  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    I just noticed I did not answer your question. My current height / weight are 5'6", 128.8 lb. My goal is to be 115 again.

    Height 170cm (5 6")

    Current 128.8 pounds (58 Kilos) BMI 20 (A BMI of 20 to 25 is considered healthy for your height)

    Goal 115 pounds (52 kilos) BMI 18 (A BMI of 19 for your height is considered to be underweight)

    Your maintenance calories for your current weight and height (age not sure) is well over 2000 calories even before you add all the high burns you do. Unless of course you have stuffed your metabolism by eating very low calories for extended periods.

    Sounds like it isnt weight loss you need but to up your calories and start heavy lifting.
    I am taking a guess that you overtrain and undereat and have unhealthy goals.
  • I just noticed I did not answer your question. My current height / weight are 5'6", 128.8 lb. My goal is to be 115 again.

    Height 170cm (5 6")

    Current 128.8 pounds (58 Kilos) BMI 20 (A BMI of 20 to 25 is considered healthy for your height)

    Goal 115 pounds (52 kilos) BMI 18 (A BMI of 19 for your height is considered to be underweight)

    Your maintenance calories for your current weight and height (age not sure) is well over 2000 calories even before you add all the high burns you do. Unless of course you have stuffed your metabolism by eating very low calories for extended periods.

    Sounds like it isnt weight loss you need but to up your calories and start heavy lifting.
    I am taking a guess that you overtrain and undereat and have unhealthy goals.

    well said!
  • rcramer7
    rcramer7 Posts: 138 Member
    I really hate this whole scale thing! I can google(images) 6'2 212lbs 18%bf male and find 1000 pictures of guys who look nothing like me! Everyone looks different and feels happy/unhappy with the way they look.

    Okay the scale says I lost 5lbs! Of what? You have to be honest with yourself and set a goal to "i like how I look" not weigh.

    Maybe I'm old school, or corn fed, whatever...skinny sucks! Healthy? Now that's what it's about! I don't want to hug my wife and hear bones crackin. Hell no! I feed that girl. Real food. Chicken dinner, steak and potatoes MMMMM!
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    according to your ticker you only have 10 pounds to lose...with that goal you should be aiming for 1/2 pound a week. You are severely undereating and being unnecessarily strict.

    you do not have to give up every single food that you love in order to reach your goals.

    What is your current heigh/weight. You surely need to be eating at least 1500 calories considering your activity level and possible more. I know it's discouraging and scary to up your calories but it's absolutely necessary for your long term success.

    I was thinking the more!!!! Try things like nuts, seeds to bring up your calories intake :-)

    They are right, I was in the same fix, started eating my exercise calories and now I'm losing again. It was a scary thing to eat more, but it's working
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I just noticed I did not answer your question. My current height / weight are 5'6", 128.8 lb. My goal is to be 115 again.

    Height 170cm (5 6")

    Current 128.8 pounds (58 Kilos) BMI 20 (A BMI of 20 to 25 is considered healthy for your height)

    Goal 115 pounds (52 kilos) BMI 18 (A BMI of 19 for your height is considered to be underweight)

    Your maintenance calories for your current weight and height (age not sure) is well over 2000 calories even before you add all the high burns you do. Unless of course you have stuffed your metabolism by eating very low calories for extended periods.

    Sounds like it isnt weight loss you need but to up your calories and start heavy lifting.
    I am taking a guess that you overtrain and undereat and have unhealthy goals.
  • acrego
    acrego Posts: 84 Member
    according to your ticker you only have 10 pounds to lose...with that goal you should be aiming for 1/2 pound a week. You are severely undereating and being unnecessarily strict.

    you do not have to give up every single food that you love in order to reach your goals.

    What is your current heigh/weight. You surely need to be eating at least 1500 calories considering your activity level and possible more. I know it's discouraging and scary to up your calories but it's absolutely necessary for your long term success.
    this! and dont listen to the damn scale! take pics it helps so much

    Pics? Should I post pics of my flab? :noway:
    you are so funny! you look fine!

    That's an old picture! I want to get back there again! :p
  • acrego
    acrego Posts: 84 Member
    I really hate this whole scale thing! I can google(images) 6'2 212lbs 18%bf male and find 1000 pictures of guys who look nothing like me! Everyone looks different and feels happy/unhappy with the way they look.

    Okay the scale says I lost 5lbs! Of what? You have to be honest with yourself and set a goal to "i like how I look" not weigh.

    Maybe I'm old school, or corn fed, whatever...skinny sucks! Healthy? Now that's what it's about! I don't want to hug my wife and hear bones crackin. Hell no! I feed that girl. Real food. Chicken dinner, steak and potatoes MMMMM!

    Let me make a small clarification... My normal weight is 115. I started struggling as I got older, which I know is normal for your metabolism to slow down, but I struggle with periods of eating mexican food & ice cream for months at a time, and end up looking like I do now. I have been thru this cycle before, lost weight the healthy way, with diet & exercise, then life hits me with a divorce or something like that, and BAM there I go. Then, when I work it off and when I like how I look, I weigh about 115. That's where I get the number from. I know the number because I've been there before!
  • acrego
    acrego Posts: 84 Member
    Great read on plateauing

    These statements were a real eye opener for me-

    You may need to consume more calories if:
    · You exercise regularly (4+ times per week), strength train 2-3 times per week, and are on a calorie-restricted diet, but you do not consume the minimum calories plus most or all of the calories you burn through exercise
    · You consume less than 1200 at least once a week
    · You consume less than 1500 calories most days of the week
    · You regularly consume fewer calories than your BMR (basal metabolic rate)
    · You have headaches, lethargy, aches, and/or lack of concentration
    You may need to change cardiovascular work if:
    · You are mostly sedentary
    · You engage in cardiovascular work fewer than 4 times per week
    · Your cardiovascular workouts last shorter than 20 minutes
    · Your heart rate does not remain in the 55-70% max. range at least two times per week
    · Your heart rate does not remain in the 70-85% max. range at least three times per week
    You may need to modify strength training if:
    · You do not currently engage in strength training
    · Your weights seem very light, thereby not stressing your muscles
    · You have reached your goal weight, but still feel “flabby”

    Excellent information on why not eating enough works against you...

    Thanks, this was very helpful indeed! :)
  • mdebbie1026
    mdebbie1026 Posts: 164 Member
    If you have a laptop type computer, maybe you could play a dvd on it in the living room? Or look up some of the exercise videos on Youtube?

    I agree with a visit to your doctor too.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I hear you LOUD and clear!!!!
    I went to the gym 6 days a week and busted my butt for 6 weeks and i barely lost 3lbs! I am not trying to "sell" anything here but I did discovery an amazing nutritional suppliment that helped me lose 30lbs since new years day. Its not taking a pill or anything insane.

    But as for the weight gain its most likely water weight. And you definately need to be eating more. Try to eat every 2 hours and drink TONS of water. If you need more help feel free to message me.
    Good Luck
  • SavageRabidBeast
    SavageRabidBeast Posts: 481 Member
    A little calculation for you that might help. You should take your goal weight then multiply it by either 10 (less active), 11, or 12 (more active). The total is the approx calorie intake you should aim for each day. So as an example, I am aiming for 180lbs. So I usually aim for about 2160 as my calorie intake each day. Withing those calories I take in about a gram of protein for each pound of my goal weight. You should also try and stay away from foods that have lots of added sugars and carbs. Don't worry so much about fat content in food cuz if you are staying active you will burn it off quickly. It's the added sugars and carbs that settle inside you and stay longer. As stated above, it very well may be water weight used to repair your muscle fibers. Hope that has helped some, best of luck to you. :)

    really..... so for me i should be at 1240 - 1500 max. right now mfp says my maintenance is 1502. and i seemed to only loose weight when i was on 1200 cals a day. I didn't know about my bmr and stuff then, my bmr right now is 1252. so what shall i do to get the weight loss kick started again, it's been 2.5 month of no loss.... i can't set myself for a 1lb loss as it's not possible for me, so i have it set to .5 loss a week, and i can't even loose that ...

    What kinds of foods are you eating? What kinda exercises are you doing? If you want, you can add me on here or even send me a message to my inbox and I would be happy to go over some things with you that might help.
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    I absolutely REFUSE to weigh myself the week of TOM because I routinely gain 3-5 lbs, usually in 3 days and I don't need the psychological trauma. And then it takes at least a week to get that off!!!

    Also, with increased working out your body needs more fuel....this post explains it pretty well:

    I would also suggest researching your TDEE and BMR to figure out how much you should be eating. You might not be losing much and gaining some because of water retention.
  • AlisaRN
    AlisaRN Posts: 65 Member
    I agree with some of the previous posts. That would put you at an unhealthy BMI. I am the same height and the lowest I could ever get was 123 lbs... :/ It may just be me though. Maybe try strength training if you are unsatisfied with your size. It may cause you to gain some weight, but you would loose inches!
  • LisaKunz
    LisaKunz Posts: 73 Member
    ohhhh... I'm too new at this to give you any advice. I'm sorry. But my heart is breaking a little bit for you cuz you're so sad!! Don't be discouraged...really. Choose to look at all those, GREAT things you've been doing, and that's a SUCCESS!!! The scale will eventually be your friend. Hang in there...We're all in this together and you can get past this!! You are STRONG and BEAUTIFUL and DETERMINED!!!
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    I haven't seen what other people have been saying, but here's my advice:

    Your body seems to have adjusted to the 1200 calories you've been giving it a day. When dieting, your metabolism usually slows down to accommodate for the decreased intake of calories. A nice big meal will help to counter this. I read an excerpt from a book the other day that talked about this. It recommended taking a break from dieting every 4 to 5 weeks to keep your metabolism from adjusting to your decreased calorie intake.

    Another thing I recommend is to add muscle building to your workout.
    1. Weight loss doesn't mean anything if you aren't also healthy. If all you're doing is cardio, you are only addressing your heart and lungs, you should also be addressing your strength and flexibility, which is key in preventing injury in the real world. Weight lifting along with yoga or pilates will help you accomplish this.
    2. The more muscle mass on your body, the more efficiently you will burn fat. Your cardio exercises will be more effective if you are also doing weigh training.

    Last but most importantly: DO. NOT. GIVE. UP. As long as you are willing to try again the next day, you have already succeeded. As soon as you decide not to try again the next day, THAT is when you have truly failed: WEIGHT DOES NOT DEFINE SUCCESS OR FAILURE - YOUR ATTITUDE DOES.
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    Alcohol is a diuretic. You may have started the week dehydrated.

    There is no way any significant change will occur in a week, so don't even worry about it. Any change on the scale at this point is meaningless. It will be several weeks before the real weight loss is significant enough to be noticeable over the normal ups and downs from day to day.
  • I'm shorter than you and weigh 115.....
    MY Bmr is 1400.
    Yours is almost positively higher.
    You aren't eating enough. I consume like 1800 so Don't say you are too small for even 1200
  • mellyp70
    mellyp70 Posts: 1
    hang in there, I've been running on my treadmill for 9 weeks at a 3.5-4.5 speed for 60 mins a nite 3-4 times a week. It took me until my 7th week to lose and I've only lost 4 pounds. keep trying
  • NicholeRobb
    NicholeRobb Posts: 166 Member
    Even if you are eating healthy & eating under ur calorie goal, u can still trick ur body into thinking it is not getting all it needs which in turn will prevent u from losing. I did the same thing a few yrs ago because my 1500 cal goal was just too much & I got tired of forcing myself to eat even though I wasn't hungry. My nutritionist informed me of why I wasn't losing (not enuff cals). Once I readjusted my foods so I was still eating healthy but increasing my cal intake, I did begin to lose again. As for the pms, I gain 8lbs a month. It helps to know how much water you are retaining during that wk (or even 2, counting the week prior) so as not to get discouraged. You don't have far to go :). You can do it!
  • acrego
    acrego Posts: 84 Member
    ohhhh... I'm too new at this to give you any advice. I'm sorry. But my heart is breaking a little bit for you cuz you're so sad!! Don't be discouraged...really. Choose to look at all those, GREAT things you've been doing, and that's a SUCCESS!!! The scale will eventually be your friend. Hang in there...We're all in this together and you can get past this!! You are STRONG and BEAUTIFUL and DETERMINED!!!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    THANK you! It's nice to just get a little encouragement!

    (Not that I don't appreciate the advice, too, I do!)