just went on an eating binge :(



  • TurnLeftNow
    TurnLeftNow Posts: 171
    Bumps in the road and binges do not mean that you have failed. They happen all the time. Don''t worry about it.

    Maybe try and figure out why you binged. Are you getting enough calories? Are you allowing yourself to eat what you want? Are you restricting too much or putting food into "bad food categories"? Maybe it was an emotional thing? If you figure out the problems you can prevent it from happening again.

    Tomorrow just start again with your normal routine. You are going to be fine.
  • AudgePaudge
    AudgePaudge Posts: 537 Member
    First of all, it's ok. We're all human! A little bit of binge eating does you good. Just make sure it doesn't take over your life. Have you been exercising a lot and not eating much? I've found that I binge the day after I exercised a lot and didn't eat over 1250 calories. If it's becoming a problem (like mine was) I would suggest finding out what's triggering it and try to fix it. But if this isn't a recurring problem for you then don't beat yourself up over it. Drink lots of water and make it better starting now, not tomorrow. Have a nice salad for dinner :)
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    I've been there... especially when I'm "dieting". I have to keep reminding myself everyday that I'm not on a diet. I'm trying to get healthy. True, part of that is to lose weight, but the goal is moderation and health. I ask "would my healthy me make this choice?" The tough part is being honest with yourself about what your version of healthy is and not being too strict. I work things like birthday cake, girlscout cookies, coffee creamer and wine into my daily calories at least once a week. I don't expect there will be much more room for these things in maintenance mode, so I think it's a good place to start living a healthy lifestyle. It can be done, it just needs to be in moderation, one serving and only once in a while. Since starting this, I've only had 2 small binges and neither of them put me over on my calories. It's the balance I've found to work for me and I've been losing every week so far.
    Today, you broke your caloric limit. The good news is you haven't ruined anything. Tomorrow, you get a new one. Please don't try to 'fix' what has been broken today, it can't be undone without drastic measures just as equally damaging as the binge itself. Just move forward with your head high and a resolve not to break the caloric limit tomorrow. You are ready for this change or you wouldn't be here.
  • th3k00l1
    th3k00l1 Posts: 7 Member
    I recently binged for about 4 days - while on my monthly cycle :(
    I felt horrible while doing it also, but the food tasted soo good!
    I even had thoughts of making myself throw it up (cause my stomach hurt from being soo full) but I didn't.
    I started working out about a month ago and thought that I should just put in the hard work and burn the calories that I consumed. I had literally gained about 4 lbs in 4 days - and I'm sure it's going to take me at least a week to loose it.

    I've decided not to cheat that bad again ... I felt horrible about myself & guilty while I was eating the food and I don't want to feel that way again.

    The best thing to do is just learn from your experience. What did you gain from the binging? Weight!!! If that is not your goal, then do the things that make you reach your goal (healthy weight loss) by eating right and exersicing :)
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Relax. I've had four or five binges over the past few month and I'm still down 35lbs and ongoing. As long as you forgive yourself and get right back on track the next day all is good. I think sometimes days like this are actually necessary for sustaining weight loss.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    I am not doing great either today. Feel like I could eat an entire supermarket. Ever since I started the 30 DS i am famished.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    As most everyone has said, a spike day here and there is good for you. About once a month, I have an eff it day...I eat whatever sounds good, but I log it and I make sure that I up my workouts a little the rest of the week. When I do that, it usually kick starts me, and I get another good loss. It's been working well for me for awhile. Just drink lots of water and up your workouts, but don't fast.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    i did that last night i thought. but when I looked at what i ate i really was only over by a couple hundred. my issue is that I never have binges and I dont know what triggered it. I would be more worried about the why.
  • Must be one of those days. TOM here. Blahh. Start fresh tomorrow! That's what I am doing.
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    I killed a whole box of frosted mini wheats this am :-(

    love that! that is awesome and OK!
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    You're only human. The key is to only have these days very, very infrequently. As others have said, drink lots of water and make sure you eat very healthily for the next few days. These kinds of days can sometimes jumpstart a lagging metabolism so you may find you've actually lost weight after a week or so.
  • Happymom12
    Happymom12 Posts: 114 Member
    I did that last Saturday and it was way to much to even try to work off so I didn't even work out at all. The rest of the week did the same as always and I didn't gain anything but didn't lose anything either was exactly the same (141.6) Every once in a while won't kill you.
  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    You can't take it back now. Feeling bad about it isn't going to change anything. It would stay off the scale for a few days though because you will be up most likely from water weight and that will only make you feel worse. It was one day and you are not a bad person and your goals and hard work have not been derailed. Like a lot of people said, it might actually help you in the end because your body isn't used to it. I would just try not to binge too often. I'm having one of these days myself. Tomorrow is a new day; start over.
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 646 Member
    I killed a whole box of frosted mini wheats this am :-(
    Thank you so much for sharing that and the fact that you are in your uniform makes me feel better. Seriously it was criminal the way I ate today! If it can happen to you it can happen to us all. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :blushing: :blushing:
  • chubbytiff
    chubbytiff Posts: 61 Member
    it happens to all of us. Brush yourself off and start over again tomorrow. One day at a time.:wink:
  • ChaosMoosie
    ChaosMoosie Posts: 77 Member
    Hey!!! That is in the PAST!!! If you WENT on an eating binge, that happened in the PAST. It isn't happening in the present, it doesn't have to happen in the future! That which is past is past and you nor I nor anyone can go back and change anything that is history.

    That said, you have the choice to move on from here and do right by yourself in the present and in the coming present (the future).

    Don't dwell on things in the past. Learn from them, accept that 'yes, dang it, it happened' and don't live in regret of what happened. Just start - THIS MINUTE - to do the things you know to do and you're going to be fine!

    Keep up the good work!
  • AnitaDuvallRN
    AnitaDuvallRN Posts: 3 Member
    Just know your next meal will be on track! Tomorrow will be a fresh start! It's important to take a day off from dieting anyway. So, today was your day off!
  • GrnEydGrl86
    GrnEydGrl86 Posts: 154
    I killed a whole box of frosted mini wheats this am :-(

    Awwww it will be ok! It could have been cocoa puffs or something ;-) But men kill me...and entire box of cereal?!?!? I would vomit lol
  • Sandytoes71
    Sandytoes71 Posts: 463 Member