Greek or Regular Yogurt?



  • small4me
    small4me Posts: 46 Member
    My all time favorite is Oikos Vanilla greek yogurt. Soooo good.

    I've seen the Oikos but haven't tried it yet, I keep going to the President's Choice offering, I should pick up some Oikos tomorrow.

    I have tried both and I LOVE the Oikos - the flavors are great and you don't know you are eating healthy. My hubby never ever ate yogurt and will eat 1/day of the Oikos. (Black Cherry is my fav)
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I usually get the 2% varieties of greek yogurt. For me the perfect combo is fresh summer fruit. If those aren't available, I mix in jam. :D

    Once I went to greek yogurt, it is impossible for me to eat normal yogurt. It is too watery and too sweet for my tastebuds now.

    When I first started eating it, I would add fruit + 2 teaspoons of sugar. Now I just eat it with fruit and yogurt.

    A great way to use it, is to make panna cotta. Yum, and way healthier. You can just mix lowfat milk and greek yogurt. I also like to mix it with marscapone for a topping for berries.

    Good luck!
  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    Its great for savory dishes too!
  • lgladybug
    lgladybug Posts: 68 Member
    definitely greek...I love it!!! I agree with everyone above. I use to eat regular yogurt and still sometimes do. I prefer the taste of greek and all it's feminie health benefits and the higher amounts of protein. However they both have benefits. Initially I didn't like the taste of greek because I prefer my yogurt room tempature but when I let my greek yogurt out for awhile it got all runny and funky tasting...def better cold.. IT's soooo delish.
  • ms_success
    Whether you like Greek or not, don't waste your food dollars and calories on buying yogurt with added sweeteners & fruit. You can control both the quality and quantity of your fruit and sugar intake by simply adding a little jam if you like sweet yogurt. I also really like adding applesauce, cinnamon, and a little agave syrup to plain yogurt.
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    I eat greek yogurt for the protein. It is so creamy, and delicious, and the one I buy has 0g of fat and is still thick and creamy. I do eat regular yogurt too though, particularly when I want to make berry and granola parfaits with it.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    If you go with Greek style...make sure there are only milk, cream, and bacteria. You can add fruits and sweetener later if you need it. There are some brands on the market that add gelatin, preservatives, and flavorings that are not natural. Just do some research and a taste test. I prefer Fage and Chobani...both plain. I add in honey or fresh fruit if I want it.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    I like nonfat plain yogurt (Stonyfield - it's creamy) for my smoothies. If I'm going to have a snack of yogurt and fruit, I like Chobani Greek yogurt (2 percent), some with fruit or just plain and add fresh blueberries or something else.

    When I eat Greek yogurt, I find it very filling and like I'm eating a treat like ice cream. It's that good to me.
  • InvidiaXII
    InvidiaXII Posts: 315 Member
    I second the people who have mentioned this: Greek yogurt is surprisingly thick for being non-fat. I always found that non-fat regular yogurt was really liquidy. It's also got a nice amount of protein. Makes a great substitute for sour cream: I've used it on top of Mexican food and chili and couldn't tell the difference. When I'm just eating it by itself, I usually splurge for a fruit flavored one or mix in some honey-- like I said, it tastes just like sour cream and is very tangy plain.
  • aurlach
    aurlach Posts: 3
    I love that it offers more protien! I substitute greek yogurt on all of my dip receipes that call for mayo and/or sour cream. AWESOME!
  • hopefloatsup
    hopefloatsup Posts: 207 Member
    I love Chobani - Banana/Strawberry is my absolutely favorite! I put 1/4 cup Special K Low Fat Granola in with it and call it breakfast....very filling. It is thicker, but so much creamier in my opinion. The downfall: the price comparison. Here it's 1.25 each. Last time I went to the store, I got 10 yoplait light yogurts for $4, so I didn't get any Chobani. I figured it was close enough. Yeah, it's not. LOL...I like Chobani so much better and definitely worth the extra since I'm making it a meal.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
    I wish I like Greek yogurt but can't bring myself to eat it again. Ha! I eat the fiber one yogurt.

    I like the Dannon Oikos. Strawberry, raspberry and cherry! You really ought to give it one more try.