Emotional eating

I have learned that I am an emotional eater. I want to eat when I am sad, lonely, bored ect. Unfortunatly I have issues about going out so I stay home alone all the time. I am finding it really hard not to turn to food. I am actually missing all that comfort. The family that are around me all the time are not helping. They are buying me chocolate and pizza trying to make me feel better and I have tryed nicely to tell them no, so why do they keep doing it. I am feeling like I am in this battle all alone and no one is on my team. Any suggestions on how to overcome emotional eating and how to make them understand that I don't want to eat that stuff anymore without being nasty because right now I want to scream in frusteration.


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,056 Member
    When they buy stuff strictly for you, throw it away.

    If you are suffering from Agoraphobia or eating excessively for comfort, maybe you would benefit from counseling. .. Wait. You would benefit from counseling. Have you told your doctor your problems? You really need to open up to someone. That's no way to live.

    Take care of yourself. (hug)
  • brontemoon
    I will talk to someone thanks for the advice.
  • aksunshine
    aksunshine Posts: 62 Member
    A few years ago I lost 35 pounds and some of my co-workers would leave donuts and candy on my desk. What is that about? Maybe my eating junk food helps my friends feel better?? I don't know.
    I do know that I am also an emotional eater as well. I am getting better every day though - eat a lot more low calories snacks and am trying to embrace the 'hungry feeling. I very rarely have felt that feeling :)
  • Determined518
    Determined518 Posts: 138 Member
    Lay your foot down! Tell them frankly not to bring you those things. You have to stick up for yourself. Let them know you mean business. And it is ok to snack all day. Just snack on the right things. Not junk and get exercise. Even just going for a walk or buying an exercise video for the Dvd player. You can do this!!!
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    Perhaps that's the only way they know to make you feel better? Maybe it worked before. You'll probably have to teach them new ways to help you feel better. Maybe a new movie to watch on tv, a new music cd, an exercise video, a book on getting healthy, a weigh scale for your food, yarn to knit with? you get the idea. Good luck :)
  • zebramama84
    zebramama84 Posts: 64 Member
    Oy I wish i had some great wisdom to impart ! I am an emotional eater, lonliness is my favourite flavour. I have tried to find more people to support me even if its just their job, Doctor, Dietician etc and a few really supportive friends, maybe suggest some slightly altered choices and suggest dark dark dark chocolate or something of that nature :) feel free to send me a friend request :)
  • Cobehale
    Cobehale Posts: 54 Member
    I too am an emotional eater and my husband is my enabler! The people who sabotage (consciously or unconsciously) have their own reasons for doing it. In my husband's case we have FINALLY figured out that it is because with his first wife - she dieted and lost weight just before she left him for another man.

    Now whenever he tries to push food on me, we sit down and talk about it. My feelings, his feelings and as such, we have a better relationship.
  • carebear7951
    carebear7951 Posts: 404 Member
    You are not alone. When I'm frustrated I eat. When I'm bored I eat. When I'm mad I eat.....mine is all related to negative emotions I guess. I'm sorry that people are making it harder to break that cycle. That must be even harder, especially if they are your loved ones and their intentions are (hopefully) good.
    Just try to substitute something else. I know, at first it will not be that great (I know this because I've btdt got the tee-shirt) but tell yourself how that food is poisoning your body. It helped me b/c we are dairy free now (allergies in the house-including myself) and a lot of the things I wanted to snack on would have milk....and honestly??? I don't really crave pizza anymore. I could've eaten it 3x a day before! Now? It kinda turns my stomach to think about it.
    Try to eat lower calorie stuff so you can have MORE. And then allow yourself a treat here and there. But do it in a way that you don't have to have self control to stop-ie small packages only. Most people are not going to stop eating if they have a gallon of ice cream but if you go quality over quantity (say a tiny thing of Ben and Jerry's) then you're better off. Make sure the calories are worth the cost. Also, work out. Do the hardest workout you can stand (safely). It leaves you so tired you don't have the energy to eat too much. ;) It really is helping me. Best wishes!!!
  • cbeutler
    cbeutler Posts: 667 Member
    I can't say what will work for you but I'm happy to share what worked for me. I went to OA.org and learned about emotional eating. Then I found a local meeting and got brave and went. That was the end of January and it has been fantastic for me. There is a meeting finder on the website, they also have telephone meetings so you don't even have to leave the house.

    Since starting I have lost 34 lbs, and more amazing to me is I haven't had a soda or candy in 7 weeks. I also haven't eaten between meals in 7 weeks.

    If you go to a meeting they ask for a donation if you have the money but it is not required I usually give $3.

    Good luck in your journey I hope you have great success.
  • Calipalm
    Calipalm Posts: 114 Member
    I'm with you!

    I am a complete emotional eater. Its not something you can completely over come. I believe you have to learn to adapt, and learn how to best control the situation. I suggest you speak up to your friends and family. Sit them down, and say, "listen, I appreciate you trying to buy me snacks and food to cheer me up, and as much as I enjoy all this, and would love to eat it all, I need to stop eating it."

    Perhaps vocally telling them how you feel, they will start to understand and take better action. Tell them to offer to go on a walk with you and have a nice conversation instead, especially when the emotions make you want to eat unnecessary food. Have them distract you in a positives way, then with food, that's probably making you feel so emotional.

    The other night, i had to tell my husband that I was frustrated and wanted to cry, because I couldn't eat anymore food, and he was sitting there eating cold pizza and a soda. He apologized and stopped eating, it was a late night snack, so in turn it helped him a bit too.

    I still feel this everyday, sometime i do give in. But I try to make sure that the food and snacks I have aren't going to completely throw my calories off the chart. I usually eat 1-2 dark chocolate Hershey's kisses. 40 calories each. and its enough to calm me, and enough to not make me feel entirely guilty.

    Really try and remind yourself in those moments, that buy allowing yourself to eat your emotions, it may only bring on more pain and frustration. So try to remember the reason your on here, and the progress you want to make. Tell yourself that you CAN do it, and that you WILL do it. Don't let it be your weakness, turn it into your drive, to progress, turn your emotion to strength and will power to exercise. :) you can do this!
  • hellomeghan
    I'm definitely an emotional eater, that's what made me put on so much weight. A couple of things that have helped me: when I feel the urge to eat when I'm not PHYSICALLY hungry, I distract myself with something else. Like reading a book or going to the gym or doing a craft or cleaning (and if I clean enough, usually I'll get physically hungry from moving around so much and then eating will be justified) or even looking up healthy recipes online and making them, so that by the time they're done cooking, I'll actually be hungry. Also, when I get the desire to eat, I'll grab my water bottle and just sip on that (and if I'm in no mood for water, I'll squirt some MIO in there. If you don't know what MIO is, look it up! :D ). If all that fails and I just NEED to eat something, I'll opt for the healthier options....I'll grab a carrot or an apple or a little cup of yogurt. It sucks at first. I know. My GOD I love me some chocolate chip cookies or some ice cream. But as the days go by and I stick to my resolve to refuse the bad foods, and I keep my goal in mind, it gets easier. Trust me! :)
  • 276NoMore
    276NoMore Posts: 115 Member
    You know I really wish there was a "live chat" option on MFP - especially for times when I'm on the verge of "emotional/binge" eating ... I don't know about any of you guyz, but if I talk with someone at the time when I really need to and I hear/read only a few words of encouragement ... I tell you it's like I am in flight again, soaring ... Does anyone else wish there was "live chat" here on MFP or does anyone know of any other weight loss sites (besides Overeaters Anonymous) that has live chat sites.
  • geckofli
    geckofli Posts: 155 Member
    maybe they are trying to help the only way they knew how have you explained to em that you are trying to change my habits? they care about you so they should understand make a swapsies list like insttead of a big block of chocolate how bout a small bar of dark choc, home made pizzas are healthier and fun (just dont grate your knuckles like i do, it dampens the joy a little)
    i should point out that im a lonely eater who like ice cream, so i make my own from my protein powder, i cant finnish a serve of protein (i call it fluff, there's a group for it in here) now, where as i can ganent 2lts of icecream easy peasy, when i sit at my pc stuffing about i have two bottles of water, one a cold one and one room temp, dont know why but it helps and i force myself to socialise, i have roller derby training for the social thing and i dont feel so lonely these days (:
    you can do this you know, working out what youre doing and why is the hardest step
    youve registered what youre doing and youve asked for help and advise
    now all you have to do is read all the suggestions and think about how to apply it to your life
    what fits best with you?
    who ever said one size fits all is full of bs (:
  • brontemoon
    Thank you everyone, I will try all for your suggestions till I find one that works well for me. Your right my family is trying to be helpfull not hurtfull I just have to be firm with them and stay strong. Maybe if I explain I am trying to change my life for the good of my health they will be able to understand.
  • aquasw16
    aquasw16 Posts: 342 Member
    Absolutely wish!