post-alcohol cravings

so I have big nights out, which obviously adds hundreds of calories to a day's totals anyway, but the next day all I crave is carbs and really fatty foods. I tend to give in to these cravings purely to make myself feel slightly more human after a big night. So the question is, will this one day of eating really badly, and the added calories from the alcohol, going to undo all of the hard work I've been putting into losing weight?


  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    Alcohol will affect you worse than the food you ate. Both? Will definitely mess with what you're doing. Why not just cut your "big night outs" out.
  • cbl40
    cbl40 Posts: 281 Member
    How often do you go out? It looks like you have two cheat meals when you do this, the evening you drink and the day afterwards. It may make losing weight a lot harder. Sorry, but it is the honest truth. I think you have to find a happy medium between enjoying your life and creating a healthy lifestyle. Choose your nights out carefully and try your best to get back on track the following day. Good luck!
  • Charloo1990
    Charloo1990 Posts: 619 Member
    Not at all imo.
    I go out quite often, mainly Fridays or Satdays. Im going out this Fri so as normal i will diet all that day, then when im actualy out i'l drink what the hell i want, which is usually a lot. Sometimes at the end of the night i'l eithergo for a Subway or a McDonalds and to top it off i genrally eat pure junk the next day. Like i'l get up and have a bacon and egg butty and eat whatever i want for th course of the day. I feel this helps with the hangover and as long as i get back on the diet on the Sunday and diet all week again, by the time get weighed the week later, that night out and the junk food thats follows hasnt ttuched me :)
  • kenscarlson
    kenscarlson Posts: 24 Member
    Because everyone deserves to have a life while dieting. Just keep your eye on the long term goal. Dont let your plan get derailed because of a few bad meals. When I have a friday or saturday drinking night I save my calories and work out harder to earn some calories! That way I dont feel guilty about the 7 diet tonic and vodkas (and breakfast out w/friends the next day). Also drink water. Lots. And Vitamin B-12 the night before is important.

    Go for more lean protein than carbs too the next day too, it will still give you that satisfied feeling you seek
  • rcramer7
    rcramer7 Posts: 138 Member

    I used to work three jobs, school full-time, and party 6 nights a week. I was like a zombie and didn't even realize it. I thought I was livin it up! Now I'm 40 and really starting to live it up!

    Also, you will suffer consequences for more than 1 day. You will be dehydrate the the next day, depressed (even if you don't think you are), weak or flat out won't exercise and more.

    Plus, you felt guilty enough to ask us!?!
  • Charloo1990
    Charloo1990 Posts: 619 Member
    I dunno how often you go out, for me its probs 2-3 fri/saturdays in a month and as i say, it doesnt affect my weight loss at all cause im good at making up for it but if its affecting u then maybe do something different. I wouldnt go as far as t sa don't go out as often cause what the point, lifes for living. Where do u draw the line.
  • ashleynicol3
    ashleynicol3 Posts: 187 Member
    No. You can't undo all your hard work with one day of unhealthy eating - just like you can't lose a ton of weight with one day of healthy eating & exercising. However, if you already drank a lot last night & you're going over your calories again today, it's not just one day anymore. If it's not something you do regularly, it's fine, but if this is your normal pattern, it could throw you off your weight loss goals in the long run. Personally, after I drink, I crave Chipotle because it always seems to make me feel better. I think that's okay, but I don't do it all the time & if I eat Chipotle (or whatever), I fit it into my calories for the day. I say eat whatever makes you feel better today, then start fresh tomorrow. Next time you plan to go out and have a few drinks, try to eat lighter throughout the day, so you won't go way over your calories - or exercise more that day to make up for it. The next day, try to plan everything out so you're fulfilled, but you don't go over your calorie goal. Easier said than done, I know! Good luck! :)
  • Charloo1990
    Charloo1990 Posts: 619 Member
    Because everyone deserves to have a life while dieting. Just keep your eye on the long term goal. Dont let your plan get derailed because of a few bad meals. When I have a friday or saturday drinking night I save my calories and work out harder to earn some calories! That way I dont feel guilty about the 7 diet tonic and vodkas (and breakfast out w/friends the next day). Also drink water. Lots. And Vitamin B-12 the night before is important.

    Go for more lean protein than carbs too the next day too, it will still give you that satisfied feeling you seek
    I completly agree :)
  • katemme
    katemme Posts: 191
    Even if I don't throw up, I always weigh less the next morning after a night of drinking.

    And I definitely crave bread and greasy food, especially burgers and fries to cure my hangover.
  • ashleynicol3
    ashleynicol3 Posts: 187 Member
    How often do you go out? It looks like you have two cheat meals when you do this, the evening you drink and the day afterwards. It may make losing weight a lot harder. Sorry, but it is the honest truth. I think you have to find a happy medium between enjoying your life and creating a healthy lifestyle. Choose your nights out carefully and try your best to get back on track the following day. Good luck!

  • renegadecupid
    Usually, when I plateau, I have what I like to call "a fat kid moment" where I'll have chicken wings or an omelet without regret...even if it puts me over my daily limit. Funny part is that it boosts my metabolism into high gear and I end up losing more weight than if I try to ride the plateau out. A friend told me once that the body knows what it wants, and if it is craving something, within reason, have it. So long as you can stay under target the remainder of the week.
  • smith176
    smith176 Posts: 27 Member
    thanks for the feedback guys. I tend to go out about once every two weeks, so I'm kind of hoping that 1 or 2 bad days out of two weeks won't undo all of my work.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    While greasy fatty foods sound good, and your brain is telling you that that's what you want, what you really want is salt and sugar.

    Also, what your body wants is lots of good fresh food. Fat and all that gets in the way of your bodys ability to repair itself.

    I did a good bit of research on this as I was thinking of developing a hangover cure, I never did it because I started a different business. But, although it seems counter to what you want, you should eat a nice green salad, maybe a small serving of pasta. Then, a teaspoon of sugar or honey.

    Don't give in to the crappy food and you'll feel better faster.

    I can't answer to the effects of it all because I party a bit myself. I'm thinking of stopping for a while though. Not sure if I can, but I may give it a shot (pun intended).

    Things like Gatorade are great too as they have electrlites, salt, sugar, all of it. Also, you need tons and tons of water. Gallons of it.

    By the way, while its a pain in the butt, I've experimented with drinking alcohol and water together. So, for every alcohol drink, I also have a glass of water...I just down the water after each drink. When I've done this, I wake up with no hangover regardless of how much alcohol I drink. But, it's one for one all night. Do ths, and your hangover days are over. ...that will be $9.95 for anyone that just read that. Thx.
  • bigd65
    bigd65 Posts: 171 Member

    I used to work three jobs, school full-time, and party 6 nights a week. I was like a zombie and didn't even realize it. I thought I was livin it up! Now I'm 40 and really starting to live it up!

    Also, you will suffer consequences for more than 1 day. You will be dehydrate the the next day, depressed (even if you don't think you are), weak or flat out won't exercise and more.

    Plus, you felt guilty enough to ask us!?!

    This. agreed
  • Charloo1990
    Charloo1990 Posts: 619 Member
    thanks for the feedback guys. I tend to go out about once every two weeks, so I'm kind of hoping that 1 or 2 bad days out of two weeks won't undo all of my work.
    Thats similar to me then and im sure it won't cause it doesnt with me and i tend to drink loads lol. You can't stop going out just cause of your diet, you've got to have some life lol.
  • Charloo1990
    Charloo1990 Posts: 619 Member
    Even if I don't throw up, I always weigh less the next morning after a night of drinking.

    And I definitely crave bread and greasy food, especially burgers and fries to cure my hangover.
    Same with me sometimes. Without sounding gross alcohol seems to go straight through me, like i can't stop peeing on a night out plus you burn cals off dancing most the night lol.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Even if I don't throw up, I always weigh less the next morning after a night of drinking.

    And I definitely crave bread and greasy food, especially burgers and fries to cure my hangover.
    Same with me sometimes. Without sounding gross alcohol seems to go straight through me, like i can't stop peeing on a night out plus you burn cals off dancing most the night lol.

    Yeah, if you dance, that's great. I hate dancing, so... I just sit on a barstool and try not to get into a fight, stumble or crawl home, and wake up in my bed the next day, hopefully, or on my porch if I couldn't get the key in the door.
  • Charloo1990
    Charloo1990 Posts: 619 Member
    Even if I don't throw up, I always weigh less the next morning after a night of drinking.

    And I definitely crave bread and greasy food, especially burgers and fries to cure my hangover.
    Same with me sometimes. Without sounding gross alcohol seems to go straight through me, like i can't stop peeing on a night out plus you burn cals off dancing most the night lol.

    Yeah, if you dance, that's great. I hate dancing, so... I just sit on a barstool and try not to get into a fight, stumble or crawl home, and wake up in my bed the next day, hopefully, or on my porch if I couldn't get the key in the door.
    Haha lmao! I only ever once was found falling asleep on the doorstep of my house clutchin a McDonalds. God job my mum came outside to find me ha.
  • Nikki_42
    Nikki_42 Posts: 298 Member
    I don't agree with giving up going out. The point is to have a life you enjoy, not deprive yourself and be miserable right?

    I go out with my friends on most weekends. I just started MFP so the changes I made include:

    1- Being hyper aware of the number of drinks done (vs. shoting back a shot and not remember having it the next day)
    2- Counting every single tiny "oh I'll just have a bit of that" calories. If I have one tiny bite, I count it. A sip of someone's drink, I count it.
    3- If I know what restaurant we are going to, I'll look at the menu online beforehand and look at calorie counts. If the menu is horrible (Gordon Biersch!), I'll note how much of a portion I can eat.
    4- Exercise exercise exercise to cover the calories (this seems pretty effective to me)
    5- I cut out beer for wine and liquor. Sounds funny, but beer calories are ridiculously high to me, even the ones you think are lite beers.

    Just my two cents...:smile:
  • rcramer7
    rcramer7 Posts: 138 Member
    Don't get me wrong...You deserve to have a life! That's just it though. You have made a decision to IMPROVE your life! If you want to improve your life that's not gonna include drinking a lot and eating bad.

    Peeing and dancing doesn't help. Your peeing so much means your body is recruiting all the water it can to proccess the booze and is leaving you dehydrated. Not to mention it's bad for your liver, Dancing is great but, not so much if your drunk and dehydrated. It's gonna make you more dehydrated. Don't get me's fun. Not healthy though.

    The next all know what happens...wake up with a mostly empty 12pk on the porch, grease on your lips, thirsy, and the hmm let's see I remember doing this and that uhggg and that.....This is if your lucky.

    Sure the go out and have some fun is great AND healthy. That's normal life. 99% of us are not normal. Normal is have a beer, a glass of wine and go home. WE have a pitcher of beer or a bottle of wine and go pig-out at White Castle. That's not good.