what to do if you hate water?



  • entropy83
    entropy83 Posts: 172 Member
    suck it up? It's good for you, just chug it.

    Or use a straw. Water bottles with a straw help me kill water really fast. Also, have you tried different waters- this could pricey. I have a brita filter and prefer filtered over straight tap. Also, I love Fiji, Smartwater, and Pellgrino (carbonated) but this could help you ease into the process of drinking water when you are out and about, if you don't carry your own water botel.
  • nightsrainfall
    nightsrainfall Posts: 244 Member
    Buy a filter, experiment with different flavors. I like lemon water, lime water is interesting, mint is really good, cucumber water is also interesting. I like making very diluted ice tea. I've also tried adding strawberries, orange slices, or blueberries. The only thing with adding things to water is you have to make sure to drink it before it goes bad - the fresh fruit or herbs can go bad so it's something to be careful of.

    I don't like water from certain states so I have to filter it or sometimes start adding the things I suggested above. I use water bottles with the oz tracked on them so I can make sure I'm getting somewhat close to what I should be drinking for a day.

    You aren't alone - sometimes I have a very hard time drinking water as well. :-)
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    The MIO is about $3 at Walmart or Krogers comes in about 5 flavors or more. I have several that I keep at work. The sweet tea tastes really good, just like sweet tea. Kinda freaky really, lol. A few squirts in a 16 oz bottle of water and you are good to go. If you do that several times a day the bottle will last about a week.
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    I'm not fond of tap water either - I usually boil the water and drink it hot. And if you like herbal tea most of them are 0 cal. You could try the flavoured waters but they seem to be high in sodium.

    Good luck
  • luvmypoochie
    I used to hate water too - I still struggle to get my daily intake, I used to use crystal light until my good friend educated on the contents of that yummy flavouring, I slowly started drinking water, and now have no problem drinking it plain, I find that by making it a challenge makes it easier, I can only drink cold water, so every time I drink from a bottle, I count to 10 as I drink, next think you know you've drank 1/2 a bottle!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,669 Member
    I absolutely hate water! I hate the taste, I hate the non-taste, I hate the look...everything

    I only like it when I am verrrry thirsty!! I also hate putting lemon in it! YUCK!!!

    But i know that water is good for you. Any tips on what to do??
    Hate being overweight more than hate water. Water is essential in the program.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • kenscarlson
    kenscarlson Posts: 24 Member
    OMG. The ultimate first world problem. "I dont like drinking water" Im sorry, we just can never be friends after that statement.
  • amandammmq
    amandammmq Posts: 394 Member
    I have a several part comment with a question thrown in:

    1. For those who hate water, do you drink a lot of soda, soft drinks, flavored drinks?

    2. I love water. I am constantly drinking water. At a restaurant, even if I'm treating myself to a lovely meal, I'll ask for water.


    3. A few years ago, I was dating someone who drank a TON of soda. I started keeping it in the house, and started drinking it regularly, UNTIL... one day, WATER TASTED DISGUSTING.

    I was horrified and immediately stopped drinking soda and went back to plain water.

    My current theory is that your taste buds get used to the flavored drinks and don't like water any more. I should also add that the sodas I was drinking were diet, maybe that makes a difference.

    Anyway, my solution is to drink all water, all the time, except as a rare tasty treat. I tend to shy away from chemical additives, so my preference would be to stay away from powdered water additives, but your mileage may vary, as they say!

    What do people think? Could drinking diet sodas be a cause of thinking water tastes gross???
  • mzhokie
    mzhokie Posts: 349 Member
    I'm not a huge fan of water either unless it's in bottle... can't drink it out of glass. Not sure why.

    What I drink is decaf ice tea. It's still zero calories but I get some antioxidants out of it. I do try to drink about two glasses of water a day because there is still a trace of caffeine in decaf ice tea. I chug a glass in the morning with my vitamins etc. and a glass a night.

    Water is good for flushing out your system. So if you can find a way to drink at least a little, it's good for you.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    I cant drink any soda anymore now that ive switched to water, it just doesnt taste right now! It took about a month and a half for my body to decide that soda is not what it wants . So im all water with 3 cups of coffee every morning.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,669 Member
    I'm not a huge fan of water either unless it's in bottle... can't drink it out of glass. Not sure why.
    Bottled water is nothing more than tap water filtered a couple of more times. I've saved over $200 dollars a year switching from bottled water by putting in a filtering system under my sink. Whole thing cost me $50.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    I'm not a huge fan of plain water either, but I drink it. I fill up a 16 ounce glass of cold water (but not too cold) and chug it as fast as I can using a good old fashioned beer bong chug technique. (and people say you don't learn anything useful in college, NOT SO)

    I also drink lots of fresh brewed Iced Teas in a variety of flavors.
  • red_hatorade
    Try True Lemon products. They are sugar and artificial sweetener free and they have lemon, lime, orange and other flavors.

    You could also try sparkling water, my favorite is La Croix. They have lemon, lime, berry, grapefruit and a couple more I think.
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    I would probably try to find a whacky old white guy scientist who wears a tin foil hat and stares at the sky for hours, twitching and blinking his eyelids one at a time. Perhaps he could get you in touch with your species and have them fly you back to your planet.


    I've read that the whole "8 glasses of water" thing lost a bit of context, like a game of telephone. Supposedly, what is really important is that you get enough FLUID. There are plenty of juices and such that are low in sugar and calories. Probably try to avoid all "smart" beverages - mostly hype and sugar. Also, lots of foods (apples and such) are basically water. That counts too.

    Find something you like and stay hydrated.
  • Reignfyre
    Reignfyre Posts: 22 Member
    You don't like water because your taste buds have adjusted to the taste of "artificial crap". That is not a put down but a reality. I used to weight 450lbs and while I still struggle with weight I have made serious changes to my life in order to normalize. I used to be addicted to soda and the taste of sweet. I drank 2-3 6 packs a day no problem (hence part of the weight problem). Now I only drink 3 things: water, milk and tea. My suggestion is to get off of ALL drinks (especially artificially flavored ones...sugar is better than aspartame which is a poison). "Suck it up buttercup" as my military friend says and go 100% water 100% of the time. Give it several months and you will LOVE water. You will love what it does for your healthy body. Seriously, it is good for you. If the world continues there will be a day when people would give their right arm for the taste of a glass of water, our most precious resource.
  • Feathil
    Feathil Posts: 163 Member
    I use cordial like this, it has some calories but I'm ok with that
  • mandycasey
    mandycasey Posts: 274 Member
    I drink pints and pints of water but i can only drink it if its ice cold from the fridge xx
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    try flavoring it with something you do like, strawberries, orange slices, watermelon, blackberries, mint leaves. find a way to like it. I personally do like water, but I have found that I absolutely drink more of it if it is out of a container that I like. Weird, I know. Last year it was one of those insulated cups with a straw, but recently my friend got me one of the glass water bottles from Starbucks and I have been finding it SO much easier to get my water in!
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I absolutely hate water! I hate the taste, I hate the non-taste, I hate the look...everything

    I only like it when I am verrrry thirsty!! I also hate putting lemon in it! YUCK!!!

    But i know that water is good for you. Any tips on what to do??

    I buy the 330ml bottles of flavoured water, they're actually kids' bottled water but the size suits me, 9 calories per bottle and they contain no artificial flavourings or colourings.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I hate water too and our water is considered 'perfect' here. I rarely get thirsty so it's hard for me too, I feel your pain!
    We need to drink water and once I started drinking MORE of it, I felt better and my skin isn't as nearly dry as it was.
    First of all, any (food) liquid is considered water. Koolaid, popsicles, jello, soup, pasta, yogurt, fruit, smoothies etc. It doesn't all have to come from plain water. You can count coffee and tea, unlike what they used to say. I also count the water or milk I put in my oatmeal or cereal.
    I drink a small 8 oz cup of water, koolaid (diet), flavored vitamin waters, etc. with each meal, snack and with my handfull of pills I take daily. That adds up to about 7-8 so I'm good for the day. If I sweat a lot, I drink more.
    Buy a small, 8 ounce cup to drink from. It's almost the size of a juice cup, not the huge, tall glasses that most people think are 8 ounces. It's easier for me to drink if it's a small glass, not some huge 'thing' to conquer! lol
    Good luck to you. :)