what to do if you hate water?



  • lkblazek
    lkblazek Posts: 36
    I absolutely hate water! I hate the taste, I hate the non-taste, I hate the look...everything

    I only like it when I am verrrry thirsty!! I also hate putting lemon in it! YUCK!!!

    But i know that water is good for you. Any tips on what to do??

    I'm with you on this one ... How do you feel about lime? I can't stand the lemon, but I do like lime in it and it has to be very, very cold.
  • pinkhu13
    pinkhu13 Posts: 133
    You don't like water because your taste buds have adjusted to the taste of "artificial crap". That is not a put down but a reality. I used to weight 450lbs and while I still struggle with weight I have made serious changes to my life in order to normalize. I used to be addicted to soda and the taste of sweet. I drank 2-3 6 packs a day no problem (hence part of the weight problem). Now I only drink 3 things: water, milk and tea. My suggestion is to get off of ALL drinks (especially artificially flavored ones...sugar is better than aspartame which is a poison). "Suck it up buttercup" as my military friend says and go 100% water 100% of the time. Give it several months and you will LOVE water. You will love what it does for your healthy body. Seriously, it is good for you. If the world continues there will be a day when people would give their right arm for the taste of a glass of water, our most precious resource.

    I don't think that's necessarily true. At least not for everyone. I don't like pop so I don't drink it but once in a blue moon. If I would drink anything it would be some sort of juice (usually orange) and I don't even have that anymore. I can go a day or so without drinking a thing and not think twice about it. I just don't like the "taste" of water.
  • usedasbrandnew
    usedasbrandnew Posts: 300 Member
    Tazo Calm tea and Passion tea when brewed together... fruity and delicious. It's hibiscus and chamomile, and pink! No caffeine. :) They sell the Tazo teas at Wally, or Starbucks, other places too I'm sure.

    (I brew it, then ice or refrigerate it, as I'm not a fan of hot tea.)
  • ipsamet
    ipsamet Posts: 436 Member
    Try seltzer! I love water, but I like to mix it up with flavored seltzers too... raspberry lime, lemon, stuff like that. Bubbly and cold without all the junk in soda.
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    I start my day with coffee in the morning, green tea in the late morning, la croix in the afternoon and with dinner and calm tea before bed. That's enough liquid. La Croix is flavored carbonated water. Flavored. NOT sweetened. It takes some getting used to. I will also sometimes bring a bottle of water to work with me and keep it on my desk. Every hour or so I drink half a cup. It's better when the water is cool but not cold. I don't particularly enjoy it but I do feel better.
    Try drinking water in the summer. I'm in Georgia and the summers here are brutal. There will be entire months of 95 degree highs, 110 degree heat index and 90% humidity. And if you step outside at night it's still hot and the mosquitoes will suck you dry and the palmetto roaches will steal your wallet. Ice cold water is the most amazing thing in the world then. Nothing else tastes quite so good. Get a good glass of water when you're overheated and sweaty. A good positive experience with water may be just what you need.
  • Alaskasoutherngurl
    I use mio water flavor have 0 cals 0 carbs n so on it works really well cus if I was dying of thirst I still wouldn't have try water I dislike the taste that much
  • KaydeeMehl
    thank you everyone for such great advise!! I think I am going to be going to buy some MIO, Fuji(the only water i remember standing) and some seltzer water!!! I appreciate all the adice you all gave me :). it just shows what a great community MFP truly is!!! And totally dont let me stop you guys from posting more about what to do and try because as i read the posting (and i read every single one) I noticed I am not a lone and there is so many different people on here that are in the same boat as me. I will totally keep you all updated on my water sufferage lol.

    and to the people who were rude to me (not the people who said "something and so forth, i'm not trying to be rude) ..I totally believe you guys! But to the other people like the whole "we cannot be friends after that statement" dont post on someones thread unless you are actually there to help them or encourage them, because that could discourage people from actually trying and we are all here for a reason!! and that reason is to be healthy! and if we posted a thread its because we honestly want to change something and want help. There is enough ridicual in the world, we do not need it here in a place where so many people feel comftorable to "lay it all on the table."

    well anyway, thank you everyone! and I totally would love to hear more advice on how to conquer my aquaphobia or so to speak :). anyone on here feel free to friend me :) I'm always looking for more people to help out and to dual-motivate eachother :).
  • bechtel1979
  • teasdino
    teasdino Posts: 228 Member
    Maybe it is because you are used to sugar filled drinks? Water does have a taste. I do not like the taste of evian or aquafina. There are other brands I do like. I also like water from a filter, etc. It might be that your taste buds are used to the sugar in your drinks. That means you will not like water or most non sugar drinks till you get used to not having that sweetener.
    Now, having said that, here is what I would suggest. Try using hibiscus tea in your water. If you can not find it by itself look for TAZO brand teas. Their passion tea has it. It tase a bit like fruit flavored cool aid. Again, till your taste buds get used to no sugar things will taste off.
  • supergr33n
    supergr33n Posts: 69 Member
    I absolutely hate water! I hate the taste, I hate the non-taste, I hate the look...everything

    I only like it when I am verrrry thirsty!! I also hate putting lemon in it! YUCK!!!

    But i know that water is good for you. Any tips on what to do??

    I know the consensus is to drink something sugar-free, but, in my personal opinion, sugar-free anything is harmful. In two ways-

    1. Obviously we all know the SF chemicals are unhealthy- sure it tastes good, and it allows us to cheat on our mindful eating by allowing us to have something sweet, but it's man-made chemicals that has the ability to cause cancer, or a whole host of other problems. I am not preaching anti-SF, I've got a diet coke sitting right next to me, but I've reduced my intake of SF to once every 1-2 weeks in an effort to cut down. I'd rather have a small piece of real dessert, than a bigger serving of something that can harm me (over time of course). I've even found I crave fruit, and it's natural sweetness... just as I now crave water, once I started getting the SF crap out of my system. I just personally think the SF additives cancels out the benefit of drinking the water in the first place.

    2. In my weight loss trial and errors over the last 2 years, I've found SF-anything to be a hindrance to my weight loss. I can literally & steadily lose, roughly, a pound a week if I'm mindful of my eating... but occasionally I go overboard when I find a SF item I really enjoy, and eat/drink it like it's going out of style- on those weeks, for some weird reason, I maintain weight- not lose, no matter how much exercise I do, or how good I eat, even tho- say- diet coke is zero calories. But then, because I'm eating/drinking the SF item so frequently, it causes me to crave sweets like mad, I then lose control and start eating like crap (and don't drink water at ALL), for weeks.. and gain.. and feel guilty/angry for losing control. All because I discovered I looooooove. Love. diet coke (etc). It's been a rough 1.5 months recently because of this actually.. mmm diet coke.

    If you can't drink water because it's "nasty"... try looking at it as medicine- ya just gotta do it. Chug, not sip, 1 cup worth every few hours. Chug it, it's done, you don't have to worry about savoring the taste, and your body has the benefit of all that nice clean water. I love everyone's responses on how they take their water- I can't stand lukewarm water, or water with ice (too cold), I prefer it from the tap on it's coldest setting. :)

    As for options- invest in a filtered pitcher or water bottle? Play around with temperatures? Try adding orange or cucumber slices? I've found I don't like mineralized waters.. and the only bottled water that doesn't taste weird to me is Smart Water. And beware of labels- I've found tonic & seltzer water have a few calories in them.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    I use the Archer Farms natural drink mix packets. They are like Crystal Light but without the artificial sweeteners. (I hate the taste of the artificials, anyway!) My favorite is strawberry dragonfruit, and if I'm behind on water intake I mix up a drink or two and I'm good. Love them after workouts!
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    This is so condescending. While I agree that sometimes you need to give it time, I don't drink pop or anything like that, just a packet or two or the drink mixes I mentioned above a day if I get behind in my intake. This does not mean I love water. And as someone who works in real estate and is in and out of houses all day every day, every house can have a different taste to their water. I for one don't like the taste of bottled water very well. That's just me. I still drink it, but after all these years, I still don't love it. So that's not really a fair statement to make in my opinion.

    My reality - I drink water. It doesn't mean I like ALL water.

    You don't like water because your taste buds have adjusted to the taste of "artificial crap". That is not a put down but a reality. I used to weight 450lbs and while I still struggle with weight I have made serious changes to my life in order to normalize. I used to be addicted to soda and the taste of sweet. I drank 2-3 6 packs a day no problem (hence part of the weight problem). Now I only drink 3 things: water, milk and tea. My suggestion is to get off of ALL drinks (especially artificially flavored ones...sugar is better than aspartame which is a poison). "Suck it up buttercup" as my military friend says and go 100% water 100% of the time. Give it several months and you will LOVE water. You will love what it does for your healthy body. Seriously, it is good for you. If the world continues there will be a day when people would give their right arm for the taste of a glass of water, our most precious resource.
  • Wilson336
    Wilson336 Posts: 76
    Any grocery chain should have Mio. It's usually in the same area that you find Cool-Aid.

    I am in the same boat as you and hate plain water. I usually drink carbonated flavored water or diet soda. I haven't tried Mio yet because it was kind of pricey for a little bottle, but I will likely try it soon. I have no qualms about artificial sweeteners. If you read the studies about it causing cancer, you will see that the doses they gave the lab animals before seeing any negative effects was the equivalent of drinking about 500 cans of soda at once. If you have that much of anything at one time it's not going to end well for you....
  • canroadrunner
    canroadrunner Posts: 203 Member
    Try Sassy water recipe

    Also, keep a shot glass in kitchen, every time you go by, take a shot. Gets it down without having to face the whole glass.
  • KaydeeMehl
    Try Sassy water recipe

    Also, keep a shot glass in kitchen, every time you go by, take a shot. Gets it down without having to face the whole glass.

    i love this idea!!!! and i think I'm going to try it :)
  • Wilson336
    Wilson336 Posts: 76
    The MIO is about $3 at Walmart or Krogers comes in about 5 flavors or more. I have several that I keep at work. The sweet tea tastes really good, just like sweet tea. Kinda freaky really, lol. A few squirts in a 16 oz bottle of water and you are good to go. If you do that several times a day the bottle will last about a week.

    Good to know! The only thing that has stopped me from buying it was that I figured that little bottle would only last a day or so.
  • Tskitzo
    Tskitzo Posts: 42
    I always add to my water, I can handle it plain, but it gets old fast and I only really like it cold but my teeth are now sensitive to the cold. :( I use Mio (found at Wal-mart where I am), 4c (it has pink lemonade, fruit punch), or some sort of Crystal Light flavour. The first two are 0cal, (not sure about the fruit punch flavour, but the lemonade is), and the Crystal Light only has 5.

    I used to be majorly addicted to soda, but since my husband and I are trying to lose weight, we usually only have a soda if we're eating out somewhere, or with friends. Our soda in-take has cut drastically, we rarely keep it in the house. So we're stuck with water and flavour. xD

    Also, to the people who are being rude and negative, like the poster who said "Suck it up, Buttercup", if you haven't got anything NICE to say, keep your trap shut. >:( You're supposed to be helpful and supportive..
  • dianacannon89
    dianacannon89 Posts: 235 Member
    You get over it!
  • suem107
    suem107 Posts: 1
    I hate water too! One word Propel!
  • OccupyFitness
    It is hard for me to drink water, too. I find it helps me to drink hot water. I have a glass jar and I fill it half with cold water and then half with hot water.