what to do if you hate water?



  • RahRahRiotSC
    RahRahRiotSC Posts: 29 Member
    I agree with the MIO suggestion. It is very tasty. I also hate lemon. When I go to a restaurant and get water I ask if they can put LIME in the water instead of lemon. Most of the time it's not a problem. At home I'll make a pitcher of water and put thin slices of limes and oranges (and maybe a slice of lemon or two)... it's very pretty in a clear pitcher so it's nice if you have people over for lunch or perfect for brunches.
  • Bridge_CG
    Bridge_CG Posts: 429 Member
    Cucumber and lemon. Oh so yummy in water!
  • i_am_losing_it
    i_am_losing_it Posts: 310 Member
    Try adding a few drops of an extract. They come in many flavors and you can choose a flavor that is suitable for your taste. Make sure you try room temperature, hot and cold with ice because the temperature can make it taste very different.
  • I hate water too. I also hate milk and beer. So, people think I am crazy. I try to make myself drink water and it is true, you will get to like it more and crave it once you drink it for a few weeks. Otherwise, I love the Crystal Lite.
    WHITLOEB Posts: 2 Member
    I was in your place about a year ago. i started with Crystle Lite. Then for me that started tasting really sweet so thats when I made the switch to plain water.
  • Crystal light is really good and sugar free...my kids prefer it over koolaid.
  • YummyTpn
    YummyTpn Posts: 334 Member
    I think maybe the more you have it, the more you will crave it? I don't know what else, there isn't really any way around it.
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    suck it up? It's good for you, just chug it.

    Or use a straw. Water bottles with a straw help me kill water really fast. Also, have you tried different waters- this could pricey. I have a brita filter and prefer filtered over straight tap. Also, I love Fiji, Smartwater, and Pellgrino (carbonated) but this could help you ease into the process of drinking water when you are out and about, if you don't carry your own water botel.
    Agree!! I wasn't a fond water drinker either when I first started and had to suck it up. Now I drink at least 10 cups a day. Think of it as flushing out all those toxins now that you are eating right!! Suck it up! Or suck it down with a straw!!! I refill my water bottles once with tap before tossing to save money :drinker:
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    Treat it like medicine and chug it, rather than "drinking" it.

    I don't mind the taste of water, but I don't get thirsty. I just don't. I'm a camel. And drinking liquids when you're not thirsty....isn't pleasant. When I'm not careful, I might get to the end of a day having had less than 16 ounces total of *any* beverage. Yikes!

    So, I chug. 16 ounces when I wake up. Done. Now I'm free to not drink any liquids for 4 hours if I so choose.
    Before lunch. I chug another 16 ounces. Done. Free.
    Before dinner...you get the picture.

    And I usually just let myself off with that. I figure I'll get the other 16 ounces I may or may not need from food or the occasional sip.

    You may find that you come to hate the taste of water less over time. BUT, it doesn't really matter if you do or don't. So I wouldn't spend a whole lot of time trying to make it "taste" better or enjoyable. We do lots of things that aren't enjoyable. Brush our teeth. Mop the floor. Go to boring work meetings. As long as they aren't truly noxious, we just get use to it, and that's good enough. And we get use to it because it just becomes part of our routine. We don't think about it, we just do it. So, just do it.
  • CampKelly
    CampKelly Posts: 172 Member
    I start my day with a green tea from Starbucks. When I'm half way done I fill it with water and more ice and I keep doing that all day. But I'm going to go buy the MIO after reading all these posts. I LOVE fruit punch, just thought it was off limits :drinker:
  • Amberetta82
    Amberetta82 Posts: 153 Member
    MIO!!! Its the best....zero everything and plenty of flavors to choose from. Just don't get the energy one as it has sugar.

    I second this!!! MIO is the best thing I have ever gotten to help me to drink water!!! I love the orange flavored one the most. I also love the cheap lemonade one from Wal-mart.

    also, I love Dasani water more than any other brand. Idk why. I have the same problem as you too btw. Blegh on plain water.
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    I hate it to, I drink sparkling flavoured.
  • Just suck it up, get over it and drink it.
  • Feathil
    Feathil Posts: 162 Member
    Just suck it up, get over it and drink it.

    You'll drink way more of something you like more than something you don't like, much more easily.
  • OMG. The ultimate first world problem. "I dont like drinking water" Im sorry, we just can never be friends after that statement.

    I agree.

    this is the stupidest **** I've ever read. If you want to be so judge-y then why would WE want to be friends with YOU? GFYS.

    THANK YOU!!! that is what im saying!!!!
  • Claible
    Claible Posts: 106 Member
    I hated the flavor of our water too. I also hated the flavor of filtered water that sat in a jug in the fridge. I invested in a water filter (made by Due Pont) that hooks to the kitchen faucet. Now I have fresh filtered water every time I want a drink. I also have to have it super cold so I add lots of ice (which I also filter). If I need a flavor I add MIO. It has been my favorite water additive because of 0 calories in all of them and no bitter taste of artificial sweeteners. I hope you can find something that works for you!

    Also I know Caffeine is not good for you (I know I am going to hear about it by saying this) but, if you drink a lot of caffeine and need a fix MIO is now making at least 2 flavors with caffeine and I love both. Black cherry and Green Thunder? I love them both.
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Most of these suggestions have already been made, but...

    * try different temperatures
    - some water that I hate at room temperature is ok with ice or chilled
    - or try heated with tea
    * filter your water
    - where I grew up there was lots of iron in the soil, and so in the water. It had a horrible, metallic taste.
    - some people are more sensitive to the taste of additives they put into drinking water to make it safe or protect your teeth, like fluoridation
    - in some places, even the tap water is a bit salty
    * try no or low cal flavorings
    - you don't like lemon, do you like other citrus (I prefer lime.)
    - or do you like mint? A bit of crushed mint can add a nice flavor.
    * try smaller quantities at a time
    - just sitting (or better standing) there drinking water is not many people's idea of a good time, but...
    - keep a bottle or glass of water by you and sip it while you're doing other things, and you may not notice the taste as much
    * try carbonated water
    - there are many different kinds so check out a few, but be careful, some add sweeteners or salt (which can be good or bad depending on your situation)
    - I started with the Cap flavored water, but eventually got used to plain water and actually prefer it now.
    Remember that as you get used to different food (and drinks) and ways of eating your sense of what's good may change. I know that once I take some of the super-sweetened things out of my diet, I become more sensitive to the sweetness in other things. So give yourself a few days to get used to the change. Like any other habit it may be hard at first.
    Good luck!
  • supergr33n
    supergr33n Posts: 69 Member
    So, I chug. 16 ounces when I wake up. Done. Now I'm free to not drink any liquids for 4 hours if I so choose.
    Before lunch. I chug another 16 ounces. Done. Free.
    Before dinner...you get the picture.

    ^^ This. I have one of those huge hospital water "mugs" they give ya when you've been admitted.. it holds like 30 ounces.. I try to drink 2 of those a day.

    Oh- and the straw idea- it helps, too!
  • Leigh_D
    Leigh_D Posts: 356 Member
    You don't like water because your taste buds have adjusted to the taste of "artificial crap". That is not a put down but a reality. I used to weight 450lbs and while I still struggle with weight I have made serious changes to my life in order to normalize. I used to be addicted to soda and the taste of sweet. I drank 2-3 6 packs a day no problem (hence part of the weight problem). Now I only drink 3 things: water, milk and tea. My suggestion is to get off of ALL drinks (especially artificially flavored ones...sugar is better than aspartame which is a poison). "Suck it up buttercup" as my military friend says and go 100% water 100% of the time. Give it several months and you will LOVE water. You will love what it does for your healthy body. Seriously, it is good for you. If the world continues there will be a day when people would give their right arm for the taste of a glass of water, our most precious resource.

    ^^^ THIS
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    OMG. The ultimate first world problem. "I dont like drinking water" Im sorry, we just can never be friends after that statement.
