post-alcohol cravings



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    I find it amusing that we're discussing this on the day after St. Patrick's the States it is a day of drinking way too much.

    I don't think it is going to make you gain weight if you do it once a week. But the alcohol does cause lots of problems in general, both regarding the food choices during and after drinking, and the way your body processes the alcohol itself.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I dunno how often you go out, for me its probs 2-3 fri/saturdays in a month and as i say, it doesnt affect my weight loss at all cause im good at making up for it but if its affecting u then maybe do something different. I wouldnt go as far as t sa don't go out as often cause what the point, lifes for living. Where do u draw the line.

    How much have you lost doing this?
    And how do your macro and micronutrients look?
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I guess I'm pretty lucky...when I drink, I just crave more alcohol. Not food.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I guess I'm pretty lucky...when I drink, I just crave more alcohol. Not food.

    A far better way to be... and generally far more entertaining.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I guess I'm pretty lucky...when I drink, I just crave more alcohol. Not food.
    A far better way to be... and generally far more entertaining.
    I have been told I'm quite entertaining when I drink...
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I guess I'm pretty lucky...when I drink, I just crave more alcohol. Not food.
    A far better way to be... and generally far more entertaining.
    I have been told I'm quite entertaining when I drink...

    I believe there may be truth in that....
  • kosygirl67
    Hi Smith,

    those big nights out with alcoholic drinks and food overtime will add up and affect overall weight loss plus your health! You are 19 - so good time to start being healthy and cut out some "big nights" - limit to once or twice a month...??
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    So far as your weight loss is concerned its down to the good old equation.

    (Calories in - Calories out)/3500 = weight change in lbs

    To throw some general numbers at this, say your calories out is 2,000 per day (around average for a moderately active woman)

    Sunday thru Thursday you stick to a healthy diet and eat 1,500 calories per day.
    Friday you are healthy until you hit the town, another 1,500 calories.
    Friday night you hit the town and have 8 alcopops 1,360 calories (about 170 each)
    Saturday you eat unhealthy 2,500 calories

    So the equation for the week

    Calories in = 12,860, Calories out = 14,000 so you would be losing 1/3lb per week

    If you stuck to the healthy diet of 1,500 calories per day you would lose 2lb per week

    So if you are somewhere near to the person I just made up your night out would mean that your weight loss would take 6 times longer than if you did not do the nights out.
  • toomanycurves
    toomanycurves Posts: 110 Member
    Going out and drinking a lot can be fun. Part of the reason you crave food is that because alcohol is quickly metabolized as a sugar, placing serious huge demands on your pancreas's capacity to deliver insulin. After a night of partying, your exhausted endocrine system needs help in the form of a quick sugar fix. And so it sets up cravings to get you to eat high glycemic foods. You can't trick nature. After several drinks in quick succession, you body will crave simple carbs including, possibly, another drink!:drinker:
  • sarahc001
    sarahc001 Posts: 477 Member
    The only thing that really matters here is how you answer the question: "How do I want to get from here to there?" There are plenty of people on this site who are gung-ho to get results as quickly as possible, or are willing to make sweeping changes to their diet and lifestyle in one fell swoop. I personally am not that type...I have good and bad days, but try to keep things at a deficit for the week. I have decided that I am in this for the long haul, and if that means starting something I can stick to and only dripping 0.5lb a week, it's what I will do. Last year I was on MFP for just under two months and lost 10lbs by diligently following the MFP guidelines. Then due to a combination of circumstances and a few days of unhealthy eating, I gave up and gained back my loss.

    However this time I am doing things differently and allowing myself to splurge once in a while, since I am finding that it keeps me happier. For me, being happy in this journey will keep me trucking along. I have been doing this for 50 days, and have lost at about half the rate that I did last time, but I'm just not feeling deprived at all this time around. If the weight comes off more slowly, I'm still better off becoming more healthy than trying to scrutinize my macros to ensure that they are perfect every day, then becoming depressed and going into free fall and giving up if I'm not 100%. I'm sure there are plenty MFP-ers that do everything the "right" way all of the time, and that's great for them. They are also the ones that will likely criticize your diet and exercise imperfections, and make you feel like crap and make you want to give up (despite their best intentions) if you don't live up to THEIR ideal of how YOU should conduct YOUR journey to better health.

    My advice- for what it is worth- is find out what works for you. Take things slowly. Make a goal to institute a small change to either your diet or your fitness each week. Start by being honest with yourself. What will make you ultimately continue on this path? Are you motivated by losing two pounds in a week eating absolutely clean? Are you motivated by knowing you are making healthier choices in your life, even if it means losing more slowly? Only you know what will work best for you. And no, I don't think you will "ruin" your diet if you go out and drink once a week....:drinker:
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    I dunno how often you go out, for me its probs 2-3 fri/saturdays in a month and as i say, it doesnt affect my weight loss at all cause im good at making up for it but if its affecting u then maybe do something different. I wouldnt go as far as t sa don't go out as often cause what the point, lifes for living. Where do u draw the line.
    It WILL affect weight loss...if you didn't binge drink and binge eat all those calories you'd lose a lot MORE weight more than likely plus be more likely to be active the next day instead of moping about hungover. Also it's not great for your body if you're trying to get FIT and HEALTHY too.

    You may still lose weight but read the afore mentioned other points!