Any one else doing this again?

jaena4 Posts: 175 Member
I lost 50 pounds or so about 10 years ago and then gained it all back plus about 30 more, so I'm doing this again. I'm about 28 pounds in so far, so I've still got a long ways to go. I need to stay motivated to not only lose the weight but to learn how to maintain once I get there. Please feel to add me if you need motivation too or if you too are doing this again!


  • jaabee11
    jaabee11 Posts: 322 Member
    I think most of us have probably done exactly that.
    I'm making this the very last time. That's why It's important this is something I can maintain not some lose weight fast crash diet. This is the time I concentrate on getting healthy more than weight loss. Your in right place for encouragement. Good luck.
  • maddiedog22
    maddiedog22 Posts: 116
    I'm losing the sane amount again but prob for different reasons. Had a baby in 2009 and my weight never went off naturally so I worked out. Lost about 25lbs only to find out I was expecting again and the same thing happened. So I aim to lose another 10lbs. We can all achieve our goals no matter what the reason is to how we got here.
  • Louise1583
    Louise1583 Posts: 97 Member
    Kinda yeah, I lost 35lb a year or so ago, maintained for that amount of time, sort of fluctuating between 7lb over the year, and now I'm back on it to complete my initial 42lb goal.

    The fact that I mostly managed to maintain over a year gives me hope that once this last 12lb has gone, I'll be done with it and then will completely focus on increasing my muscle mass and overall fitness (without bringing the scales into the equation!).

    Good luck everybody.
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    Yeah, I lost weight in high school..about 35 lbs..Went to college lost some more, but second semester gain the Freshman 15+. Thereafter, I gained slowly but surely in nursing and graduate school to a tune of 60 lbs.
  • confuzzledwife
    confuzzledwife Posts: 142 Member
    Yes! I lost 45 lbs about 8 yrs ago.. I kept it off for a good amount of time then eventually gained it back PLUS. So here I am giving this a go for the 2nd and LAST time! I'm down 19 so far, still have a long way to go! We can do this together!!
  • linsey76A
    linsey76A Posts: 102
    I think most of us are in a similar situation. I had at one time lost just over 100 pounds, only to gain it all back and it brought 15 of its friends. Have a long way to go all over again, but I am going to be sure that this time around I do things right so that I can keep it off. Good luck to us all! :flowerforyou:
  • LauraSkipper
    LauraSkipper Posts: 21 Member
    I promise you I would be skinny had I not ever started a diet LOL I always gain back and then some! A while back I was watching the today show and a lady revealed her new body and she made the statement, "I don't need the red velvet cake anymore, I have been there and done that." Something clicked inside of me and I decided I need to do this for me. I am not dieting, I am on a life change eating better for me! I am reading George Cruise 8 minutes in the mroning and this book is helping me to understand healthy eating and taking care of my body. I am down 20 pounds and I feel great to be in a size 14 jean again. We can do this and keep it off!
  • jaena4
    jaena4 Posts: 175 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement everybody! I'm trying to keep in mind that I'm not on a 'diet,' but instead I'm changing my eating and exercise habits for life. I'm doing well so far I think, but such a long journey is daunting! I agree with what several people have said - this might not be my first time doing this, but it will be my LAST!
  • Kimbee08
    Kimbee08 Posts: 3
    Yes, of course you are not alone. Let's make this the last time. Lifestyle change, that's all, not a diet. We are all worth it! Good Luck to you and all of us who are willing to try.