SSRI's (antidepressants/anxiety meds) and appetite/weight ga

I've recently come off my medication after 2 years. 6 months after starting it I put on 20 lbs! I was eating like a HORSE I was hungry ALL THE TIME. I've slowly reduced the dosage and finally come off them 10 days ago. Only when I had reduced the dose quite considerably was I able to lose any of the weight (only started losing in January).

Now I am off them completely my appetite has DISAPPEARED. It is like I have to force myself to eat food. In a way that is good, b/c I won't be stuffing my face with brioche anymore, but on the other hand I don't want to feel like I did before where I was too anxious to eat much. I feel a little bit of underlying anxiety since I've come off the medication, but nothing unmanageable and I hope it'll adjust soon.

My Q is, has anyone else had experience with these meds and appetite issues? I'm wondering if my appetite increased b/c I was less anxious, or if it was the meds themselves. Like, am I less hungry now b/c I am more anxious, or b/c the appetite increasing effect of the medicine is gone? I have NO IDEA what a normal appetite is any more!

I would really like to feel hungry again (but not too much haha) and be able to enjoy food without feeling anxious...


  • bump??
  • I'm on fluoxetine, and I have such a big appetite now! I've also put on 3 stone (!) which I'm trying to lose now. Congrats for coming off the meds though! That's fantastic :happy:
  • There are a lot of meds for depression that cause weight gain. It's a pretty common side effect. I personally eat more when I am anxious, so I would assume it would be the meds. You might want to talk to your Dr about other possible solutions for your anxiety. There are some meds that don't cause weight gain or try yoga or meditation to combat your anxiety. As far as not feeling hungry enough, I have never had that problem so I can't be of much help : )
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    I went on Zoloft many years ago during a stressful/difficult time. I immediately began to gain weight. After 3 months, I stopped taking them because the weight gain was worse to me than the other issues in my life. I think it is both the drugs, and the fact that you are "feeling better" on them.

    I found that I would rather be stressed/depressed with life's ups & downs and deal with it than be stressed/depressed due to weight gain. :laugh: :laugh:

    I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV, so check with your doctor before taking any advice from me:bigsmile:
  • I have been on citalopram for the last few months for anxiety issues and have noticed the opposite effect. I have no appetite at all and sometimes have to force myself to eat. My doctor put me on this one because she claims it has the least amount of side effects and issues with weight gain. I have had no other side effects aside from the lack of appetite, which I definitely don't mind some days;)
  • mtbell68
    mtbell68 Posts: 1 Member
    As someone said - many psychotropics can cause weight gain - including many of the SSRI's - prozac doesn't tend to - which makes it a good starting choice for people overly concerned about weight issues - to help with adherence. Mood stabilizers and atypical antipsychotics can also balloon people up (big weight like 50-75 lbs). Not everybody gets these adverse effects though - but some people are particularly sensivtive to it.