I am new at this exercise/dieting! I am asking help from people so when I go food shopping next time I can buy more healthier foods than the bad foods I am buying.. So someone please HELP!!


  • Lukazetta
    Lukazetta Posts: 427 Member
    Slow digestive carbs (for example, whole wheat products, brown rice, beans, oat bran cereal..etc), this way you won't feel as hungry all the time and your blood sugar levels will be more stable.

    Lean proteins (can be expensive), if you google search them you can have an idea.

    Saturated fats (trans fats are what you want to avoid), again google them.

    Good luck!
  • cejubitz
    cejubitz Posts: 21 Member
    Shop around the perimeter of the store; start in the produce section. Load up on vegetables, salads, fruits! Pick up some low fat dressing. Grab some nuts (almonds, sunflower seeds and walnuts) from the bulk section. Have some lean meats on hand like a bag of frozen chicken breasts, so you can defrost and cook one at a a time. Or a bag of frozen shrimp. Cook those and toss them on a salad!

    When you swing by the dairy section, pick up some low fat or non fat greek yogurt - rich in protein!

    Good luck with learning to eat and cook a new way. One helpful podcast is the Nutrition Diva, or you could listen to the Get Fit Guy, and one I just found is Fat to Fit.

  • MarieTia
    MarieTia Posts: 13
    Thank you Both!
  • Feathil
    Feathil Posts: 162 Member
    Just about Greek yoghurt - I find the low fat versions have more sugar, and I don't tend to go over on my fat, so I stick to the normal fat brands to avoid the sugar. Would you say normal or low fat is the most popular on MFP?
  • sma83
    sma83 Posts: 479 Member
    I buy fat free milk, non fat plain greek yogurt, lots of fruits and frozen veggies, chicken breasts, turkey cutlets, reduced fat cheese, light salad dressings, nuts, orowheat sandwich thins instead of reg bread. I have recently found lightly salted fritos that taste exactly the same as the reg ones but only have 80mg of sodium per serving. I find that watching my sodium intake helps with weight loss too. I drink 12oz of water with 1 tablespoon of apple cidar vinegar in it everyday. Tastes awful but its a natural diruetic. Where water goes, salt follows. It has helped me. Hope this helped. Good luck with your new life style change.
  • MarieTia
    MarieTia Posts: 13
    Thank You!
  • Avoid boxed and packaged foods, all loaded with salt and calories. Fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats in reasonable amounts.